The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky (2024)

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JU WJ I Page 2 THE DAILY MESSENGER DANVILLE KY iore under this und paid the Sirs Underwood WE PAY 4 ON SAVINGS 'V Mrs A Cheek President Cook Cashier I GETS BIG RESULTS ham have returned to their it to INSURANCE IRE and TORNADO IKJ When One Decides NOTICE Once DANVILLE ICE Phones: Plant 23 and 24 'f 4 5 is the only word that expresses the results obtained from I the use of writes Giltner V' 4 A ture will demonstrate the use of home made labor saving equipment in the loading and spreading of marl in 23 counties during the summer Mrs George Aldridge of Danville spent a day last week Mrs Allie Pittman Airs Minnie Carr of Harrodsburg spent last week with her sister Mrs vVilliam Nevius Jr and Air Nevius and is this week the guest of 'another sister Mrs Wesley Ohlsen and Mr Ohlsen COOK DURHAM At Citizens Bank Carload On Track Place Your Order At Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Danville Ky Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday SUBSCRIBE OR THE MESSEN GER AND GET ALL THE NEWS Mrs Aimer 'Brickings nee Miss Edna Carter of Cincinnati is here for a visit to her parents Mr and Carter Mrs Raymond Phillips has christened Albert Phillips" Pays to Advertise A few weeks ago Mr IN SATISYING our clients so well they are always pleased to recommend their friends to this institution so that they too can join forces with us and enjoy the many advantages of satisfactory banking By Edson Waite Shawnee Oklahoma 1 Mr Marshall Crow has returned from a visit to relatives and friends in Indiana only rebuilt a replica of Old ort Harrod but have followed their action up by getting the State of Kentucky to take it over as a state shrine ar 1 have advertised it over the country until now trie Ohl ort 'attracts vis itors from all over the" country and some from foreign countries And when the visitors come the people of Harrodsburg knojv how to entertain them The mday was a credit to the pep ple of our neighboring towh The pro gram was put on in a fine way and the banquet at night which was attended by over 400 per sons was given in a systematic and splendid style It required hard work and cost a lot of money but the Har rodsburg folks did it a ond Mrs Cleland fnessconeerns of the home city They ana (tneir numerous can furnish you what you want andi usually at a little less than you can yt buy elsewhere THAT prosperity for a city de our pends upon its industry and business i az i di i zt nu i iin to ii 4t pne nume cny xnKes jaith to make for a city is not only a problem for your money at home IT MAKES A careful study of the needs of each customer so it is able to lit into his requirements DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK Can Mrs Herbert McGraw and son Master Lloyd Reed McGraw and Miss Cinda Ann McGrawof Danville were recent gpests of Mr and Mrs Price and Master WarremRowe Mr Andrew Hanco*ck a well known barber of Bowling Green who was called here on account of the death of hi aged fahcr Mr Iltanco*ck and was accompanied by his friend Dr Neal an evangclis of the Baptist church left for their home Sunday afternoon the local business men but is a prob lem for the entire citizenship for prosperity for a community can only be gained by better business for the community THAT too many communities are handicapped by having too many citi zens who cam money at home and spend it elsewhere THAT some people say "BUY AT and then forget to do Jt themselves What kind of city would your ctiy be if all citizens were like heip THAT money spent in your city makes your city grow Every citizen must hnvn faith in vice president 1 the original faun relief bill for which so many of his colleagues voted know I 4 I Zkl 1 ZV ZX XbzX1I zx 4 tuabuuuuugt wuuiu vuiu jl luuh he voted against overriding the What is needed however is not re lief under such machination as the McNary Haugen bill 'which would place the cost on the shoulders of the farmers but a readjustment which would work in the favor Despite the gesture of the nomina tion of Curtis from all indications the West is not satisfied and will not be satisfied hr the words of Norris of Nebraska leader of the farm block inthe senate a direct slap is adminis tered to uie farmers of the After wh: try have face should Lexmgtor PARKSVILLE June 18 JJr Wesley Blasse son Mr and Mrs red Blasse off luscola III and Watts guests sen Mr and Mrs Dallas Rowe of ton North Cqplina Air and SERVING OUR Depositors so well pleasing them in every way has been the conduct of this bapk favor has been chcsen for VACATION HOMES WANTED vice president Ho voted in favor of OR LOUISVILLE CHILDREN The Danville Daily Messenger is co The meeting of the Mis sionary Society of the irst Baptist church has been postponed from Tues day until riday of this week in order to have an address by Miss Miller of I the Louisville Training Schpol' Thej meeting will be held at 3 in the Men's Bibl0 Class