The Fantastic Don House - 1602jaw (2024)

Chapter Text

Peanut butter.

Peanut butter everywhere.

The room was covered in a smear of peanut butters.

As well as consisting of two mattresses, a drawing of color crayons stars and poorly drawn, smiley face plaster everywhere on the wall. As well as the additional pink sparkle dust.

Reg and Dororo's reactions were...quite stunned and mixed by the appearance.

But Mabel doesn't seem to care, as she strolled up and asked, curiously, "Sooooo what do you two think? Pretty creative, am I right?"

"Looks a bit smear", Dororo commented.

"I'll say... it's kinda creative, but in a...uhh-", Reg added.

"Yeah I know. It's a bit rough, but gotta make sure my imagination gets out into the real world, if you know what I mean?" Mabel asked, nudging her arm next to Reg.

"Uhh yeah".

"Anyways! Call me if you guys need anything! Gotta do my own unpacking…..really hope Waddles is okay"


"Nothing! Nevermind!" Mabel said, making her way to the door quickly and shutting it behind them.

"She seems eccentric", Reg remarked to Dororo, "She kinda gives me a bit of Riko vibe in a sense. Although, a lot more hyper".

"Riko who?"

"Oh...sorry, forgot", Reg apologized, embarrassingly as he scratched his head, "This is our first day together".

"Nah don't worry. I'm already confused at everything", Dororo said, making her way to one of the mattresses and falling on her back, laying on the soft bed. Arms out and sighing to herself, "Guess I'll have to get used to my new surroundings. Really hope bro is doing alright at home".

"I'm hoping the same to Riko, Nanachi, and Faputa", Reg said, "Especially Faputa".

Just then, they heard an oinking noise coming from outside the hallway. It was a pig running across, followed by Mabel running after it, "Come back, Waddles! I said I was sorry for stuffing ya in the bag!"


"What? I can't leave my precious Waddle back home where any weirdo could try to eat it", Mabel confessed, holding Waddles up and clenching it near her face, "He's pretty much my soulmate. Helper, in other words. Best friend! Gotta need someone to keep me company, right Waddles?"

Waddles simply gave three oinking noises in response.


Cutting to a different room, Hellboy had already set up his own room.

His own room consists of simply a red bed, a table and a chair, three laptops, some crates containing equipment and gears inside it, some chocolate bars on said table, lamp, and his own mini TV set that he places on the ground.

Hellboy sat on the bed, having not finished up his phone call.

"Yeah everything has been set up. Bunch of weirder folks I'm with around here", Hellboy said, "No, don't worry. Not all of them are giving me some trouble...yea...yea...yeah okay, I'll report back if I found anything".

As he finished his call, he remarked to himself, "Man, never thought they actually go along with my idea for once".

Hellboy proceeded to lay on the bed, arms wrapping around behind his head as he sighs to himself.

Just then, Mxy appeared out of nowhere and blasted him with a loud speaker, yelling through it, "ALL CONTESTANTS! REPORT TO THE LIVING ROOM DOWNSTAIRS NOW!"

"Jeez, could've not relay that through blasting my ear drums?" Hellboy asked him.

"What? It's called having fun as a TV host", Mxy told him, then proceeded to yell at him again with the loudspeaker, "NOW MOVE IT!"

Everyone was down stairs in the living room, where Don and Mxy stood ( Except for Mxy, since he can float ) to give a few announcements before they departed, as well as some questions.

Blitzwing is there, outside and looking through the window.

"So what do you guys think of your new home?" Mxy asked all of them, "I'm betting it's quite cozy, huh?"

"Fine, I guess", Archer replied, "Not as fancy as I imagine, but I can make do with it".

"I'm satisfied with it", Nikki said, "Don't want to over do it. Also, would it be cool to bring in random animals to my room?"

"I don't know", Mxy replied, "Mabel somehow managed to bring her pet pig, so I see why not".


"Hey, better not be an alligator you bring in", Archer pointed at her, "Never really been fond of alligators….and crocodiles".

"Come on, I wasn't thinking about bringing one in…..", She told her, "Okay, maybe I was considering it…".

"My only complaint is the placement of my room", Red Skull said, "I'm not really fond of loud noises".

"Was that supposed to mean?" John asked, sternly.

"Nothing. I'm just anti-social".

"Hey, that sounds a little like-" Po was going to say something to Octavia.

But with Octavia deadpan stare, it immediately made Po retract his statement, "Ok, I'll stop talking".

"I for one think the rooms are quite comfortable", Lisa Simpson commented, "I'm not really expecting anything fancy or something" .

"And I for one think it fabulous!" Zulius said, seemingly founding his room to be perfect.

"You only said that because you took the room with the hot tub and a tanning bed", Octavia told him.

"Hey, everyone has their own taste when it comes to rooms. Mine is filled with the essentials".

"I don't know what those essentials are, but it must've been really important for you", Vicky commented.

"Of course it is! See, someone recognizes my desire".

"As for my room, it was wonderful", Vicky said, "Everything is so clean and flat like. I was especially curious about that odd hole that produces thunder".

"Pretty sure it's called an electrical socket", Lisa told him.

"An electrical socket? Wait, was that hole some kind of gateway?"

"I'm very glad with my new room", Tomie told them with a grin, sitting and leaning near Idree, much to his discomfort, "I really don't mind the much needed company around here. It makes it less lonely".

"You stay away from me", Idree utter, moving a little away from her.

"Well I'm just glad everyone is happy", Don said, very pleased by this.

"Not me", Idree added.

"Because tomorrow will be your first challenge", Don told them, "It'll be both simple and hopefully, less painful compared to Chris Mclean's idea of a challenge".

"Yep, it'll be fun! Fun as in breaking into a bank of honey!" Mxy added.

"So it's going to be less painful then?" Po asked.

"Correct! Now get some shut eye!" Mxy then proceeds to snap his finger, causing Don to disappear in clouds, "We got a lot of things to do for tomorrow!"

After Mxy left, the contestants themselves were either sitting or standing there...looking at each other...and awkwardly having no idea how to react.

Some were curious about the challenge, others had different thoughts besides it.

"Well...uhhh...guess we should go and get some sleep then, I guess", Lisa said.

"Screw that, I'm going to grab a beer and start partying in my room before I'm ready for anything", Archer said, as he got up.

"And why do you want to do that?" Hellboy asked.

"Because stamina, duh", Archer explained, "Well I mean, after having to fly here for god knows what, I need some refreshments. Hopefully it's not expired beer. I'm not walking from here to reach a bar that's like further away".


"So overall, I think I'm going to win this", Archer confessed, "I mean, I'm very skilled both in combat, highly trained and have a vast automatic amount of weapons that I did not steal for the purpose of this game. So yeah, I'm highly level and I know the in and out of conversation. Meaning, I'm good at spying. Or in this case, secretly cutting into some personal confession".


"I'm really not liking this so far", Octavia confessed, "Granted, I would've prefer not to compete in this, but my father thought it would be a good, social experience. Ugh, whatever...but hey, I will say that some of the people around here don't seem too bad. And hey, I could need some time out of my family life".


"While I do show some...detest among the habit of living next door to certain creatures", Red Skull confesses, "I will try to tolerate it...for now".


"Man there's a lot of strange and outlandish folks here", Mabel remarked, "Maybe signing up on this show wasn't a good idea...nah! I'm joking! Of course I'm excited! I mean, for gosh sake! This show has a talking panda, a giant robot, some demon dude, a guy with nerd obsession, a girl with a freaking pet snake! And most of all! A robot boy!"


Idree sigh, "I-I don't know what to think about this. I have been pulled away from the battlefield to just compete in a game that gives away free currency. And the weirdest part about it, I am competing against two or three devils, women with lustful, deceptive bodies, a talking, cursed animal, and...I have no idea what the others even are!"


"Hey guys, it's me Gimpy", Gimpy waves at the camera, assuming his friends are watching, "I'm finally in the game, guys! I managed to bring in all of my stuff from my room, including a Star Wars backpack, a Star Wars monitor, a Star Wars toothpaste with different taste and colors, and a Star Wars body pillow. So yeah, everything is going really neat here, guys. My only worry is if one or more of them hate Star Wars. I will not tolerate that. It doesn't help if one of them is a Star Trek fan".


Don and Mxy popped into an orange room. A room with two red bean couches, a flat screen TV, and a table consisting of chips and mugs.

The room has two doors leading from left to right.

"Ummm where are we? This isn't my hotel", Don remarked, looking around in confusion.

Sitting on his bean couch, while Mxy just floats there on his own with a smirk.

"Relax Don, this is where our private, behind the scene workplace will be!" Mxy explained.

As it zoomed out to reveal it to be just an orange trailer park, residing near the mansion.

"At a trailer!"

"Wow...that is quite an unfair position, considering the contestants got a lovely mansion", Don told him, "But I'm not complaining".

"Don't be. It's all about the aesthetics", Mxy explained, "Unlike those crummy trailer parks, this one is packed from the brim with a clean bathroom, your own delicate and pristine bedroom with your own private hot tub, a kitchen with your favorite food, and let's not forget our work room".

"This is our work room?"

"Yes! And also our security room as well".

This whole ordeal seems to impress Don even further, "You know I'm kinda happy about this. I mean, I was totally worried you were just using me to boost your own priority, but it seems to me you really committed to helping me out here".

"Don, I'm a huge fan of your show. I got a collection of shows you were in. I'll do anything for you".

"Great", Don then asked, "So what's the first challenge are we going to start off with? I'm leaning more for the more...tamer side".

"Oh I got something in mind", Mxy said, sinisterly. Rubbing both his hands and chuckling himself in an evil grin.

Don just sat there...worryingly confused.

( Later, that night! ).

The night was cold. The wind was below average, and the sounds of the normal activity of animals can be heard within the jungle.

Hellboy slowly opened his eyes. Groaning and feeling a bit dreary, until finally his vision came back and he can see clearly.

He soon got up, rubbing behind his neck as soon as he awoke, "Damn neck cramp. They could've at least given me a better pillow. My neck is aching.

Just as he is fully awake, he is in a sudden surprise, "What the hell?"

He, along with everyone else ( Still sleeping on the ground ) were fully clothed, outside in the cold, and Hellboy being quite confused and puzzled.

Even Blitzwing is his tank mode. As well as Waddles being cuddled by Mabel who is snoring.

Suddenly, the loud megaphone is heard. The voice of Mxy is shouted throughout, causing everyone to be fully awakened ( Except for Po ) and startle, "WAKEY! WAKEY! MY PLEASANT VICTIMS! IT'S CHALLENGE TIME!"

"Ow! God damn it!" Archer exclaimed, putting both his hands to his ears, "What the hell man?!"

"That was totally painful..." Lucy said, in a straightforward and monotone voice.

"I'm awake! I'm awake...", Mabel stood up, stunned and looking around in confusion as her Waddles ran around out of being startled as well.

"Whoa, that was loud", Vicky pointed out at a floating Mxy, who tossed the megaphone away, "I didn't know creatures like you can produce such loud noise".

"Was that really necessary to wake us up like that?" John asked him.

"Yes, yes it was". Mxy said, "Anyways, rise and shine everyone! Today is your first challenge!"

"Our first challenge?" Zulius asked, moaning "Ugh, can we wait until it's the afternoon?"

"Yeah I have to agree with him", Ceviche moaned, as he lay back on the ground, "I need some beauty sleep".

This didn't stop Mxy from using his megaphone to blast him to fully wake up and be startled, "NO!"

"Sorry, but this is important", Mxy explained, "As you can see, all of you are out of your bed, fully clothed in your attire, and are locked out from your mansion".

The mere mention of them being locked out struck some of them.

"Wait, we locked outside?" Lisa asked, surprise and baffle.

"Fully clothed it would seem", Hanco*ck remarked, nonchalantly taking notice.

"OUT IN THE COLD?!" Zulius asked, panicking, "I can't be out here like this! Fully nude!"

"What are you talking about?" Octavia questioned him, "You are always naked".

"Umm excuse me, there's a difference between nude and presenting yourself in style!"



"Okay, am I literally the only sane one in this group?" Octavia confesses, "I know I said some of them aren't bad, but I didn't mean that all of them don't have any wacky aspect about them. Most, if not, all of them are weird. Strange, coming from me I know. Usually, I wouldn't mind these kinds of things. Sometimes I would scoff it off or ignore it, but this is me being forced to stay with a bunch of odd folks. It's going to be legit hard for me to get along".


As everyone is having varied reactions of some sort to this situation, all of their attention is soon caught off by Po snoring.

Realizing he's the only one that didn't wake up and is still sleeping on the ground.

"Huh, a very deep sleeper", Don remarked, amusingly.

"Well I mean, he is a talking, fat panda", Archer commented, "Kinda obvious to see that".

"Awww, he looks so adorable when he sleeps", Mabel remarked, with Waddles coming to her side and seemingly calm at the situation, "I wonder what he's dreaming about?"

"Probably food".

"Ugh, this display disgust me", Hanco*ck added, not finding anything appealing about this, "Wake up! You obese beast!"

Hanco*ck immediately kicked Po in the side of his guts, making him awake and fully aware of the nudging pain as he stood up, "Ow! Hey, that hurts".

He then took notice of the situation he and the cast are in, looking around to his surroundings, "Ummm wait, did we all just accidentally slept outside or-?"

"Mxy teleported us out here", Lisa answered for her, obviously assuming to be the Imp behind this, with his power and such.

"Whoa really? I didn't know he could do that".

"Dude he's a floating, midget guy", Archer told him, "How can you not believe that?"

"Ahem!" Mxy shouted, trying to get their full attention, "Now then, as I was saying your challenge today is quite simple. All you guys need to do is go into the jungle and search for the key to your mansion. Once you found the key-"

"Ha! Who needs keys!" Blitzwing shouted, in his hot headed form, "When you can do this!"

He aimed his torrent cannon at the mansion and much to everyone's shock, he fired. Blasting the entire front half of the mansion into a smoke of flames.

The rest of the contestants can only watch, some were stunned while others were even more stunned.

Even Don and Mxy share the same reaction.

Eventually, Blitzwing personality changes from hot head to random, "Oops! My bad! Mahahahahahahahahahahaha!"


"Ok, I should've been more aware about my fellow contestants' well being's", Blitzwing confessed, in his cold form, "Sometimes I can go off the rail at times, like not all the time, though. Sometimes I can act too brash or too random. It's hard to control at times".


"Ummm okay then, uhh do not worry! Everyone!" Mxy assured them, "I will fix that! I will...totally, totally, totally fix that. Do not worry".

"Oh Leia! I hope my rare, Kenner Star Wars figures aren't damaged", Gimpy exclaimed, clenching his head, "I've spent my entire life saving on those!"

Vicky gasps a little, "You spend your entire life saving those toys? Wow, that's dedication".

"Kid, I don't think you should be working up about your toys", Hellboy told Gimpy.

"They were more than toys! They were family!" Gimpy shouted back.

"I don't know if I should find this sad or pretty funny", Archer remarked.

"Really hope my Furious Five figurines are in there as well", Po added.