rpom All woman'of the church and congregation are cord 1 ially invited tobe present Pocahontas DaoviHe Daily leuenger 1 rens Bureau and The Courier Journal nd The Louisville Tinies to find fani ilies in this county which will enter tain children for a vacation of a week or two weeks Citizens of Louisville through subscriptions sent to the resh Air und of the Courier Jour nal and The Times pay th? trans portation and laundry for every child for whom a home is found (Last year 164 children of poorer families who otherwise could not have had vacations were given out llirrc nV Wool wx uiviv uiiun plan The resh Air railroad and bus fare of every young guest All boys and girls had to pass physical examinations at clinics ar ranged and supervised by the Child urcau before they wepe permit ted to leave Louisville Mrs lornce Nixon Hodge who has haij experience in amily Welfare organizations in Los Angeles Calif and Minneapolis Minn is devoting her full time to the resh Air cam paign fop the Bureau Mr Hodge is superintendent of the Bap is a small Hospital in Louisville town the citizens of'that town do Mrs Hodge expects that 250 boys ADMIRAL JOHN STOUT! Dr John Stout member of the state election commission and pro prietor of Theatre in Danville was commissioned admiral i of Her rington Lake Snturdav hv Actins? Governor James Breathitt Jr' The I Lexington Herald advises giving Ad 1 miral Stout a row boat but we I gest giving him a gun boat The js very much interested in fisjiingnd in conservation per haps akgun boat would be useful him in seeing that the new fishing law is observed Mrs A Pipes and Mrs Herman Masden of Lebanon Junction after a I ROM USE MARL vis't to aijd Mrs Charles II Cra ters qf 'the it the fanners of the ebun lood a mere slap in the not be considered serious Herald Citizens National Bank Danville Ky COAL COMPANY Than 30 Years in Phone 2nd St Store 6 and 1 JK I 'I it i i i 1 I Air and Mrs Price Master Warren Rowe Mr and Mrs Price and son Mr William Price motored to Brooklyn and High Bridge I and Wilmore Sunday They met Mr uu mrs uanas Kowe ot Canton North Carolina and some friends from Lebanon at High Bridge where they spread their lunch which was enjoyed by all to the fullest TELEPHONE The service of this Agency is as near as the nearest tele phpe ire windstorm auto mobile and all other lines of de pendable insurance Accurate information cheerfully given ARRIS JR Phone 541 Danville Ky Night Phone 1161 Mr McBrayer Ky over to spend' the Baptis me weeu enu wim Jir riscoe brothers Messrs Bailey and Clarence Briscoe Mrs Sarah Smith of Moun hi ho lowmArt I THE EJipATTDEP EARTHS (Thye can be no question of the ser iousness of the revolt of thewestern farmers against reactionary Republi Canism as crystallized in the Repub lican national convention in Kansas City an4 as symbolized in Herbert Hqoygr As to the McNary Haugen bill The Herald has agreed with Mr Coolidge that it is economic folly and it is not convipqyd that the farmers of the United States want any burdens mas querading under the name of relief It caqnpt be denied however that Coolidge promised and did not give It can not be denied that the far jmeys hc United States as a whole and aIi fortGnate enough to be pres have pot profited from tariff cnt joved tho oecasion We protection which increases all they TT 'Make our hats off to our good Har buy while they must sell upon the u'odsburg neighbors jahntterpn wnrln mnrkph With farm leaders storinitig the Very doors of the 'national convention in Kansas City demanding recognition and promises that answer Was flatly' against them Governor'' rank' 0 Lowden able and of unquestionable sincerity in advocating the cause refused after he learned what the platform would be to stand for thq nomination Curtis of Kansas majority leader in fhe upper house of congress during the session that has failed to bring any semhlanye of readjustment in tha Boyle Supply Company Phone 210 4 merest McGraw of Dan ville for! his prayers and words ot comfort to Dr Neal of Bow 1 ling Green Ky for ministering to us in our hours of dire distress" May choicest blessings jne to all who by word act or deed aided tis Sincerely Mrs Samuel Hanco*ck and Childrenl The son that recently arrived to I art! Thanks kin nr 'a' arc grateful to vw Miv IJUIUC Ut ui cuiu i vi triMD nn ncirxhSAvo ii i been ueuig Show your faith spend near with Stith Nichol funeral home 421 WEST MAIN STREET I DAY PHONE 110 NIGHT 363 356 Mr Hanco*ck's uneral After a brief service at the Into Aliv (George heme of Samuel Hanco*ck con of Arthur 111 were recent lucte by Dr Neal of Howling of Mr and Mrs Wesley Ohl Green his remains were taken' to Ellisburg in Casey county near his) former home of many years whera To make use of the funeral hom*o in iiiq hnur iW of trouble he has made a wise move It i iU decision to make use of the ULL equipment that we have available rather than just a part of it!" Our funeral home combines the IN privacy and beau'iesof the ordinary residence lul with the