Mxy resume, "Hey, enough mourning here! Can we get back on track here?! Please!"

"Umm excuse me, our mansion just got blown up!" Archer told him.

"Yeah. And like I said, I can fix that", Mxy replied, resuming back to what he was discussing about, "Now then, After you retrieve the key and...uhh, open the repair mansion with all of your stuff intact, you will be declared as the man of the house!"

"Wait, man of the house?" Dororo repeated.

"Yep! Man of the house!" Mxy continues, "Meaning you can do anything with that title, like tell your fellow contestants what to do, not having to take responsibility, and receiving immunity from elimination. But use it wisely. You only get once".

"Wait, you say if one of us gets the key, they will be declared as...a team captain of some sort", Archer asked, taking a liking to this idea and even chuckling a little at it, "Sweet".


"It was pretty obvious who's going to be picked as the man of the house", Archer confessed.


"So let me get this straight", Lisa said, concerningly, "You want all of us to go into a jungle, unsupervised with the likelihood of getting maw and lost, just to look for a key that is impossible to search during this time of day, right?"

"Uhhh yeah, it's called a challenge", Mxy told her.

And while he laughs it off much to the concern of Lisa Simpson, Don is worried about this and even conveys it to Mxy, "Umm Mxy, maybe it would be a good idea to pair them up so that way none of them would get lost or hurt".

"What? Where's the fun in that?"

"You do realize most of them are minors, right? Sending them off into a likely danger zone in the middle of the night without any supervision doesn't sound like a good idea".

Mxy thought about it, eventually giving him an interesting idea, "Hmmm you know, you have a point. Alright then, everyone! It would appear that sending all of you off without supervision would be bad. So I'm going to split each of you into groups of three! That way, you guys get some good company".

"Ummm can we not do that?" Archer asked, being opposed to the idea, "I would rather go through this alone….well, except for the literal Transformer".


"What? If I had to pick one person to accompany me it would obviously be a giant robot", Archer confessed, "Not one of Krieger robots, though. A lot of them almost killed me. Had to call in a technical support to start hacking his machine to put them out. Guess what, Krieger wasn't too happy about it. Freaking douche, his creations were designed as hookers and they try to kill me! I'm not into that kind of fetish!...wait, what was I rambling about again?"


"Ja, I agree", Red Skull nodded, "There are certain folks I cannot stand to be paired up. Certain folks that have the tendency of yelling and scalping".

John Redcorn, "Huh?"

"Too bad! You guys are going to be paired up!" Mxy explained, "The following people being paired up will be...Octavia, Lisa, and Archer".

"Wow, thanks for pairing me up with the literal douche of the group", Octavia sarcastically said.

Even Lisa agreed, not taking this pairing as a positive, "Couldn't agree more".

"Hey, deal with it", Archer told them, "I'm more angry than you two are about this".

"Hellboy, Vicky, and Gimpy", Mxy continued.

"Looks like you and I are working together", Hellboy said to the boy, as he sees no problem with it and seems very relieved and happy about it, much to the glee of Vicky.

"That's wonderful!"


"I've always wanted to know more about the new people and surroundings", Vicky confesses, "Now I'm given the chance to do so, starting with the red giant and a weird looking goblin named Gimpy, who seem obsessed with toys".


"I really, really, really appreciate the company", Gimpy confesses, "Now it can give me more time to show off my interest. I mean, I was a bit worried I wasn't going to get along with many of them, so who knows. Maybe this could be the perfect time for me to share and influence my interest...unless the force tells me otherwise".


"Reg, you'll be paired up with Mabel and Dororo".

"Heh, that's a coincidence", Dororo nudged Reg, snickering, "Guess you and me are a team then".

"Umm yeah, guess we are".

"Don't forget about me, guys!" Mabel excitedly said, wrapping her arms around them and hugging them, "And also Waddles".


"You know, maybe being here might not be a bad thing", Dororo confesses, "I can totally use this situation to my advantage. I mean, this world or the new guys around me may hold some interest that could gain me and Hyakkimaru a fortune. Not that I'm going to steal it or anything, but when it comes to it and it is out of desperation or morale isn't involve...I might"


"Red Skull, your pair up with John Redcorn and Blitzwing".

"Weeeeeee! I'm paired up with two new pals!" Blitzwing cheers, "Yippee!"

"Ugh, is it really necessary for you to pair me up with two war criminals?" John asked.

"Sorry, that's the decision I've come up with", Mxy told him.


"I don't know what's worst", John Redcorn confess, "Me having to be away from Nancy, me having nightmare of Nancy getting too close with Dale, me and my music career not getting the attention it deserve, or me having to deal with a literal Nazi...honestly, the three former ones sounds far worst".


"Po, you are paired up with Furrball and Zulius".

"Awesome!" Po said, grabbing Furrball by his arm, which squeezed in him, "Looks like you, me, and Zulius are now a team. This is going to be great! We are totally going to ace this!"

"Umm no offense, but pretty sure it would be me and you doing most of the work", Zulius said to him.

"What do you mean? This guy seems capable of doing anything".

"Yeah, but...I don't know, he seems like just a regular cat".


"Pff, I don't see it that way", Po confessed, "I see everyone with worth of potential, besides me. I mean, I was once someone with not much potential, but look at me right now. Now that I'm here, I'm going to show off my worth! Show I am and...don't try to act too co*cky...or something. Gosh, probably something I shouldn't say right here in the confession part".


"Idree, your pair up with Hanco*ck and Tomie!"

"WHAT?!" Idree shouted, looking at both Hanco*ck and Tomie, with Tomie giving him a grin of pleasure, "No! No! You gotta be kidding me! You make me pair up with them?!"

"Yep! Pretty neat, huh Idree?" Mxy asked, winking at him.

"No way! I am not going to be cooperating with these scandalized women! Change it!"

"Sorry, no take backs".

"Change it or-"

"Or what? Are you going to call for your parents and sue me? Ha! That's not going to happen", Mxy told him, "Come on Idree, cheer up! You got the two hottest girls with ya. I can bet some poor cook sap is probably missing out".

( Elsewhere, during the Total Drama Cruise run ).

On the ship near the railings, Sanji is seen smoking until suddenly he feels a pain within his gut, which causes him to collapse to the ground.

Groaning, as Armin came by, "Oh my god! Sanji! Are you alright?"


( Cutaway back ).

This only frustrated and made Idree groan even, rolling his eyes out.

"Quite you foolish man", Hanco*ck told him, slapping him in the face, "As much as I am not pleased by this news, we must try to tolerate it".

"Don't tell me what to do!"

Hanco*ck can only scoff by the mere fact she's forced to work with him. And as for Tomie, she seems joyfully happy about it.


"It's nice for the host to pair me up with a new friend", Tomie confesses, "I suppose I should be upset, but alas I am. I'm just so excited once the game begin".


"I was taught to always stand on guard and keep wary over anyone that I will not specifically trust, particularly the females", Idree confesses, "Now, I'm forced to tolerate and work alongside not one, but two of them! This not right!"


"And lastly, Lucy, you are paired up with Ruby and Ceviche!"

"Awesome", Lucy said in her usual tone to Ruby and Ceviche, "Guess you two are going to work for me".

"I'm pretty certain he meant us working together", Ruby clarified, "Like as in, a team".


"Wait, what about me?" Nikki asked, "Who am I to pair up with?"

"Oh, totally forget about you", Mxy tried to think about the solution, but eventually just gave up and responded, ", why not. Choose whatever team you like".

"Wait, you let her choose her own team?" Archer asked, bafflingly, "How is that fair?!"

"Yes, I agree with the drunken idiot here", Idree added.

"Hey! I can decide which is fair and which is not fair", Mxy told them, "Right now, it's fair!"

"Umm technically it's not", Don told him, "Because you literally allow someone to decide their own team, which kinda condirect-"

"Will you just shut up! We have a challenge here!"

"Yes!" Nikki, obviously picking the closet pair she likes so far into the show, ran up to Mabel and wrapped her arms around her, "Looks like I'm joining with you guys!"

"Aw yeah! That's right!" Mabel shouted, fully on board with her joining, "We should name our team".

"Totally! Got any ideas?"

"Hmm..oh! I got one! What about-"

Before she could finish, a loud blow horn was heard.

With Mxy trying to not stray off the main challenge they have to do, tossing the blow horn away, "Now then, since we're done with it. Let's proceed with the challenge. And by challenge, I mean-GET GOING! YOU IMBECILES!"

Without any questions or hesitation, everyone ran off or some casually just walked like Red Skull, heading into the jungle itself.

"Ow! I guess the viking kid was right about you having such a loud voice", Don remarked to him.

"What can I say? I'm very proud of myself", Mxy told him, "Now then, let's get back to the monitor room and see how things are going".

"But wait, what about the mansion?"

"What about it?"

"Didn't you promise you could fix it?"

"Uhh yeah! Like later!" Mxy replied.

Don wasn't buying it, staring at him until finally Mxy committed to his promise. "Ugh! Fine! I'll fix it now".

( Cut to team Archer ).

The forest habitants of the land consist of the tangled and twisted roots that spread throughout the area of ground and trees.

Trees can range from small to elongated like a tower. Leafs can be massive or packed, while some can contain little of any leafs on it. The creaking sounds of certain animals like birds or frogs can be heard throughout. As well as the flowing sound of a river, regardless of the distances.

The leafs and bushes and vines are spread out, usually poking out of roots and the dirt ground.

As this was going on, Lisa was looking around, admiring her surroundings all while Octavia charged onward without a single care of the natural ecosystem in this area.

Lisa took one breath in and one breath out, "Nature. Don't you love being out in the open with mother nature's first ever creation?"

"Uhhh yea, it's so great being in a forest", Octavia sarcastically said, "It's not like I'm from hell where a normal forest like this doesn't exist".

"Come on, try to lighten up", Lisa told her, joining her in a walk, "It is a good experience to explore the outside world. I came here to do just that, as well as spreading the word on why we should protect the wild life".

"Whatever", Octavia replied, "Don't really care. Although I won't lie, it is soothing and less stressful to be walking out here. You know, without my f**king parents arguing all the time. Doesn't help my parents are in the middle of a f**king divorce".

"Uhhhhhh See, good experiences", Lisa awkwardly laughed.


"If I know one thing about the human consciousness," Lisa confesses, "Or in this case, a demon consciousness is that sometime, people may learn to appreciate something that they didn't before. That's why I, as someone who has protested in the name of Mother Nature, decided to try to spread or remind everyone of this knowledge. Including people watching at home...which I really hope they do. I mean, they can't possibly just switch to a different channel whenever I appear to lec-"


"This isn't the first time I stepped into the real world, mind you", Octavia confessed, "At this point, I'm just not in the right mood right now".


"Damn it, my shoe just got dented!" Archer exclaim, looking down at his shoe as it is dented upward, seemingly having hit a hard rock on the ground, "F*ck!"

"You should be a little careful when walking", Lisa told him.

"I know! Don't lecture me", Archer said, "God, any idea how we are going to search for the key? After all, you do seem like the kid genius of the group".

"Pretty insulting, but I'm going to ignore that", Lisa began "Well considering how the show works and knowing what we know about the host, I'm going to bet it is hidden somewhere that is covered up entirely so we couldn't see a metallic opening".

"Oh so it's obvious. We just looked around in the middle of the night and hoped we found it before the others did", Archer told her, "Yeah, real genius".

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Uhhh yes, I do", Archer claim, "It's call, f*cking off somewhere so I could need some alone time".

"Don't know if I should relate with that, but...not going to", Octavia said.

"That sounds like a bad idea", Lisa said, "We are supposed to be a team here".

"Yes, and I'm doing just that", Archer said, "By going into the wilderness and finding it by myself. I'll get back to you if I'm not dead or didn't get lost because I got chased by an alligator or something".

"I'm pretty sure they are called Siamese, and are quite rare around here".

"Alligator, crocodile. Whatever. I need some alone time", Archer said, as he departed off to do his own thing.

"God, what a D*ck", Octavia remarked, "Really hope he does encounter an alligator, though".

"Reminder, They are called Siamese", Lisa said, with Octavia giving her the look, "What? I like doing research about certain animals in different country".


"Look sometimes I'm not much of a team player, okay", Archer confesses, "I can be reckless, brash, self-absorbed and pretty much a douche when it comes to me working with a group. I mean granted, I do work with a lot of people back at home, but still not much of a great guy to be around. But the thing is, if it's someone that's fun and chill enough like me, then I can somewhat tolerate it".


"Ugh this place reek", Archer remarked, clenching his nose, "What does the little imp expect us to find here? Probably not a key, but a dead, dying animal".

Just then, he heard a phone ringing from his pocket. He took it out and saw who it was.

Much to his annoyance, it's his wife's name Lana trying to call him.

"Oh great, it's this again", Archer said, having dealt with this constant ringing before deciding to just answer it, anyways, "Hello?"


"Umm the right term should be a 'hi' back".

"Archer, I've been trying to get in touch with you three times! Where are you?!"

"Umm I'm in Cambodia, competing in a game show".


"Look, it's just a little stress reliever situation".

"A stress reliever? By competing on a reality show?"

"Well yeah, I looks fun. I mean have you seen the show?"

"Oh I saw Total Drama, and I know damn well how dangerous it is! Seriously, you're competing on a show just for that?"

"That and free money".

"Your already rich!"

"Rich, yes. Permission to spend it all, not really. Guess who's holding my bank account back!", Archer replied, "Also, this isn't technically Total Drama. It's more or less a spin off, but you know...same thing but with different host and stuff".

"Give me that!" Another person is on the phone, this time being Malory, Archer mother, "Serling! It's me! Your mother is talking".

"Oh hi mom, what's up?"

"What's up? Oh you know what's up! I'm very angry right now", Malory told him, "Not to the point of having a sudden blood pressure stroke, but totally angry enough to slap you".

"Wha-what for? All I did was borrowing the helicopter and coming onto a reality show so I could compete. Besides, if I recall, all of it started when you cut my bank account down".

"You were overspending half of our budget on a stupid project of yours", Malory told him, "A project, if I may add, involves constructing the largest beer with a length of a twin tower on our headquarter!"

"Ok to be fair, I was drunk at the time. I wasn't fully aware, so I took it down".

"Took it down and cost more property damage as a result of it. You didn't even consider the consequences of pushing it down onto unexpected idiots like you".

" know when you put it that way, that totally does sound dumb on my part".

Malory groaned, "Now listen Sterling, I'm just relieved to find out you're okay. But I want to know if the helicopter is fine".


"I'm asking because knowing you and how careless, reckless you can be-"

"Woah, woah, woah, okay listen. If the faults are going to be placed on me, then it isn't. The helicopter was out of control, so I had to-"

"Had to what? Wait, don't tell me you-"

"Uhhh yeah...anyways, nice hearing you back. Bye!"

"Archer? Archer! Don't you dare hang up on-" Archer finished the call, putting his phone back to his pocket as he continued moving forward.

"Man...mother really needs some anger management".

( Cuts to team Idree ).

Idree was further ahead from his own team, grumbling to himself as Tomie, Hanco*ck and her assistant Salome were behind, "This is unbelievable. Why does this have to happen to me? Would've been more merciful for me to do this alone or be paired up with the other guys".

"Hey Idree! Do you need any help?" Tomie asked.

"No! Leave me alone! This is my own problem! I don't need a girl to assist me!"

"Tch typical. I am very detest against the idea of working with him", Hanco*ck told Tomie, as Salome slithered by her side, "But since this is a challenge, I must tolerate it for now. Back in my world or perhaps, on my island we dislike any men that come to our island...well, except for one exception".

"I for one don't mind it", Tomie states, "I do find men to be particularly interesting to toy around with. A real dang shame some of the men I usually meet never have such a happy ending. There's always the messy break up that happens with it".

"Hmph, yes interesting", Hanco*ck said, "I'll allow you to keep your own personal opinion toward men. Regardless, I still detest some".

"Thank you", Tomie then asked, "Although may I ask about the certain one exception you mention. I'm curious, who's that one exception?"

"'s quite personal".

"Personal? Is it too secretive and shameful to reveal?"

"No, not really", Hanco*ck said, as she glanced away, blushing. Perhaps the furthering curiosity of Tomie made her think of the certain boy he had dreamt about, "I...I'm just too shy to reveal it. He's really my type, and I don't want to brag too much about it".

"Oh, well what a darn shame".

"Yeah a real darn shame", Idree said, loudly and rolling his eyes, "I'm certain the boy you are affected with is probably not interested in you".

This statement changed Hanco*ck from her composure and shy thoughts to aggressive as she ran up to him, grabbed him, and pinned him up against the tree, as she shouted, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! DON'T YOU DARE EVER ASSUME MY LOVER SHOWS NO AFFECTION!"

"Let go of me! You slu*t! I will not be intimidated by some mad lady!" Idree shouted, as he was being choked tightly at the neck by Hanco*ck's hands.

"I will not stand by it! You take back everything you say! Do it!"


As this was going on, Tomie could only watch by puzzlement. Then she began to chuckle, finding it pretty amusing, much to Idree notice and desperation, "Hey you! Do something! Do...I don't know, order her to calm down!"

"I don't know, seems like it's just your problem".

"Do it!"

After thinking about it, she reluctantly agrees, "Alright then, if it means for the sake of the challenge".

She then proceeded to call out to her, "Hey Hanco*ck! Maybe you should let him go so we get through this without any issue".

"Until this man apologizes and takes back his words, then I'll release him", Hanco*ck states.

"Come on, Idree. Just apologize so we could resume searching", Tomie insisted.

"And submit to her?!" Idree asked, "No!"

"Idreeeeee...please", She begged, acting very kindly and softly.

This didn't sway him, but Salome staring at him with a direct look with the indication of a worst fate for him, he eventually complied, "Ok! Ok! I'll take it back!"

"Good", Hanco*ck replied, letting him as he lay on the ground on all three, trying to breath and grasp.

"Can you believe the ignorant of him to assume it", Hanco*ck said to Tomie, "To assume my true lover to not share the same affection as I do".

"No, not really".


"A sexist girl killing a sexist male", Tomie confesses, "I'll admit, there is something hilarious with that, not gotta lie".


"She needs to go, along with that Tomie girl", Idree confesses, "There is no way I am literally going to survive this with them around".


( Cuts to Reg team ).

Dororo and Reg were roaming through the jungle, passing by the long trees that reached and covered the entire sky.

Walking along with them is Waddles.

"This is going to be hard", Dororo moans, both her arms behind her forehead, "Doesn't help I'm still tired".

"Well I'm not tired and I'm doing just fine here", Reg replied, casually.

"That's because your...umm, what are you again?"

"A robot".

"Yea a...robot...whatever that is".

As for where Mabel is, she sprung out of the bushes, surprising the two of them and Waddles, "Wahahahahahahaha! Feast your eyes on the bright, color vibrant snake!"


"I'm trying to play in character", Mabel replied, "Got to act like a snake and be like a snake if we are going to find that key".

"Wait, that's your strategy?" Dororo asked, with a deadpan expression, "Act like a wild animal?"

"Yep! Although I do hope some of the leafs I ate aren't poisonous or anything", Mabel then asked Reg, "Hey Reg, do you have any special features that could help us out here?"

"Special features?"

"Yeah you know, like x-rays, radars or anything like that", Mabel said, "I mean you are a robot, so..."

"Hmm while I don't have much that could detect the key, I am a good smeller. As well as a good sprinter and good durability".

"Sweet! Then do it!"

"Do what?"

"Do...that. Activate...something".

Reg simply gave her a confused, silent glare.

"Were you expecting something to happen or-?"

"Sorry, I thought it requires a voice activation or something", Mabel apologizes, rubbing her arm awkwardly, "Since your-"

"A robot", Reg replied, "Yeah, I-I totally get it".


"Mabel is a really weird girl, I'll give it that", Dororo remarked, "I mean, it's not the first time I met someone as eccentric as her; But I'm not too annoyed or easily irritated".


"You know, I've been meaning to ask", Dororo asked her, "What's that fur thing your wearing?"

"Fur thing?" Mabel responded, until realizing that she's pointing at her sweater, "Oooooh you mean my sweater. Yeah, it's called a sweater. Really cool, huh?"

"Sweater? So wait, did you make it yourself or-?"

"Nope", Mabel replied, "Well, I have made many more of these on my own. Some successful, others…not so much. Mainly because I ate some of them".

"Looks interesting", Reg remarked.

"Wait, you can actually eat them?" Dororo asked, even more curiously and surprised.

"Yep! As long as it has lots of sugar, sprinkles, and meat on it" Mabel states.

"Whoa, that's both odd and incredible!" Dororo remarked, "Something tells me I could make money out of this".

"Wait a second, why would you add meat to an attire?" Reg asked.

"Pfff duh, fashion!" Mabel responded in a whisper and in a dazzling gesture.

"Ummm….yeah!…fashion", Reg raises his fist up, thinking he is supposed to act excited with her, but instead awkwardly laughs a bit.

Just then, Nikki came down from having climbed up the trees and has now descended back down, holding up two snakes with her bare hands, "Hey guys! Look what I found at the top of the trees!"

This startled Dororo, causing her to hide behind Reg. Waddles even hide behind him. Reg was stunned, but not to a huge extent.

"Oh my god", Mabel remarked, "That's awesome! Creepy, but awesome!"

"Yeah, I found these just hanging around and I thought it would be really cool to show it to you guys", Nikki explained, "Isn't it neat?"

"Yeah that's great and all, but can you toss them away please?" Dororo asked.

"Awww why not? These two seem cute", Nikki said, hugging both of them, as despite the snakes slithering and making hissing noises, they don't seem too aggressive.

She then proceeds to crest them near her cheeks, while chuckling to herself.

( Cuts to Hellboy team ).

Vicky is trotting through, while Hellboy is walking behind. Keeping a close eye on the kid's safety, as he is walking by side with Gimpy.

"Keep it up, will ya?" Vicky said to them, "There's a lot of mysterious things we may find out here. I don't know what we may have found, but I'm certain it will be interesting".

"Just keep your priority straight, kid", Hellboy told him, "We don't want to lose ya".

"Don't worry. I won't storm off my trail. I'm an expert of keeping my words sometime and remaining on track", He assured him, as he trotted off.

Hellboy remarked, smiling, "Heh, kinda reminds me of my younger age".

"Careful my alien friend", Gimpy told him, holding out his green, toy lightsaber as he gestured to him to pause with his arm out, "We must be careful. I sense a disturbing force around this area".

"Where did you get that lightsaber?" Hellboy asked.

"I bought it from Ebay", He told him, "But be wary. I sense a disturbing amount of evil energy".

"Yeah, it's called snake pal. Don't want to step on a snake disguised as a vine".

"True, but I'm not talking about that", Gimpy told him, "I'm talking about a disturbance, somewhere up in the trees. Someone is watching us".

"Kid, you probably need to cut the whole force thing a break, alright. I'm really too tired to deal with this, and we really need to find that key so I can get some sleep".

"Sorry, but I can't. I must always remain vigilant. Ensuring that my enemy is near. You should try it".


"No, no, I meant to connect with the force".

"Oh...yeah sorry, I'm not into that kind of stuff".

"I see", Gimpy told him, "Very well then, I'll be off and scouting the area. You keep searching on and be watchful over the youngling".

"So essentially, keep doing what I'm doing right now".

"Yep", Gimpy nodded, putting his hood over his head and storming off, "May the fourth be with you!"

"Weirdo", Hellboy shook his head, turning around and resuming to follow the kid, as he is not further away from them.

Unknown to them, above from the branches and leafs, three figures were watching.

( Cuts to Red Skull team ).

A bird is tweeting, taking a rest on one of the branches, until it eventually gets startled by a laser that shoots and breaks the branch, causing the bird to fly away.

This is the result of Blitzwing, in his hot headed form, "Dumb organic credence! This is why I hate being in a forest area!"

As he was flinging his fist around, his face switched to his crazy mode, "But it's a lot of fun when nobody is around to stop you! Wahahahahahahahahahaha!"

This annoys Red Skull, as he clenches where his ears would've been, "That idiotic, mechanical fool. Why did that moronic host think it was a good idea to bring that abomination here?"

"I feel the same way", John Redcorn said, appearing from the forest.

"I was referring to you", Red Skull replied.

"In any case, did you find the key?"

"I don't know. Did your spirit senses manage to find it?" Red Skull sarcastically asked, "Or is it clouded by the false pretense of pure believing with nature".


"This is getting frustrating", John confesses, "Searching for a key out here in the middle of the night is impossible. Especially since I'm paired up with a literal racist and a crazy, giant robot. Reminder, that's the worst part".


John did not reply. Only groaning, as he continues with his search.

Red Skull, seeing how impossible and dire the challenge is, turns toward Blitzwing who is seen playing with a stick, flinging around out of boredom while still in his crazy mode, acting like a bored child.


"While it is fun to toy around and mess with an already extinct race, as far as me trying to strike some ill friendship with the like these, it has not go…so well", Red Skull confesses, "Nonetheless, if I'm going to stay in the game, I muse require a certain fool to tool around with".


"You!" Red Skull pointed at him, getting Blitzwing attention. Making him stop and salute.


"I have an interesting proposition for you".

"Proposition? Ooooh does it involve ice cream cones with tiny sprinkles of chocolate?"

"Ummm no...I was thinking more of an odd alliance between you and me".

Blitzwing expressions then change from random to cold, "An partnership? With you?"

"Yes, think about it", Red Skull said, "We both are a potential threat. You're a war criminal, robot. And I am...well, you can already guess what I am".

Blitzwing face then changes to hot head mode, laughing his proposal off, "A partnership! Ha! As if I want to be paired up with an organic red face!"

This did not please Red Skull. In fact, it both disappointed him and frustrated him a little.

Then Blitzwing got distracted again, this time hearing the chipping of a bird, which made him switch to his random mode, "Ooooh another bird!"

He cackles once more, then transforms into a jet and flies off, leaving Red Skull alone as he ponders what to do next, "Hmm, perhaps I need to search for more...easily accessible targets. Going with a more direct approach would be too futile".

( Cuts to Po team ).

Po took slow pauses and stepped as he looked around, checking for any potential threat.

He jumps out, does a few hand gestures in combat form, and looks around once again, "Ok, no suspicious, evil guy in sight. Just an empty forest. Gotta keep my sight sharp, guys. Don't want to trip and fall into some hidden traps".

"Ugh, would you please stop that", Zulius told him, looking at a mirror he is holding, "Doing all that Kung fu stuff is just making the little guy scared".

"What? No it doesn't...are you sure?"

Zulius gestures, as Furrball is seen hiding behind the legs of Zulius, chittering and fully shuddering to himself as he glances around.

Po tried to shrug it off by saying, "Nah, I'm sure he's just a little scared being in the middle of a scary forest. I mean, I'm not scared because you want to know why?"

"Because your a-"

"DRAGON WARRIOR! YEAH!" Po proclaims, doing dozens of kicks in the air, until suddenly he feels a leg cramp, which causes him to fall on the ground, clenching it, "OWIE! Leg cramp!"

Zulius simply responded with a roll to the eye, as Po seemed to be squeezing from the pain.


"Okay, I'm usually not the type to judge people before I get to know them", Zulius confessed, "But with Po and the Cat, they are not my liking, I'm sorry".


( Cuts to Ceviche team ).

Ruby is seen exploring, skipping through the roots, veins, and leaves bushes that spread throughout the land as like Lisa, she seemed to take an appreciation to the surroundings.

"You know this place isn't as bad as I thought would be", Ruby remarked, "What do you think, Lucy?"

"I found this quite boring to be honest", Lucy emerges from the darkness between the trees, "I'm not much of a critique of the forest, but I honestly don't think this is dark enough".

"Come on, not everything needs to be dark enough".

"It's a forest", Lucy told her, "In the night. Sometimes I needed it to be dark enough so I could...actually, I don't know where I was going with that".

"Have you seen Ceviche around?"

"You mean the deer girl".

"Wait, was Ceviche a girl?"

"No", Lucy replied, "I actually just assumed him to be, considering his hair".

"You have to admit. His hair looks….kinda dazzling looking".

"Hmm…I don't know. A bit funny looking if you ask me".

Right on cue, Ceviche falling. Having fallen and crashed through branches as he fell flat, face front on the ground. Then he got up quickly and posed himself, arms out to show for applause.

"Oh, there you are", Ruby said, "I was kinda worried for a second there".

"Heh do not worry, girls", Ceviche replied, chiefly and nonchalantly, "As someone with great acrobatic skill and sharp sight, I am always perfectly fine".

"What were you doing up in the trees?"

"Me? Simple", Ceviche replied, "I was being a watch out. Checking my surroundings to see where the key is".

( Flashback to earlier ).

"OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!" Ceviche shouted, chasing a Clouded Leopard.

He ran, running upward to a tree as the Clouded Leopard stopped and roared, raising its claw to try to catch him.

Ceviche ran so high, he clenched onto a branch, shuddering in fear, "Ok Ceviche, not your first good day to do a challenge. I think I'm safe for now".

Unfortunately for him, the Clouded Leopard manages to climb up and is now near him, screeching, which startles Ceviche.

( Flashback ended ).

"Yep...totally a watch out", Ceviche said, confidently with both his hands to his hips. Ignoring the bruises, messy hair, and some small torn on his attire.

"Well that's good to hear", Ruby said, "I think it would be better if we just stick together and search for the key, alright".

"Eh, I'm totally on board".


"Just to make it perfectly clear", Ceviche confessed, "I have not lost my interest in my girl, Panini. She is still my babe. What I am here is to impress my pristine sets of skills to the world. As well as hoping Panini is watching, which...I hope she is".


Cutting back to the monitor room in the trailer, Don and Mxy remain watching.

Having grabbed some snacks from the fridge. Eating and littering junks of food.

The screen shows Gimpy, as his first obstacle is a rock on the ground, much to his surprise.

"Well, it would appear my force detection has brought me here right in front of this rock", Gimpy remarked, rubbing his chin, "Perhaps I must use my mind in order to lift the rock and see if the key is hidden there".