conveniencbs tind facilities of the modern mortuary establishment Subscription Rtes By City Oqe yqqr J300 Six Months $150 One Month 40c One Week 10c By Saute as above except )in jBoye nd adjoining counties where the rate ia $liO for one nd $100 for six months CURTIS ALco*ck gditor STERLING TOWLES City Editor I JACKSOSupt Job Printing Summer Weather delayed in its cominc is now unon us During the lone henteHi erm tho GQMORTjhan that afforded by the liberal use of ICE and the PERECT RKRIGERATIQNthat ICE ALWAYS AORDS AiEK It is essential however to knpw that the ICE that you buy is rendering its MAXIMUM SERVICE We sell a complete line of excellent RERIGERATORS and l' i it 'I Watch your refrigerator and if yoh think it is not ICE as it'shnnkl telonhnnn no oni to advise you as to repairs or replacement wiuiout cost RERIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES of all sizes arid ATTRACTIVELY PRICED OUR ICE IS MANUACTURED ROM DISTILLED WATER A COMPLETE LINE EEDS ALWAYS IN STOCK Harlan Stearns Black Betsy and King Coal THAT you will always find your advantage to buy from the husi Air and Airs Roy Nusz of Chicago I Mr Robert II Briscoe and son I AListcrX iriDniril Rrkpno nf Tohnnnn zt 1 1 rr irn'm xunnlz 4 Vi ri md nf Mncc wnol Triads in this county haye used :2 100 tons of Bailey and Clarence Bnscoe on 30 acres of Jand A yptr we cut moye than 3 tons of cured clover hay to the acre on a faipithat had npt grown clover in 30 years 'WVh le iqur results hqve beenconfined to increases in grass and hay we anticipate that we will get bigger prQfytg yet wljep thedanyl is pgt into ccfirafid majd and manure followed fey sweetfglover and lespedbZa sowing afe against red clover that we save enough money in the difference in the price cf the seed to pay for marling the land consider our land worth at least $25 per acre more where limed Or mailed than where it has not been treated We hope to marl or lime every acre we own within the next few years prefer marl to limestone as it costs less is easier to handle and gives quicker results No farmer who has marl available can afford not to use it on his Giltner Bros use an incline: plane and tractor to load marl into manure spreaders They marl 50 to 100 acres per year ata cost of about 40 cents a ton Agricultural agents and representa tives of the State College of Agricul 4 1 IT I 1 1 zY zx ZX 4 zx 4 4 I 1 Moil lay uiie i 7 I opei ating this summer with the Child 2 KA KK SV TWM 4 11 mm a 't i and sympath' during the illness at time of and foL lowing the death of our dear hus hand and father Samur! Hancoclc Ae ea'1 neve' forget each and "every' one of ypu We alstrthank Lr Raymond J1'8 untji'ing professional Philips the market gardener placed 1' a small advertisem*nt in the Daily Messenger having several thousand sweet potato plants for sale Mr Phillips stated to this' reporter certainly pays to advertise the ad brought buyers from every direction and all my beds were soon stripped adding it was the best little invest ment I i T(i Tinnr nnm i i xx umiiv a wil apd Mrs Jerry efthe funeral service was conducted at church On account of its seating capacity instead of the Meth church as had been announced Rev McGraw of Danville of ficiating being assisted by Dr Neal of Bowline Green The lx tpin sister of the lamented Mr John steem in vhich he was Walls has arrived for a visit to Mr neighbors here and at Ellisburg ar and Airs Eugene Culton and Mr andl is hom*o manv vearU was certain ly demonstrated last Saturday after noon by the many accompanying the remains to Ellisburg and the crowd which had gathered at th? Baptist church there 1 he crowd gathering there numbered several hundred ive stalwart sons Alessrs George Sam uel 'Jesse Lutl)r and Andrew Hanco*ck and a son in law Mr An drew Wnyne acted as casket bearers Interment followed in th? cemetery near the church fhc funeral service was touching' the grief was universal HARIIodsbuhg NQWS HQW TO BIG THINGS The Daily Messenger congratulates our neighobrs at Harrodsburg upon I the splendid manner in which they en i teitained their hundreds of guests4 Saurday when they celebrated the I 154th anmveyMjry of the setLqnqnt i of their town tho first in Txentuckv Although Ilayrodsburj lllUk 4UU hipgsin a big way They have not and girls whose parents cannot af ionl to jjive them a vacation for re lief from heat of the city streets will apply tq the resh Air committee This newspaper occasionally will pub lish stories regarding the campaign especially with reference to familiesjn this section who entertain children Applications for children should besent to the resh Air Qoiiimittee care of the Courier Journal and The TimesLouisville or t0 The Messenger 4 iu siJsJ Bins i irrcjbj 5 a IrjJ LLJLLIJII1L1 J11 IIIIIALII! wju wju j'ijiiv iibijiii' jji hillj i AL SUMMER AT HER Hl a I JI Mb' I II 'L I Sr 1 I i I I I I Smwi nfl 4.

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The Advocate-Messenger from Danville, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.