"Wow what a doofus", Mxy remarked, as Gimpy put both his hands near his heart, using his mind in an attempt to lift the rock up, "Glad we picked him for this show".

As Mxy took a sip of a soda, Don asked, "Hey Mxy, I don't want to point out your way of thinking, but don't you think this seems a bit...boring?"

"Boring? Come on Don, they are in the middle of a jungle. Something is bound to happen".

"Well yeah, I mean I'm hoping none of them got extremely hurt or killed, but there's really not a whole lot of action going on here".

"Relax. Just wait a moment. It just requires time and patience".

( 3 hours later ).

Back to the monitor room, things haven't been too good for Mxy and Don as what happened was...nothing happens.

As they sat there, completely bored. All a while the screen shows Gimpy using his head to try to lift up a rock with the force. And he is still doing it, regardless whether it works or not, thinking the key is hidden underneath the rock ( Instead of, well, picking the rock up with his hands ).

"Come on, force a mind trick", Gimpy said to himself, "You can do this. It's not hard to lift a single rock".

"God, this is so boring!" Mxy moans, "Nothing happening!"

"See", Don told him, "Not much of a challenge, really. Sending them out into a forest to search for a key doesn't really spell much excitement".

"Alright fine, so it's not perfect", Mxy told him, "What we need to spice things up is by doing a little something I like to call...shambling".


"Yeah shambling. Meaning, you just add or screw around with the setting in order to make things interesting", Mxy said, as a tablet appears in thin air.

He grabs it and glances at it, showing seven red dots moving rapidly around the area where the contestants are at.

"Now let's see", Mxy asked himself, "How should I make this more exciting".

He thought for a second, until finally coming up with an idea, "I know! I'll teleport some creepy creatures to harm them".

"Harm them? Mx, no offense but-"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to try to kill them", Mxy assures Don, "Who do you think I am? Chris Mclean? And besides, you said it yourself. We need some action going on here. Do not be afraid, I'll teleport these problems away if they get too dangerous for the contestants to deal with it. Trust me, I know what I'm doing".

"Alright then, I hope so", Don said, hoping that Mxy doesn't try to put his contestants into a dire situation.

( Cuts to team Hellboy ).

Gimpy still struggles to try to lift the rock up with the force. Reaching his hand out to try to do it that way.

"Man, I'm beginning to think I'm having too much stuff clouded in my mind", Gimpy said to himself.

Hellboy and Vicky came by, with Vicky having a confused look at it. While Hellboy remains having a straight face.

"What is he doing?" Vicky asked Hellboy.

"Beats me", He simply replied, "I'm just wondering where the dang key is at".

"Don't bother me, guys", Gimpy told them, "I'm trying to use my force power to lift this rock. It requires a lot of concentration".

"Whoa the force", Vicky remarked, "Is it some kind of sorcery?"

"Kinda yeah".

"Wow", Vicky said, "That sounds interesting! Mind teaching me?"

"Umm kid, perhaps it's best not to learn the force", Hellboy said to him, "Pretty sure it's just a bunch of boring nerd stuff".

"Wait! I think it's working!" Gimpy said, as the rock slowly floated in the air.

Much to the astonishment of Vicky. Even Hellboy is a bit surprised by this.

"Yes, yes! It's doing it! It's doing it!"

"Well I'll be damn", Hellboy remarked.

Just as the rock finally floats in the air, Gimpy is then grabbed from the head by the mouth of a giant snake, as it sprung out, caught him, and pulled him back to the hole.

Much to Hellboy and Vicky's shock.

"Cr*p", Hellboy can only utter.

( Cutting back to the monitor room ).

"Jesus Christ!" Don exclaimed, getting up in shock.

"What? You said it needed some action", Mxy told him, "I don't see the problem here".

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to spawn a serpent!"

"Relax Don, he's not dead...", Mxy assured him, although even he showed some uncertainty, "Well I mean...I hope he's not dead. Would've been awful if he died like this".

( Cutting back to the jungle ).

"Oh no! Our friend has been swallowed!" Vicky pointed out, "What are we going to do, sir?"

"Easy", Hellboy replied, pulling out his pistol, "Looks like it's up to me to get him out of there".

"With that thing?" Vicky asked, pointing at the gun.

"Yep", Hellboy then told him, as he began to descend into the hole, "You stay here kid and be the lookout. I don't want you to get hurt down here".

"Don't worry sir!" Vicky saluted, "You can count on me to do the job!"


"I think I'm starting to not only like the new, big, red guy, but learn a lot of new things too", Vicky confesses, "Like that weird, magic stick the big man is holding. I don't know what it does, but it looks mystical. It's like a stick, combined with a cannon, if that's how I could describe it".


( Cuts to team Archer ).

Lisa is seen picking a leaf off of a bush and putting it in a sample tube, "Alright, one down, forty to go".

"What are you doing?" Octavia asked, coming back to see her as Lisa got up to face her, putting the tube away in her bag.

"Just collecting some samples. Since we're out here, I thought it would be perfect for me to do some sample collecting", Lisa explained, "I sometimes love learning new things that involve forest area".

"Pff, not me", Octavia said, "The sooner we finish, the sooner I can get some sleep".

"You should try to have some fun. Just because we are in the middle of a challenge, does not mean we should be miserable all the time".

"I would, but I'm still just scummy about my father forcing me to do this".

"Yeah, I can sometimes relate to that".

"Wait, you have your own scummy dad who forces you to compete in this?"

"What? No", Lisa said, "My dad isn't perfect by any means, but I do still love him as a Dad. I can totally relate to you in some way about being forced to do something that you don't want to".

"Really? Give me an example".

"An example…hmm….yeah I'm going to be honest, that's a hard one. Especially how many weird adventures I've gone through. If anything, it's kinda muzzle".


"Yeah, I've been through a lot of stuff. I mean it's hard to believe it all happens in two years, right?"

"Ugh this is so tiresome", Archer moaned, having been roaming around the area and havingn't made any progress as he returned to the group, "Where the hell is that key at? It shouldn't be this far off".

"Hey, didn't you said you wanted to be alone?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah but that was like an hour ago and I can't found jack sh*t in this place".

"Hey moron, have you even tried looking harder?" Octavia asked.

"I don't know, have you tried shutting up?" Archer retorted, "Because I'm not in a good mood. I should be sleeping on my comfy bed, dreaming about unicorns that can shoot booze out of its mouth, but nooooo I'm forced to participate in a challenge for three hours!"

"Ugh will you please stop complaining", Lisa told him, "It's giving me a headache".

"Listen little girl, I would love to. But like I say, too agitated".

"You know somehow, I'm beginning to question how you even got yourself a job in a professional, highly secure position".

"Uhhh hello, it's called family connection".

Lisa sighs to herself, "And this is why I never support politicians".

"Hey guys, I don't want to interrupt, but-WATCH OUT!" Octavia shouted, pushing Lisa out of the way, as suddenly a tree had fallen.

Archer manages to get out of the way by seemingly being startled to back off, much to his surprise, "Whoa! Jesus! I think it almost tore my suit off".

"What the heck just happened?" Lisa asked, "Why did that random tree fall on us?"

"I have no idea!" Octavia shouted.

"Hey, do you guys think that...since the tree has fall, it probably may contain some kind of fruit within it? Because...I'm kinda a bit thirsty right now".

( Cutting back to the monitor room ).

"Seriously? A fallen tree?" Don asked him in disbelief and disappointment.

"What? I ran out of ideas", Mxy told him, "Don't worry, the next one will surely be interesting"

( Cuts to team Idree ).

Tomie, leading the way, found herself and Hanco*ck ( And Salome ) near a river, flowing away down the lane, all while Idree arrived late. Having pushed away the vines and branches as he stopped to grasp for air after having walked for so long.

Tomie glances down at the river, staring at it as Idree is still trying to catch some breath.

"What is it?" Hanco*ck asked Tomie.

"I have a slight feeling the key may be hidden in there".

"You mean underwater, correct?"

Tomie nodded.

Already knowing full well of Tomie's intention, Hanco*ck understood and responded, "Very well then. If it means victory, then so be it".

"Wait, what are you doing?" Idree asked, as suddenly he is shocked and appalled, once Tomie pulled her shirt off to reveal bras.

Then she proceeded to pull the skirt down, as she took notice of Idree sudden gasp reaction, "What's wrong? Too afraid to swim?"

" up! Put your clothes back on, woman!" Idree shouted, glancing off, "Do you have any shame?!"

Tomie giggle, as Hanco*ck paused from her stripping, "Come on, Idree. There's nothing wrong to be shameful about. Unless if you want to stay above and keep a lookout".

"That would be perfectly fine by me!" Idree shouted, still looking away.

"Tch, how pathetic", Hanco*ck said, glancing away from him, "At least he has some decency to not dare look at me as I'm stripping".


"I think Idree is a pretty funny guy to have around", Tomie confesses, "He's such a blast. He's literally too shame-filled to be a pervert" .


Once Tomie and Hanco*ck have dive into the water, Idree remains side with Salome.

Sighing to himself in relief, "Finally, they are gone".

Salome moved near him, hissing him much to his annoyance

Not wanting to deal with this, Idree said to himself, "Why do I even bother. I'll go search for the key myself. I don't need them".

As soon as he departed, Salome took notice.

Idree, not wanting to show fear, shouted at him, "Do not dare follow me! I don't want any company! And I don't want you to try to stop me! I can handle looking for the key myself!"


"They did that on purpose! I swear of it!" Idree confesses, "I can tell that Tomie girl literally knew I would've been offended by it! Tch, stupid women. If she were in my land, I would've slapped her, spit on her, and-and forced her to beg while I hit with my gun! Yeah!"


( Cuts to team Po ).

Po is seen hitting his head near a tree, getting frustrated in the search.

"So...tired! sleep!", He shouted, stopping and sloudging down near the tree.

While he was doing just that, Zulius and Furrball watched. Pretty tired themselves, but not too extreme with Po.

"Are you done yet?" Zulius asked, rubbing his finger.

"Probably...just need to lay here".

"Ugh look, I'm as super tired as you are", Zulius said, "But hitting your head against a tree isn't going to help much when looking for that darn thing".

"Look I'm trying, but it's really hard to focus when I can't stop thinking of resting, eating, or either both in some cases".

"Well I can't focus too well, since I'm out here without my beauty terr-" Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden spider landed on his face.

It took him a few seconds of silence until it outburst and screamed by the sight of it, slapping Furrball away by accident and running off, "SPIDER! AHHHHHHHHH!"

He ran off, which caught Po attention as he called out to him, "Hey? Where your going?! We still have a challenge to do here!"

After Zulius ran off far away from them, this left Po alone with Furrball, which the cat is recovering from the slap he was given by.

"Looks like it's just you and me then", Po said to him.

Then right on cue, Furrball snatched up an eagle, much to Po's stunned expression, "Ooooh..."


"Awww man! I'm already messing up here", Po confess, "I thought it was going to be a fun night, hanging out with my new buddy! Granted, not the perfect scenario, but still fun!"


( Cutting back to the monitor ).

"See! Told ya!" Mxy said to him, "Just some harmless excitement".

"Well I mean...I guess this is fine. You think the cat will be okay?"

"He'll be fine. The eagle is under my control...well, I won't say the same with some other oddities, but do not worry. Nobody is going to die tonight. Not on my watch".

( Team Red Skull ).

John Redcorn continues with his search along with everyone else.

Unlike them, there was no sense of tiresome or frustration coming from him, as he picked up a leaf and examined it.

"Hmm this leaf look stepped on", John remarked, "Perhaps we are getting nearer to finding it".

"Or perhaps it's just our footprints you fool", Red Skull said, "Seriously, and to think I would highly consider holding high respect for your kind".



"Hmm", John groans, rolling his eyes, "Where's Blitzwing?"

"The German idiot robot flew off".

"What? Why didn't you stop him?"

"Oh, maybe it's because he's a giant robot! Guess what happens if I try stopping him?"

Right on cue, Blitzwing falls to the ground behind them further away from them. In his Cybertronian form, as he was getting up and rubbing his head.

"Ow! I think I hit my head", Random Blitzwing's face remarked, switching to his cold mode.

"You! Where were you?" Red Skull demanded, "Explain".

"My memory is a little fuzzy, but I believe I must hit an invisible force field", Blitzwing replied, "I think I went a bit too far within our reach".

"Great", John said, "Guess that confirms our suspicions. Now we know the Imp has some kind of shield that prevents us from going anywhere".

"But hey! Look at what I got here!" Blitzwing called out in his random face, holding up what appeared to be a mine bomb, "A pie! Wahahahahahahahahaha!"

Right on cue, the mine bomb exploded. It didn't damage Blitzwing in any severe way, but it did leave him with marks. It also converted him back to his cold mode with a stunned expression.

"Well...guess we know now force shields aren't the only thing we just discovered".

"How pathetic", Red Skull facepalm to himself, "It's going to be difficult to have him do anything, besides messing around".

Just then, John Redcorn suddenly got flung off from an explosion, causing him to unknowingly step on a mine bomb, which sent him further away from the group, screaming.

( Back to the Monitor room ).

"Going for the usual gimmick that Chris likes, huh?" Don remarked to Mxy, after seeing it unfold on screen.

"Yep! And there's more where that comes from".

( Cuts to team Reg ).

Mabel flung herself from one branch to another, using her grappling gun. She shoots, fires, and snatch to the nearest branch.

Once she reached it and landed on it, she looked around. Then resumed back to her doing by shouting, "No sign of the key. Got it. Grappling hook!"

She continued like this throughout the run.

As with the ground below, Dororo was beginning to feel tired. Yawning to herself and seemingly sloughing a little, while Reg looked around in suspicion. Trying to remain cautious, as well as sniffing the air for potential danger or the stench of a key.

"I can't seem to smell anything metallic", Reg remarked, "Perhaps the host hid it so well".

"This is so boring!" Dororo moaned, falling and laying onto Waddles to carry her as it stroll, "I think I need to rest right about now. Also, does Mabel really need to shout Grappling Hook every time? It's giving me a headache".

"If you want, I can carry you", Reg suggest.

This made her fully wake up and baffle, "Wait what?"

" did state your feeling tired", Reg replied, "I just thought you needed someone to carry you while you take a rest. I mean, I'm not tired and I'm still willing to keep going".

"Oh...right", Dororo calmed down, "Sorry for the overreaction. I thought you meant something else".

"Meant something what?"

"Look it's not important", Dororo said, "At least I got this pig with me".

Nikki sprung up from the bushes, much to Dororo startlement as she fell off Waddles.

"Boo!" Nikki laughed, "Ha! Got you good!"

"Will you stop doing that!" Dororo told her, standing up at her, "Gosh, was it with you and Mabel scaring us?"

"What? I can't help it", Nikki replied, "There's batches of bushes everywhere and I cannot let a good opportunity be wasted".

"Well, did you at least find the key?"

"Key what now?"

Dororo groans, "Nevermind".

Suddenly, Mabel falls down by breaking a branch along the way.

"I'm alright!" Mabel shouted, lifting her face up as she got up, "Totally alright! Everything is alright! Key! No sight".

"Ugh this is going to take forever", Dororo moaned, slamming her face on the back of the pig while muffling, "I wish I was back at home".

"Don't think too badly", Mabel assures her, trying to think of the positive, "What we need is some sugar to boost our energy! Which I kept back in the...mansion...yeah".

"Go figure".

"You know, something tells me that the key may be hidden in that random, place cave over there", Nikki pointed out.

A random cave appears in front of them, which has a sign next to it which reads, "Get in".

"Huh, didn't really notice it was there", Reg remarked.

"You sure it's in there?" Mabel asked her.

"I'm certain! Totally! I don't see anything suspicious in there", Nikki stated.

"I don't know", Dororo said, "I'm pretty certain this is likely a trap. No doubt the Imp is behind this. Best we ignore it and move on".

"Awww but it's a creepy cave!"

"Nikki, as much as I really, extremely want to explore that cave", Mabel told her, "Which I totally would...I think we have to listen to Dororo. I mean if I learn one thing from my Summer Break, it would be that sometimes caves can turn out to be a monster that can snatch ya! Either that, or gnomes"

( Cuts to the Monitor Room ).

As the four kids moved past it, this completely annoyed Mxy who threw a soda can at the screen.

"OH COME ON!" Mxy exclaimed, "I had every hallucinating plan set up in that darn cave! I thought they would be interested!"

"You kinda made it too obvious", Don told him.

"It would've been fun! Harmful to their mental state, but fun!" Mxy tried to think of another interesting idea, until he finally came up with one, "I know! I got something that will literally separate them apart! Which should be interesting".

"Wait, how does separating them apart equate to things getting interesting?"

"Duh! Drama, tension, panic attack", Mxy told him, "All that good stuff. When all alone, they can act differently or go crazy. People love to see them act crazy!"

"Yeah but on children's, it's-"

"Don come on. It's just harmless fun. They'll be fine. I know what I'm doing".

( Cutting back to the four gangs ).

As they resume back to their usual search, suddenly they feel a slight breeze, coming from the wind gushing at them.

Dororo shuddered, pressing both her arms from the shiver, remarking, "Is it me or did it suddenly become windy all of a sudden?"

Soon the wind became more and more harsher, as if a large turbine was the size of a sun, blowing them away as they tried to keep moving.

It doesn't help that the fog suddenly appears out of nowhere, making it harder for them to see.

It even sent Waddles flying off because of it.

Nikki clenched onto the ground, Dororo flung a bit until she grabbed onto Reg back, Reg used his grapple hand to grab onto the roots, and Mabel grabbed onto the ground as well.

"Holy cow! I didn't think we would get such nasty weather!" Nikki remarked.

"Don't worry, everyone! Hang on!" Mabel shouted, holding her grappling gun while her hair was flinging and blocking her face, "I'm going to try to use my Grapple Hook!"

"How is the Grapple thing going to help us?!" Dororo asked.

"No idea! I'm just going along while I'm doing this! Grappling hook time!" Mabel aimed and fired, only for the hook to be flung away and hit Reg, causing him to release his grip and sending him and Dororo flying off away.

"Uh oh".


"Okay, I may have gotten a little too hasty with relying on my Grappling Gun", Mabel confess, "I mean, my idea was that I'll let the Grappling Hook do it's thing, then I try to grabbed my friends, and...uhhhh...huh...I didn't think this through, did I?"


"Uhhhh Mabel, I think our two pals are-" Before Nikki would relayed the news, a fly suddenly entered her mouth, causing her to release her grip and choke, "Oh gosh! I think I got a fly in my mouth!"

Suddenly, she too is blown off into the fogging distance as her scream catches Mabel's desperate concern, "Nikki! Don't worry guys! I'm coming!"

She releases her grip, sending her flying back. However as she is flung away, she is immediately struck from the tree behind her in the back.

Then she flung away and hit another tree right in the face.

Then she is flung again and is struck again in the back.

Then again and again and again and again and again and again and again...then the wind stopped. The fog cleared up, and Mabel fell back on the ground, face forward. Groaning from the many pain she was inflicted from being tossed from one tree into another.

( Cuts to the monitor room ).

"Well...what do you think?" Mxy asked Don, "No harm, no foul".

With Don being uncertain to make it, "Uhhh I'm still a bit wary. I mean, I'm glad something is actually happening, but I'm hoping it's not too extreme".

"Do not worry, Don. Like I mention, if something bad happens I can always teleport it away"/

"Okay then", Don then asked, "But question, where did you hide the key?"

"That I won't reveal, buddy. Right now, enjoy this little montage".

Montage time!

Furrball is still clenched by the claws of the bird, trying to sneeze his way out, until eventually the claw let go, allowing him to fall back on the ground.

Before he could, he was immediately struck through a bunch of branches. Once he hit the ground and as he was slowly getting up, an anvil landed on him, sinking and crushing him beneath the ground.

Elsewhere, John Redcorn and Red Skull are still roaming through the jungle until they stumble upon a huge, open gap.

Red Skull casually leaps over it and continues. And while John tried to leap over, the gap enlarged itself, causing John to fall but not before clinging onto the cliff.

Below was a pit of lava.

He tried to wave his hand for help, but Red Skull completely ignored him and continued walking. Either his cries for help never catch his hearing or Red Skull knows but doesn't care, out of pure amusem*nt.

As Red Skull whistled to himself, once John fingers couldn't hold it, slip, and made him fall.

Cutting to somewhere else, Ruby is seen sniffing a pair of flowers and admiring it.

Ceviche took notice and tried to do the same. But instead of blindly grabbing some random flower, he instead grabs a land mine by accident, which soon triggers and explodes, sending him flying against a tree, completely stunned by it.

Over somewhere else, Blitzwing in his tank mode began firing everywhere without care or reasoning, as he is in his crazy mode.

While he is doing just that, he accidentally stroll into a ditch, much to his dislike. He tried to use his tread to back forward, but no luck.

In his angry mode, he tries using his cannon to fire him out, which works as it sends him flying in the sky and sending him falling down.

Only to fall back into the ditch, only it much steeper and made it more difficult to get out.

Finally somewhere else, Idree kept walking through the jungle, shoving aside the vines and bushes, until suddenly he accidentally stepped on a landmine, which caused him to be sent in the air from the explosion.

And landing back down into a pond, causing him to be wet and spitting out mud from his mouth, much to his disgust.

As he was getting up, another explosion was triggered, causing him to be flung in the air again. Once he landed, he exploded again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And more and more again, as if he was a tennis ball.

Montage ends!

( Cuts to team Archer ).

Octavia, Lisa, and Archer continue with their search.

Not much else happens as they continue with their search through the roots and trees that still cover the entire area.

Morale is not a full time present.

"Hey, anyone wondering if the other contestants manage to find the key?" Lisa asked among her group.

Archer began talking...sarcastically and mocking her with his intimation of her voice, " 'Oh hey! Anyone wondering if the other contestants manage to find the key? I hope not, that would be totally bad! Waaaahh!' You hear that. That's you, and this is my tone of me cannot take any of this anymore".

"You don't have to act rude to the little girl", Octavia told him off, "Just because we are in a tired mood too, does not mean you could put your frustration onto her. Or anyone else for that matter".

"Hey! I...actually you're right", Archer replied, "I have no idea what's been going on with me. Don't know if it is me being toxicated or not".

"Totally toxicated".

"How would you know?" Archer asked, "Wait, don't answer. I get it. Your a demon that can somehow sense sin".

"Wait, How would you assume that?"

"Uhhh duh, I figure".

"You figure?"

"Uhhh Yeah, you doofus", Archer told her, "I totally figure. I mean, you demon people have some kind of ability that can sense people who are toxicated, right?"

"Some of us do", She told him, in a grudgingly tone, "Just not all of us, you prick".

"Woah okay, now we are getting to the more offensive territory. Well, hoping demon doesn't mean anything racially offensive-wait a second, what am I saying! You're a demon for crying out loud. I shouldn't be respecting your identity".

"And you shouldn't be an a*hole, all the time".

"Wow okay, kinda funny coming from a literal demon. No offense by the way...wait, scratch that. No offensive by the way", Archer told her, "Cr*p, I can't even decide whether I should or shouldn't be respectful to a literal demon. Great, now this whole challenge is making me being inconsistent!"

Octavia moans to herself.

"You're alright?" Lisa asked, worryingly.

"Fine", Octavia replied, "Don't want to deal with him or any of his own bullcr*p right now. Makes me wish Loona was here".

"You really didn't have to defend me, you know".

"Yeah but honestly, I'm not a d*ck like him to let it slide like that. I do have my own morale and stuff like that".

"Wait, shut up!" Archer gestures, pausing the group from moving forward, "Does anyone hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I heard something", Archer said, "It sounds like someone needing to be quiet".

"Ugh", Octavia rolled her eyes, "Again?"

"Ummm yeah….granted, I could've formed it into something original, but I can't think of one right now because….you know, the challenge".

"Uhhh guys, there's something over there", Lisa pointed in the distance.

They turned and saw it. Over in the distance, they can make out what appear to be small, tiny, wooden houses. All of them hanging from tree branches.

Some were way above, while others were minimum above from the ground. As for the wooden, small houses each have roofs, have two or three levels, and each have a balcony.

Some were red, some were blue, and some were green.

Some even have candles attached either on the roof or balcony.

Lisa came fourth to the scene, being at awe by them, "Wow, now this is interesting".

"What the hell is this?" Octavia asked, curiously.

"Yeah, is the population so poor that they honestly think crafting these will give them shelter?"

"Archer!" Lisa called him out.

"Sorry, sorry", Archer replied, "I meant to say, environmentally cheap".


"Ok, so I may sound like a huge d*ck back there", Archer confesses, excusing himself, "But I was tired, alright...which doesn't justify what happened later, but I was tired...again, tiredness can lead to someone like me to act this way. I mean, it doesn't help that we are in the middle of a jungle where the likely chance of dying is one hundred percent likely".


"Whoever crafted these and hung them up there must've been very dedicated to his crafts", Lisa remarked, taking one look at one of them.

"Yeah, gotta be honest", Octavia remarked, "They're kinda cute".


"Yeah of course", Octavia pointed out, "I mean just look at them. They like adorable, tiny houses for birds or something. Someone must've been really good at making these".

"True, wish I had a camera with me right about now", Lisa said, "Wait, maybe I could try sketching them. I do love doing some sketches whenever I find something interesting".

"Huh neat".

Just then, a smashing of wood can be heard as they turned around and saw Archer throwing one of the wooden houses on the ground and starting to stomp it, breaking it into pieces.

Lisa, in shock and in disbelief, asked loudly, "Archer! What the heck are you doing?!"

"What do you think I'm doing?" Archer shouted, "I'm searching for the key!"

"By literally smashing them?" Octavia asked, even though she was dumbfounded by his action.

"Uhh yeah!" Archer replied, grabbing another house, "I mean, why else would there be a sudden town of hanging, midget houses. Clearly the Mxy dude is behind this".

"You think he's behind this?"


After he said that, he then threw and broke another house in the process, "Darn it! It's not there as well".

"You better stop doing that, you know", Octavia told him off, "It's not nice".

"Yeah, it's just disrespectful", Lisa added, "It doesn't matter if this is part of Mxy idea or not, that doesn't give you the right to destroy such delicate, beautiful crafts".

"Uhh yes it does!" Archer said, as he grabbed three more and started stomping them on the ground, "And what's going to happen? A bunch of angry mobs going to go after me? Yeah right. The literal Imp got my back. He'll...I don't know, create more of them or something".

"Ugh, what a jerk", Lisa remarked.

"You know, we could save one of them", Octavia said to her.


"I mean, seeing that one of our douche is being...well douche, I think it best we save these. You know, safe keeping".

"I don't know if that would be a good idea to do".

"Come on. Someone like him would come across these things and start messing them around. And since I don't see any owners around-"

"Look, I'm not really sure we should be doing it. I mean, I've done sometime illegal stuff before in the name of protecting the environment, but-"

"Fine", Octavia sighs, as she proceeds to grab a random one nearby, holding her between her arms and side chest, "If you are not going to, then that's fine. I'll take one just in case. Besides, if one or more people realize one of theirs is missing, then I could give it back and say it to protect them from the literally d*ck like Archer".

"Screw you!" Archer shouted, grabbing another one, "I'm doing you guys a favor!"

After thinking this over and realizing she can't do much to prevent Archer from being a literate jerk. Her option was limited. Protesting against him wouldn't do much.

She took Octavia's statement in favor and replied, "You know what, I'm totally on your side. Let's do it".

"Yeah! Alright!" Octavia said, "Never thought we were doing this".

"I know".

"Suite yourself", Archer told them, as he continued to stomp five more of them to the ground.


"Wow, was that literally me growing some kind of attachment to some environmentalist?" Octavia confesses, "Never thought I would do something like that. I mean, the kid is alright, I guess. She isn't as irritating as with Archer, of course. But in all seriousness, I was not expecting myself to befriend her".


( Cuts to Idree ).

Idree was all alone. Walking through the forest and being a bit clumsy as he did so. Tripping from roots and pushing away the vines.

He was beginning to feel exhausted, tired, and very dreary. It doesn't help that he had to endure forty mine bombs and somehow survive from all that.

"Damn it", Idree stopped to take some breath, "There's no luck in searching for it. I'm completely lost".

As he was taking a breath, pressing his hands on his knee and looking down. Once he looks up, he is greeted by the upside down face of a child.

She smiled at him and responded, "Hi".

This only startled Idree back as he fell to the ground, shuffling away from this encounter.

There in his sight was a little girl, around a similar age to a pre-teen. She has black hair with a ponytail. She wore red pants and a red, wrapper-like bra. The most noticeable features were on her legs. There were two blocks of wood attached to it, with two cranes attached on each pad.

She was hanging upside, chuckling from his reaction.

As he calms down, the girl jumps down and approaches him with both her arms back.

"Stay away from!" Idree shouted, as he slowly got up.

"My, you seem like an odd fellow", She remarked, "Are you lost or something?"

"No! I'm...what do you want from me?!"

"Oh nothing", She replied, "I just noticed you walking around. We don't usually get enough guest around here, but-"

"Wait, we? What do you mean, we? Are there more of you?!"

She giggled, "Yeah".

He began to back away, confuse and scare, "Look, I don't know what kind of foolish game you are trying to play on me, but do not dare try to-"

"Try what? Sis is just curious, that's all", Suddenly another voice is heard, startling Idree as he turns around to see a boy, slumping and leaning against the tree on a branch, hidden within the shadow, "She's dying to meet new people".

The boy leaped down, with the girl snickering.

He has black hair, red paints, a golden shoulder pad with a red cape attached to it. He also has five cranes attached to it. Two on his iron wrist brace, two on his upper arm, and one in the center of his chest.

This startled Idree to move toward the right as they began to approach him.

"Well of course I'm dying", The girl said, "It's so boring to just roam around and observe. It is also tiresome to see the same animal and monster every week".

" two! Back away now!"

"You guys seriously disappoint me", Another voice is heard behind him again. Looking up he sees another boy.

The boy has long, black hair that reaches to his neck. His teeth exposed, wore a red cape and pants. He also appears to have a wooden chest armor on him, with twelve cranes attached across it.

The second boy stood above him on the branches. He leaped down, with Idree being surrounded by three mysterious children.

"I thought for sure we should've targeted the kid with the viking helmet, instead", The second boy said.

"Yeah, but this one seems like a lot of fun to mess around with", The girl said, "He seems scared enough".

"I say", The boy said, "So what do we do with him?"

"Hmmm I don't know", The second boy replied, "Maybe we should boil him. Make him feel as much pain as possible".

"Why not blind fold him and make him eat some weird good", The girl suggested, "I got a lot of fun ideas' '.

"Or, or, maybe we could-" Before the other boy could respond, Idree screamed and pushed the second boy aside as he ran off, far away from them.

"Awww I think we scare him too far", The girl said.

"Nice going, sis", The other boy scolded her.

"Eh, don't worry", The second boy said, getting up and brushing off the dirt, "We got more victims to play with".


"I wasn't scared of them", Idree confessed, "I was clearly resuming back to my priority. I didn't have time to deal with them. In fact, I didn't bother. They were clearly not my concern to deal with. If they were, I would've easily beaten all three of them".


"Screw this! Screw this! Screw this! Why does this have to happen to me-aahhhhh!" Without even looking ahead of taking notice, Idree accidentally ran straight off of a cliff, sending him falling.

( Cuts to Dororo ).

She awoke, finding herself alone in the same forest.

"Ow my head".

Getting up and rubbing her head, she began to look around. Realizing the isolation.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Dororo got up, "I'm completely lost!"

Dororo roamed around, searching for her friends as she called their name out, desperately. Hoping for a response.

"Reg! Nikki! Mabel! Waddles!" Dororo shouted, "Where are you guys?!"

She thought to herself with no response from her friends, "Aww crud, I knew something like this would happen, but I gotta remain calm. I've been alone before, I can totally handle this".

As she kept walking around, glancing around in search for them she heard a snickering laughter coming around her.

"Guys?" She turned around, but no one was there.

She kept glancing around, confused and nervous until finally she heard a voice speaking, "See that! Now that's a perfect victim to play with".

"I thought for sure you were going to pick that robot fellow".

Turning around and glancing, she saw them. The same girl and the same two boys. Standing on top of a branch.

Both of them leap them to confront her, startling her.


"Looks like you seem lost", The second boy remarked, grinning and acting sarcastic, "Can we help you with that?"

"Who are you guys?" Dororo asked, backing away from them.

"Allow me to introduce ourselves", He explained, "My name is Steam Chad. My sister is Steam Gal and my other brother is named Steam Rad. We usually refer to ourselves as the Steam Siblings".

"Heheheh yeah!" Steam Gal said, getting up close to Dororo, "Nice robes you got there. Did you made it yourselves or someone made it for you?"

"She seems skinny", Steam Rad remarked, "How about we fatten her up until she explodes".

"Wha-what do you guys want from me?" Dororo asked.

"Guys, relax. We don't want our new visitor to feel weird out here", Steam Chad ordered them, as he explained to her, "You see, we don't often get more visitors around here. Visitors that don't belong here or look like they don't belong here".

"Not that we are against, mind you", Steam Gal said, "But it gets real boring when you have no one new to pick on".

Dororo knew something was up with them. Something that she is truly afraid about, but tries to remain brave enough, as she looks down and notices a rock.

Grabbing it and warning them off, loudly, "Look you guys! I don't know what you're planning to do with me, but back off!"

The three of the siblings laugh by the sight of it, with Steam Chad remarking, "A rock? Seriously? You think a rock is going to scare us?"

"I'm...warning you!"

"Hey, this gave me a brilliant idea", Steam Chad said, "Why not just stone her?"

"Awww that sounds cruel", Steam Gal pointed out.

"Or, what about we force her to eat the rock", Steam Chad suggested, "That could work".

The three of them laugh once more, with Dororo hoping for the best. Hoping that she could somehow get out of this predicament.

Then all of a sudden, the laughter stopped when Steam Chad's face was punched in the face by a metallic fist, ejected from a grappling line that came from the left. It sends him flying off from the strike, causing both of them to be stunned by what just happened.

Steam Gal and Steam Rad especially, as they glance over their fallen brother. Then they both glance toward where it comes from.

The grappling fist retreated back from Reg, who finally made his presence known.

This relieved Dororo, seeing him here, "Reg!"

"Dororo!" Reg turned to him, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine! Thank god you actually came. I was a bit worried I had to deal with these weirdo's".

Steam Chad groan can be heard, as soon as he got up, pressing his hand on his cheek from the impact.

Reg positioned himself with his left arm out for combat.

"Uhhh Steam Chad, are you alright?" Steam Gal asked.

"Yeah, did your teeth get knocked out or what?" Steam Rad added.

"I'm fine!" Steam Chad responded, taking notice of Reg, "So it looks like this girl boyfriend has come for the rescue. How charming".

"Wait, boyfriend?" Reg asked, puzzled by his mention.

"BOYFRIEND?!" Dororo asked, especially. Loudly, confused, baffled and downright outrageous.

"Boyfriend? Are they like siblings or something?", Steam Gal pointed out.

"That doesn't matter!" He said, twisting his four cranes from the top as a small puff of steams came out of it. Flinging his came to reveal his arms as he is ready for combat, "Right now, I'm ready for some payback. Steam Rad?"

"On it!" Steam Rad replied, twisting his left wrist cranes, boosting his strength on the arm as he charged at Reg, fisting readying to strike.

Reg quickly dodge it, with Rad only managing to swing his fist against his teeth, causing a severe scarring gap to appear on the tree, showing the sheer strength from not just Rad, but the others ability to use steam.

Rad charged at him again with the same fist and sheer might he threw at him. Reg bent from the strike. Then he dodge the duck from the swing again.

Steam Chad, not wanting to be excluded, ran toward him with his own fist out.

Reg took notice, as he backed away, allowing Steam Rad to be punched in the face instead, knocking him out instantly.

"Oops, sorry!" Steam Chad apologized, glancing back at Reg.

Reg backs away as Chad slowly approaches him. Unknown to Reg, he completely forgot about the sister, as Steam Gal leaped toward him from behind and restrained him from the neck and chest with her arms.

"Got him, Chad!" Steam Gal said, "You got this!"

"Heh, finally! This will make it easier!" Steam Chad charges at him, as Reg struggles to get himself out of her grip.

Dororo, seeing all this, tries to help Reg from the situation. Holding the same rock, she proceeds to throw it at Steam Gal head.

It didn't knock her out, but it did strike her to lose her grip to rub from the pain at her head, "Ow! Dang it! That hurts!"

Reg leaps upward, allowing Steam Gal to be struck in the face by Steam Chad, knocking her out too.

"Damn it!" Steam Chad shouted at him, as Reg is hanging onto a vine, "Stop messing with me! Come down here and fight!"

Reg came down on him as Chad backed away from him. Reg then launches at him with his fist, readying to give him a striking blow.

Cad predicted it, grabbing his arm and then kicking Reg in the stomach. Then he proceeded to punch him on the back, slamming him to the ground.

Chad then jumps up, descending down for the kicks, but Reg immediately and swiftly rolls out of there as soon as he makes contact with the ground.

Reg, on his knee, readying for another attack. Chad launches him with full speed force, both his fist clinging back as he tries to give another blow to him.

Reg dodges it, then uses his fist to punch him at the cheeks again, striking him. He then did it again, this time at the upper chin, causing Chad to be startled back, as Rad and Gal soon joined him, regaining consciousness.

Reg stood his ground, arms out and readying for any upcoming attack that they might throw at him.

After Chad finished huffing, exhausted from the fight he remarked, "It would seem that you're a lot tougher than we thought".

Reg didn't respond. Only glancing at him, seriously.

"Come! Let us retreat!" Steam Chad orders, "These morons aren't a lot of fun, anyways! Let's go!"

They turned around and leaped above into the trees, disappearing out of sight.

Reg sighs in relief, "Glad that's over".

"Are you okay?" Dororo asked him with concern.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright", Reg responded, "You?"

"Nah, not a single scratch is on me", Dororo replied, "Glad you came in time. I was a little worried about what those three would've done to me".

"Speaking of, who were they?"

"I don't know. Probably either some random group of kids or one of the little guy tricks. The latter I'm thinking would be true".

"Yeah, I guess so", Reg said, "Although I get the feeling they seem far tougher and a bit too personality like to be one of the Imp creations".

"Anyways, have you seen the others around?" Dororo asked him.

Reg shook his head, "No. I was going to ask the same thing. Perhaps we should go search for them".

Dororo nodded, as she proceeded to pick a few rocks and put them in her sack, much to Reg's confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"Packing enough weapons", Dororo replied, grinning at him, "In case we ever encounter those guys again".

"Umm, sure. Sounds like a good idea".

( Cuts to Mabel Pines ).

Mabel was roaming through the thick forest area of the jungle. Pushing through and ignoring the leaves that fell and sticking to her hair.

"Guys! Hello? Mabel to everyone!" Mabel called out, "Gosh, am I going really deep into the forest? Everything seems so...creepy all of a sudden".

Mabel stopped to think, wondering how she could reunite her friends or find them a lot quicker, "Okay, seems like I'm lost, but don't worry. I must use what I like to call...Brainbow! Which is like a rainbow and brain combined together. Heheheh, get it me? Get it? Heh...heeeeeeeh alright, not a good situation, start cracking jokes right about now".

"Don't feel too bad. I sometimes make inappropriate jokes during inappropriate times and I never feel any bad because of it".

A sudden boy voice is heard, stunning her as she turns around quickly. Her eye made contact with a boy crouching on a branch. He has black hair, blindfolded, wears red paints, shirtless and has wooden pads attached both on his arms. Each having two cranes. One crane is located on his belt. He also carries a sword on his back.

There was a moment of silence between the two, until Mabel responded...with a scream. Pointing at him.

The boy did not respond. Only giving a blank expression.

Mabel screams once more.

No response.

Mabel screams again.

Still no response.

Another silence came. Only it was short, as the boy asked, scratching his head out of confusion, "Is there something behind me or am I supposed to correspond your reaction?"

Mabel did not properly reply, as he ran off, screaming.

This only left the boy even more confused.

( Cuts to Vicky ).

Vicky walked around the hole, swinging a stick around out of boredom.

He then sat on the ground, legs out and hands laying on the ground behind him.

"Gosh, this is boring", He remarked, genially concerned over his new friend, "I wonder if that big man will come back? I wonder if I should help? I am feeling worried and tempted".

Just then, a figure landed onto him from a fall. It was Nikki, groaning and feeling quite dreary at the moment.

Vicky took notice and was pleasantly surprised to see her, "Oh hi Nikki! Didn't expect to see you here".

"I feel queasy", Nikki remarked, being held up by Vicky, "That storm must've done a huge wonder in my head. I think I'm seeing the number six everywherE".

"Why were you falling from the sky?" Vicky asked, curiously, "And where are your friends?"

"First off, some huge wind happened, ended up on a tree branch, got pecked by a bunch of birds and you know the rest", Nikki explained, "Second, no idea. We probably got separated".

"Oh that sounds awful. I would love to help search for your friends, but I'm kinda supposed to stand guard here and be a look out".

"That's alright", Nikki replied, shrugging it off, "I can search for them all by myself...wait, where are your pals?"

"Uhhh we'll..." Before he could answer, a sudden rubble can be felt and heard.

Then the giant serpent springs out of the small hole, tearing it through and coming out, upward into the sky.

Hellboy was riding it, having given it twenty gunshot holes into its head, yet this didn't stop the serpent.

"Damn! Don't know how many bullets are needed to take you down, pal", Hellboy remarked, as the serpent started to descend down.

Its head colliding to the ground with its body staggering like the top of the rope has been cut off, causing it to dangle down.

Once Hellboy fell to the ground right next to it, the startled Vicky and Nikki were astonished by what just happened.

"Ow! I think I landed on something a rock", Hellboy remarked, getting up and scrubbing the dirt off of his coat.

Vicky came to check on him, along with Nikki. Vicky, concerned for his new friend, asked worryingly, "Hellboy! Are you alright? Did the beast poison you or spoke any awful curses?"

"I'm fine, kid", Hellboy assures him, "No scratches, no bruises. Although, I don't think it's an ordinary serpent".

As they glanced over to the head, the serpent began to start coughing.

It coughs, gagging and trying to spit something out, until it eventually does.

It spit out Gimpy, his body still standing up and having...not much of a reaction from being swollen. In fact, he seemed unfazed. Holding what appears to be a toy lightsaber.

"Kid, are you alright?" Hellboy asked him. No responses, just pure silence. Much to the concern and confusion, "Ummm...kid?"

"Oh yeah, totally", Gimpy finally responds, "You should've seen it in there. It's like being in the Sarlacc Pit, but without the whole acid thing killing you".

"Well I'm glad your alright".

"Also if your wondering, no there's no key in there".

"I wasn't going to ask".

Vicky is seen kicking the serpent, checking whether or not it is dead as he remarked, "Poor thing. As durable as an iron sword from its scales, it was merely a harmless creature".

"Yeah, I feel ya", Hellboy remarked, "Sometimes I feel the same-wait, iron?"

"Hey guys! Look at me! I'm riding this thing!" Nikki shouted, hopping out and pretending to ride it, raising her fist in the air, "Woohoo!"

( Back to the monitor room ).

"So wait, that was just a mechanical serpent, right?" Don asked Mxy.

"Yep. I told I wasn't going to put them into extreme harm ways", He told him, "Well except for the mine bombs I plaster and a few holes or ditches I made, but overall not too extreme".

" what now?" Don asked him, "Any creative monster you want to make up? Like a giant, iron skeleton, monster warrior?"

"Actually, you just gave me an idea".

( Cutting back ).

Just then, they felt another rubble as it soon rose further away from them, but near them is a creature horrified to be seen by the sight of it.

The creature was large. It has no skin, but an exposed skeleton that is made out of iron. Its facial feature is inhuman, resembling a goblin of some sort with two, sharp teeths sticking out, its snout being a bit elongated like an ape, and its eyes hollow. It wore a golden, traditional Khmer armor, as it wielded a traditional sword. Sharp with some scratches and blood stains on it.

It made moaning sounds that are similar to those of airplanes propellers mixed with elephants roar, if it were loud enough to be heard across the dead galaxy.

Nikki got off the creature, at awe by the creature. Even Vicky shares the same interest, although still hides behind Hellboy. Gimpy, meanwhile, stood there completely...unchanged within his expression.

As for Hellboy, he isn't unfazed. In fact, he was more just tired with a mildly annoyed look to it.

"You gotta be kidding me", Hellboy mutters.

"Wow...I think my force power must've angered some monster here", Gimpy remarked.

The giant began to swing, which caused Hellboy to shout, "Run!"

Then he grabbed both Vicky and Nikki, then bolted. With Gimpy joining along, as the creature struck the ground near them, missing them. However, it did startle Gimpy enough to run a bit further where he managed to run right by him.

As they began to run away from the giant chasing after them.

( Cuts to Po ).

Po was running in search for Furball in need of his help.

He kept running for god knows what, as he began to feel exhausted. Sweating and exhaling air in and out.

"Furball! Don't worry! I'm...I'm coming! To re-rescue you! I'll...I'll be there in a minute!" Po yelled, running slowly and slowly until he began to walk slowly toward a nearby tree.

A tree filled with bananas. Pressing his hand onto the wooden bark, he then slump to the ground, leaning against the tree, gasping for air.

"Gotta...gotta rest", Po said to himself, "Dang how long is this jungle, anyways?"

Once he managed to catch enough breath, he began to think to himself, "Okay, I gotta remain active. Need some quick protein to consume!"

He then notices the bananas hanging next to him. Feeling hungry, he decided to grab one and decided to take a bite, "Ooooh bananas. This will do".

He bites it, chews it and swallows it. He began to eat the entire banana whole, "Huh, not bad. It's actually pretty good. Maybe I need another one".

He took another and ate it. Then he took two more and ate them.

"Oh man! They are actually really tasty. I should bring these to my friends back at home. No doubt Monkey will be totally excited about it", Po said, then being uncertain about that statement, "Oh wait...was that offensive? I feel like it's offensive".


This startled Po, as he turned to his left to see a young woman with long, black hair, wearing green attires with pants and a wrapping, leaf-like cloth around her chest. She also has a pale, greenish skin and is seen floating above without her feet touching.

Her jaw drops and eyes widen, twitching even.

"Oh, this your tree?" Po asked, nervously pointing the tree at it and still clenching the half eaten banana.

"What are you doing? Don't you know you can't eat that!"

"Ummm excuse me?"

"Get out".


"GET OUT!" She shouted, "And stop eating my bananas!"

"Uhhh sorry, I-I was just super hungry and-" Po tried to explain himself as he got up, but the woman wasn't having it.

"And you must leave! Or else I'll put a curse on you!" She yelled, pulling out a MK 47 gun, aiming at a startle, stunned Po.

"Ah! Ok, I'll go!" Po replied, as he charged off, afraid by the random encounter of some spirit girl.


"Okay, had no idea what's her problem", Po confessed, "I think she must be some kind of weird spirit. I don't know if it is one of the Imp ideas or not. Man...things are getting weirder and weirder".


Once Po left, the young woman was relieved, tossing the tommy gun again and stroking the attached banana that still remained in the tree, "Thank god that's over with. Although I don't know why a random, talking Panda is in this area".

Just then, Mabel came running still screaming, which got her attention.

Mabel eventually calmed down, taking a few breaths in as she remarked to himself, "Phew, that was a long run. More so than my gym running course. I think I need some stamina".

Ignoring or not acknowledging the floating, spirit woman presence, Mabel took notice of the banana tree. She approaches it, snatches one out much to the woman flabbergasted, and she proceeds to bite it.

"Hmmm, not bad", Mabel remarked, "Not very bad at all. Who knew this place has such good banana".

This only made the spirit woman fuming, as Mabel took notice. Unfazed by it, as she responded, "Oh, hi there. You want some?"

"GET OUT OF HERE!" She shouted, startling Mabel as she ran off again, "Do I have to put up a sign on it!"

( Cuts to team Ruby ).

Ruby is skipping through the area. Unlike several of the other contestants, she is shown to have no tiredness or exhaustion coming from this challenge alone.

"Come on guys, keep it up", Ruby said, "I think we are getting really close in finding the key".

Lucy and Ceviche were behind, groaning and tired.

"It's been over an hour", Ceviche moaned.

"I know how you feel", Lucy replied, "You may not notice it but I have bags under my eyes. Like, you can't see it but it's there".

"Why are you still cheery about this?" Ceviche asked her.

"I don't know", Ruby stopped, looking at her group, "I guess I'm just having a lot of fun being out door".

"The only thing I need out the door is a coffin so I could sleep in", Lucy said.

"Well don't worry, guys", Ruby told them, "I'm sure we'll find it. Well, before the other team do".

"Are we certain the other team doesn't have it?" Ceviche asked, "Because I feel like they do".

"You know, since it's going to be a really long time before we could find it", Ruby said, "How about we get to know each other a bit more. Lucy?"

"I'll be honest with you", Lucy replied, "I have this really, really, really dark fanfic that I'm hoping to get it out. It's like if you combine a post-apocalyptic world, mixed with a gothic tale about goats".

"That sounds freaky", Ceviche remarked.

"Honestly, I think that sounds neat", Ruby complimented her.

"Really? The only problem preventing me from publishing it is I'm not sure if it is scary enough. And by scary, I mean some part of it. The rest are usually gloomy, dark comedy, or depressing".

"Honestly, if you don't mind I could add some input that could make your story sound more thrilling".

"That would be helpful. Right now, I'm still under writing block".

"How about you, Ceviche?"Ruby asked him, "Do you want to share something".

"Actually yes", Ceviche said, hands on his hips, "I do".

There was a moment of silence as they stopped and waited for him to speak.

After some seconds, she asked, "Ummm okay, what is it?"

"I…got nothing", Ceviche responded, disappointedly.

"Aww it's okay. If you don't want to share something, that's fine", Ruby said, patting him on the head.

"You know I just realize something", Lucy said, "Since your a goat, can you like…..I don't know, sniff the key".

"What am I? A dog?" Ceviche asked, offendly.

Suddenly they stopped as they heard a cackling, blood curdling scream of a woman.

Then all of a sudden, they saw it. Above in front of them is a floating head of a female. Long black hair, an open jaw with a long tongue, and exposed organs, with red vines coming out of her open wound.

"Uhhh..what is that?!" Ceviche pointed.

"I think I saw that thing before", Lucy explained, nonchalantly, "I think it's called a Krasue or perhaps an Ahp. Apparently it is some kind of spirit in Southeast Asia".

"Wow, I didn't know your familiar with that", Ruby remarked.

"Trust me. I love doing research on the supernatural".

"Whatever it is, it looks scary! What are we going to do?" Ceviche asked, before being snatched by the red vain, pulling away as the spirit began to slam him to the ground. From left to right, cackling as it does so.

"Oh...well...okay, seems like things have gotten..umm interesting?" Ruby remarked. She wasn't afraid, nor seemed pleasantly relieved.

"A! Little! Help! Here!" Ceviche shouted, slamming right and left.

"Don't worry", Lucy pushed Ruby a little aside as she held out a black book, "I got a journal that could cast dark spells which could probably take that thing down. Whether or not it works, I don't know".

"Where do you get that info?"

"From the internet".


"Now then, I just need to...found the right page here", Lucy proceed, flipping the page to look for the right spell, as Ceviche is being bash from one ground to another, much to the Krasue enjoyment, "Wait, I think I, not this one".


"Okay, I'm going to be honest", Lucy confessed, "I think the spells I got from the internet were probably scams. I mean, I think one of them is literally just a fake spell about curing cancer or something like that" .


( Cutting to somewhere ).

Deep within the jungle itself, a ruin of rubbles can be spotted. Rubbles of the remains of a structure, barely clinging its existence on by the roots tearing from the pile and trees blocking its very presence from the top.

Within the rubble remains an open, wide dungeon. With the center being a pool of water.

There the three Steam children from before discuss their next objective, after their defeat from a boy.

"Can't you believe that moron", Steam Chad asked, walking from left to right, as Steam Gal and Rad sat on a rock, "Dare to interrupt our fun".

"You should probably keep your blood pressure down", Steam Rad suggested.

"Do we even have blood pressure?" Steam Gal asked.

"No...but I don't want to see him be too angry. That'll pop his steams out".

"What we need is someone to teach them a lesson", Steam Chad thought, "Hmm...and I think we know who".

Steam Gal gasp, then asked gleefully, "You saying we're bringing Sardonyx into this? Sweet!"

"No! Sis! I'm talking about our mother".

"Oh...right...", Steam Gal, feeling too embarrassed, crossed her arm and glanced away, "I knew that".

"You're sure it's a good idea to get our mother involved with this?" Steam Rad asked.

"Of course", Steam Chad told him, "These weirdo's have stepped into our territory. It is best that we get our mother involve".

"Oh I don't know", Steam Gal said, as Rad proceeded to head to one of the dark passages with Rad following along, "Sometimes our mom can get a bit...well, frantic around new visitors".

The three Steam Children enter a passage, leading down into a dark, black interior.

The interior itself was massive, with the only light source coming from the passage alone. The layout of the ground seems to consist of a liquid substance, possibly just water.

The Steam Siblings appear on the stone platform, as each of them look at each other and back to the darkness itself, as Steam Chad called out to her, "Mother! Strangers have stepped forth in your area and made a fool of us!"

Once he said that, a small couple of bubbles can be visible across from them.

Soon the bubble becomes rapid, as a figure slowly rises from the dark water. The figure was covered in red substance, dripping from it as it kept rising, revealing its head, body, and legs.

The red substance began to slowly be dripping down, as the figure began to reveal itself. It was naked, has long black hair, and its face seemingly glancing down as the substance that covered her entire body disappeared.

Her breast is covered by the long hair, as she begins to approach them slowly without glancing at them.

As the Steam Siblings stare, unfazed, Steam Chad nudges his arm near Steam Gal to indicate for her to get something.

"Okay, okay, I'll get it", Gal replied, as she ran off to grab something. Then she comes back, holding what appear to be her attires. The attire mainly consists of a golden armor, a red wrapping bra, a long red cape, and a few other folded materials. It even included some boots.

She placed it to the ground, stepping away as their mother seemed to have reached them. Once she got up, she proceeded to speak in a low, calm voice, "What is the issue, my three children's?"

As she picked her attire and proceeded to put it on herself, Steam Chad began explaining, "Some new visitors arrive and are starting to roam around our area. I think they might be aliens".

"Pretty sure some of them aren't aliens", Rad told him.

"Maybe they ghost", Gal suggested.

"Come on guys, it's obvious they are not aliens".

"So new visitors have arrived", She remarked, having finished wearing her attire as she fling her cape around from her back, still not glancing at them and facing away from them. Unknown to them, she was smirking, seemingly as if interested or amusing, "Hmph, that's quite intriguing".

"Not only that, but I got my butt handed by one of them", Chad continued, "Some kid with robot arms, but don't worry about it. I managed to survive , without a single scar. I was brave too, by the way".

Steam Chad's fake confidence and lie made Rat rolled his eye a bit.

Without a word, she turned toward them. Her face now visible, as she proceeded to head out from the stairs, with the Steam Siblings following her.

Once she reaches the platform above, she stares down at the pool of water.

Soon a small swirl-like whirlpool began within the pool, as she and the three siblings watched as it revealed them an insight.

An insight on what's going on within the present time. It shows Reg and Dororo, still trying to search for their friends and the key itself, with Reg being the lead. Using his dog instinct to sniff the air.

While Dororo staggered behind, feeling even more exhausted.

This seems to make the woman curious. Very curious, "Interesting. Very interesting. And you said this boy is responsible for your...injury?"

"Yeah Mom, it's his fault for ruining our fun", Chad explained, "Can you please deal with him?"

After thinking for a moment, the woman replied, "Hmm I guess so. A little exercise wouldn't hurt".

She turned and headed to another passageway, as the Steam Siblings followed.

They follow her through a long passage. It wasn't a descent into stairs, but rather a straight road leading them out into a huge, massive interior.

The interior itself was made up of stone blocks. Some were severely cracked or damaged, with the roots penetrating through. In the front, back stood a towering platform, with the stone stairs being its lead way. Above the platform sat a statue.

A statue of an unknown, golden, four leg creature with a grinned and side, bulging eyes. It has a sitting position, staring directly straight, and has some sort of horn attached on its head.

The woman begins to slowly approach it, with the Steam Siblings standing behind and next to the door, as if to not intervene with her usual business.

Soon a spark of red flames emitted from the golden statue, as the woman began to speak, loudly, "Gom! The entity of Madness! I, Cherieng, desire to speak in your presence!"

There was a small moment of silence, as the flames began to lower itself, indicating that the statue is calming down.

"GOM! Awaken! I've come to inform you of intruders having arrived within our area", She continued, "Strangers that I can guarantee you may benefit the both of us".

Once again, there was silence.

As she began to resume her speech, "So I require your...assistance here. If you please?"

A spark of flames lit up again, as the flame began to shoot out red rays. Moving them around until it reaches and spotted Cherieng. Showing the red ray down at her, as electricity and smoke emitted from the impact of it hitting on her.

"Goddess of Madness!" Cherieng began to chant, reaching her arms out, "Bring down the Darkness!"

The redness of the flames of light enhances, as she began to chant louder.

"Bring down the atrocities!"

Soon her arms began to be ripped away as it revealed the bone exposure of her body. Soon her teeth began to grow sharp and thin and half of her upper head began to shred away to reveal the hollow, dark eyes, as well as the exposure of her skull. The mouth that remains on her skin twisted in a grin.

"Bring down the terror of Cherrrrrrrrrieng!"

The chant has finished.

The three Steam Children stood behind, a little scared but unfazed as the red flame dispersed, leaving the wicked, black hair and shred cape Cherieng alone in silence. Then she slowly floated and as she floated, she began to descend upward, reaching to the open crack up in the ceiling, as she flew out, screeching out of her mouth, disappearing out of sight.

( Cuts back to Idree ).

Idree groaned as his vision was coming back. Coming from the unconscious knock out. He lifted his body up, still sitting in the ground as he rubbed his head from the fall he had to endure.

"Ow! Damn it!" Idree remarked, "I could've died from that fall".

"Be lucky you didn't".

Idree turned and saw him. The Red Skull standing over him with his arm crossed behind his back.

Startled, Idree held out his MK weapon, only to realize he was holding nothing, much to his disappointment, "Darn it".

"I seem to notice your lost as well", Red Skull remarked, "No doubt your…unfamiliarity with the female body".

"Obvious yes. I notice your lost as well, no doubt about your dislike of color", Idree retorted back, getting up with his feet.

"Hmm that is true", Red Skull replied, "Although now that you mention it, we are kinda similar in a way".


"Think about it. We both have no tolerance for those less of us. We believe in our own beliefs. We fear those who are different from us, and we hate those who are different from us as well".

"Tch, don't compare me to your kind. We are nothing alike!" Idree told him, "In fact, I'm not supposed to speak with the likes of you. I have my own business to take care of".

As he turned around, facing away from him he then asked him, "And where are your teammates?"

"The robot was too dumb to order around so I left him", Red Skull explained, "As for the other one...well..."

( Flashback ).

"Damn it!" John Redcorn hit another tree that randomly popped out of nowhere, "How is there a tree right in front of me?!"

He tries to move somewhere else, but is immediately hit by another tree, "Damn it!"

( Flashback ended ).

"Let's just say we had a disagreement", Red Skull lied.

"Whatever", Idree said, turning around to leave, "Go do whatever you want, I don't care".

As he was leaving, Red Skull stood all by himself as he stared at him once he disappeared further away from him.


"I think I found a perfect target at my hand", Red Skull confesses, "The boy name Idree is lost and incapable of dealing with this situation. I could use that to my advantage".


"I just had it", Idrees confessed, "There is no way I am going to survive through this. God! What is my life?!"


( Cuts back to Tomie and Hanco*ck ).

"Idree! Idree where are you?!" Tomie called out, roaming around in search for him after having swam within the lake and having found nothing as of yet, "Probably should've forced him to join swimming with me. Although, that would be really funny".

"Oh my god!"

The voice of Hanco*ck can be heard across from her, as Tomie follows it and finds Hanco*ck being at awe by what appears to be a rock formation of a figure.

A figure with a straw hat on it.

"Umm is everything okay?" Tomie asked her.

This snapped Hanco*ck back to reality, as she stood up, regained her composure, and replied, "Umm yes! Everything is alright! I've just found a...interesting, peculiar rock, that's all".

"A rock with a straw hat?"

Hanco*ck nodded, "Yes".

"I see", Tomie said, moving on with the more important topic, "Welp, interesting sight to see. Let's keep moving and see if Idree hasn't died yet".

"Uhh yes! Let's do just that"

But before Tomie could leave, Hanco*ck spoke. This time in a more shy tone, "Wait, I just thought of something. Would it be fine if...ummm, we bring the rock with the straw hat with us?"


"It's no-nothing weird or anything", Hanco*ck explained, "It's just..I have this itching feeling that the rock is a sign of some sort".

"A sign?"

"Yes! Perhaps it would be best to bring it along with us", Hanco*ck said, "Perhaps this rock is a sign of some sort. Telling us where the key is and where it can be led".

Tomie stood there. Complete silence. Having no idea how to respond to that baffling explanation, "What?"

"Let me carry it. It would be a great essential tool to our quest".

"Uhhh right", Tomie turned away and kept moving, "Whatever. Just help me find Idree".

Hanco*ck nodded, "Got it".

She then proceeded to pull the rock with the straw hat on it out from the dirt with her bare hands and her sheer strength, much to Salome's shock as she carried it on her shoulders.


"There's nothing weird about that, I can assure you", Hanco*ck said, holding the rock, straw hat statue near her, "I was trying to be active, thinking that this rock means something. It doesn't mean I grow an attachment to some random object that reminds me of...Luffy".


"Ok, even though I'm having fun messing around with Idree", Tomie confesses, "Having Hanco*ck accompany me is….well, sort of weird. I mean I know it's funny, coming from me and where I'm in, but she's the only normal looking girl on this show. Yet she has a crazy side of her that I'm uncertain whether to think I could deal with or not".


Red Skull is seen picking up a rock and violently throwing it at a nearby tree, which startle the flying insects to fly away.

He huffed a bit until calming himself down, remarking to himself, "I've said it many times and too many times before…I'm beginning to get more and more frustrated from this No matter. Once I gain enough money, I will start rebuilding myself and-".

"So am I", Tomie appears behind him, causing him to glance at her in surprise.

"I see your having no luck from this", Hanco*ck remarked, holding the stone figure near her, as Salome caught up to her.

"Of course I'm not, you fool", Red Skull said, "This whole key search is futile. It would appear none of us could find it. Even my own group was useless, including the robot".

He then took notice of Hanco*ck's new…friend, as he pointed out, "Also, what are you carrying with you?"

"It's none of your business!" Hanco*ck responded, holding the stone figure tightly in a protective manner.

Tomie came up to Red Skull, whispering to him, "She's just being nuts over some stone that resembles her boyfriend or whatever. Trust me, you don't want to question it".

"I see", Red Skull said, "Well then, whatever proposal you are offering me I am not interested".

"Proposal? What proposal?" Tomie asked, "You actually thought I was going to propose an alliance with you?"

"In this time of circ*mstance, yes".

"Ha! Come on, you really think that? I mean, I'm not even interested in an alliance, anyways", Tomie told him, looking away from him, "Not counting me and Hanco*ck being a thing but…"

Red Skull scoffs, as he continues moving onward.

Tomie, likely out of pure curiosity and interest, began to follow him.

"Say, I was wondering", Tomie began, "About your reasoning for being here".


"I'm kinda curious. For someone like you, I never thought a literal war criminal would be competing in this game".

"Odd, yes. I could say the same thing with everyone on this show, including you".

"Why is that?"

"It's none of your concern", Red Skull replied, "It's none of everyone's concern. I do what I do, and you do what you do, girl".

Tomie snicker, "I see. I'll be honest with you, the only reason I joined this game is out of boredom, I guess".

"Boredom? You found this wretch of a show to be an avoidance of boredom".

"I know, Weird. But hey, everyone has their own weird reason for wanting to compete on this show. Either their own choices or be forced upon to".

"Yes indeed", Red Skull said, then thought to himself, "This girl. Something about her seems..peculiar to me".

( Cuts to Mabel ).

Mabel is running, stopping to pant for a little to try to regain herself a bit.

" long did I ran? Must've been like over an hour" Mabel asked herself, "And who was that weird lady? Some kind of crazy, banana lady?"

"Actually, that's Nang Tani".

A voice is heard, as Mabel turned around and saw him.

The same boy she saw earlier, crouching on a tree branch above her.

"Yo", He responded, causing Mabel to scream.

She then proceeds to pull out her grappling gun, and aim it to the sky. Pulling the trigger, sending the grappling line upward as she said back to him, "See ya sucka!"

However, instead of catching onto a branch, it instead fell back onto her head, knocking her out on the ground, "Ow".

The boy can only stand there, staring down at her until eventually leaping down. He then proceeded to pull something out of the bushes. Once he pulled it out, he then asked, "Is this your pig?"

She lifted her head and looked toward him, seeing him holding Waddles near his torso.

Much to her surprise and relief, "Waddles!"

Waddles screeches, as the boy put him down as it ran up to her, licking her and making her chuckle, "Heheheh stop it! Waddles! Stop it!"

"Sooooo...are you a tourist or one of those activists that regularly came around here?" The boy asked, scratching his head.

( Cutting to Archer team ).

"Whew", Archer responded, then remarked as he casually strolled through the jungle again, "Wow, never thought breaking something would be such a stress reliever. I really needed that".

"Yea, destroying something property is very good for releasing stress", Lisa sarcastically said to him, holding one of the houses, "I mean granted, in some cases it very understandable but-"

"But nothing", Archer finished her comment off, "Jeez, have you ever considered that talking too much will give you cancer".

"Have you ever considered that claim to be highly false and misleading?"

"Umm no", Archer told her, then he began to start complaining, "God, when are we going to find that key? It's probably almost morning".

"Now that you mention it. How long has it been?" Octavia asked, "Did the Imp literally hide it so well that it took us the entire night to try to search for it?"

"Yeah I know", Archer said, agreeing with her, "Sheesh, the Imp could've at least given us a hint of where it is".

Just then, running past them were Hellboy carrying Vicky and Nikki, with Gimpy running alongside him.

Archer took notice, as he shouted at them, "What the? Hey! Wait! Where are you going?!"

"What were they running from?" Octavia asked, as her question was soon answered once they heard a stomp behind them.

They turned around and saw the giant running toward them.

Shocked by it, Archer can only responded, "Oh f**k me...probably should've brought a tank with me. In fact, where's that Blitzwing guy when we needed him?"

"We need to run", Lisa said, "Now!"

"Agree" Archer replied, proceeding to throw down both of their wooden houses to the ground.

"Hey! What the hell?!" Octavia asked.

"Umm excuse me! It's called losing weight and running!"

( Cutting back to Po ).

Po was sleeping. Having been exhausted led to him passing out and snoring, likely being unable to control his consciousness enough so he could be fully awake.

Hellboy came by and ran over him. Gimpy did the same. But for Archer, he stumbled, tripped and fell down, "Ow! Damn it!"

He turned and saw Po, laying on the ground. Octavia and Lisa stopped, as Archer got up and started kicking him, waking him up immediately, "Wake up, you fat idiot!"

"OW! Why do I have to be kicked in order for me to wake up?" Po said, "Wait...was I asleep? Did I just fall asleep during a challenge!"

"Yeah and you would've been dead if we didn't start running from that thing!"

He pointed, as the giant is further away from them, but is still chasing after them.

( Cuts to Furrball ).

Furrball is seen slowly, exhausted, and equally tired walking. In search for any competitors, in search for the key so he can end the challenge, in search for anything!

Doesn't help that he's all bruised up from all the stuff he had to endure through the jungle.

The rest of the group passed by. And as Furrball lifts his head up to see what's been going on, he is then immediately stepped on by the giant.

( Cuts back to Team Ruby ).

Ceviche is still being slammed to the ground in pain….and yeah, nothing new happens.

In fact, after a whole hour of being slammed to the dirt ground, it finally stopped when he slammed face forward to the ground, released from her veins.

All he could mutter to the two girls were, "Don't worry…I'm okay…..I think my hips were fracture".

The Krasue continues to cackle, as it begins to slowly approach the two girls.

"Okay uhh….Lucy, it's been like over an entire hour", Ruby told her, "Now it would be a good time to-"

"Yeah I'm going to be honest with you", Lucy replied, "I think I just wrote a bunch of useless stuff on here. Pretty interesting stuff I may add, but not beneficial".

"Oh…well that's disappointing. Hey, did you draw some of them down for visual reference because that would be really neat".

"Oh totally. They were fun to doodle".

Before the Krasue could make it move, it is suddenly struck by a sudden bullet that shot her and blasted her into a splat of guts and blood.

The girls and Ceviche, lifting his head up, turn to see Hellboy having saved them from their doom.

"Crud, didn't I kill that thing before?" Hellboy said, as the rest of his group that were running with him managed to catch up, with Archer trying to catch a breath.

"Oh, it's you guys", Ruby remarked, being a bit surprised to see him and the rest of the group, "Didn't expect to see all of you here".

"Yeah…there's a reason for it", Archer told them, "And it's call, RUUUUUN!"

( Cuts to Idree ).

After having attempted to climb right back up from the cliff he had fallen from, he reaches the tip; Clenching on the surface, barely making it and feeling exhausted.

"Finally...", Idree huffed, "Climbing back up here was a pain in the-".

Before he could finish and before he could react and glance up, he is immediately kicked off by Archer foot sliding his way and then stopping, didn't take notice of Idree until now as Idree fell back down again.

"Oops", Archer remarked, as the rest of the group managed to join up to him and notice the cliff below, "Didn't notice it was there".

"Cr*p! It's a dead end!" Octavia said, "What are we going to do?"

"Umm pretty obvious", Hellboy told her, as without hesitation he jumped off the cliff, much to the surprise of the others.

"Wow, didn't expect him to do that, but okay", Archer remarked, as he backed up and ran up to jump down, as he was screaming, "PLEASE DON'T LET FATE KILL ME!"

"Well?" Octavia asked the other remaining two.

"No way", Lisa replied, "I am not literally going to jump. It's insane!"

"I don't mind", Gimpy said, "I have the force. I will use the force to land us safely to the ground without-"

Octavia rolled her eyes, not wanting to deal with this as she grabbed both their hands and leaped off the cliff, as the giant sprung from the forest trees and almost swung at them with its blade.

( Cuts back to Reg and Dororo ).

Reg slid down from the slope below, catching his balance. While Dororo tumbled down and slid down on her torso with a deadpan expression, "Ow".

"Are you okay?" Reg asked, as Dororo quickly got up.

Shrugging it off by saying, "Yeah, I'm totally alright!...except for my knee. I think it bruised up a little".

"Umm..okay then".

"Do you always say 'okay then?'"

"Umm yeah, why? Were you expecting me to say something else?"

"I mean…kinda", Dororo said, "Your really not reacting to a whole lot of things, aren't ya?".

"I'm just trying to remain focused on finding the key", Reg responded, "It is our priority".

As Reg continued moving forward, Dororo thought to herself, "Kinda a mute kid. I know he's a robot and all…whatever a robot even is. In fact, I wonder if there's more about him that I really don't know. What am I saying? I don't know anything at all around here".

"So…ummmm….I know I probably should've mentioned this before", Reg then asked, "Are you…okay with this?"

"Huh,okay with this?"

"Yeah I mean, with everything that is going on", Reg continued, "I'm kinda curious. I know this is quite new for me too, but I'm starting to get a bit used to it".

"Well…since you ask, I'm partially trying to get used to it", Dororo replied, "Not like weirder things have happened to me before, but to be honest with you I'm more worried of whether or not Big Bro is doing okay back there or not".

"So…is that a yes or a no?"

This only made Dororo groan to herself

As Reg and Dororo enter an open area, Reg takes notice of something. Within the roots of a tree right in front of him, a gleaming shine got his attention.

He approached it, grabbing it and much to his surprise, he found it. The key.

In all its shiny glory...regardless of the scratches and dirt on it.

"It's the key".

Dororo gasps from the founding. More shocked than Reg himself, "The key!"

This excites Dororo, both the fact it means it is finally over and the fact she can get some shut eye after all this, "Yes! Finally! We finally found it!"

"Yea, looks like it".

"Thank goodness! Now I can finally go back to my room and start napping because after what we've been through, I need some sleep!"

Just then, Reg felt an odd sense of ominousness within their area, as he turned around and glanced, as the wind breeze through as if there was presence in this area.

This got Dororo's attention as well, looking at him confused, "What is it?"

"I don't know why, but...I feel like there is someone around this area", Reg responded, "Someone...stalking us".

"Hey it's probably just one of the other competitors spying on us", Dororo shrugged it off, pulling out a stick from one of the bushes to use as a weapon, swinging around with it, "If they wanted the key, they'll just have to get it from us".

"This is different...I can't seem to explain it", Reg told her. As he was looking down, unknown to him it became darker in his position.

Then Dororo's expression changes to slowly startling and to fear, alerting Reg by pointing at it, "Uhhh Reg!"

This got his attention, as Reg quickly glanced up and saw it. Saw it that shocked him.

In front of him was her. Cherieng, looking down at him, blocking the moonlight, sky from above and staring down at him with her dark, follow eyes as the breeze continues to blow up the leaves.

It causes Reg to be startled, jumping back away from her and shielding Dororo behind him with his right arm out.

Danger has now stepped forth, as Cherieng simply just stood there, menacingly, not moving nor taking her glance away from them.

"Wha-what is that?" Dororo asked Reg.

"I don't know", Reg replied, "Probably one of the Imp tricks?"

"Probably. Kinda a bit extreme if you ask me".

She then proceeds to approach them slowly, as Reg and Dororo back away from her, with Reg giving the key to Dororo.

Cherieng began to crackle a little. It began slowly, building itself up until eventually she burst it out. It wasn't any laughter Reg or Dororo had heard, but it sounded as if agony, sorrow, anguish, choking, hawking of a dying bird and joy all combine into a disturbing, twisted mixture of a laugh.

Finally she spoke to them, "I've heard my children have been crying of their harassment from the two of you!"

"Children's?" Reg was confused, same with Dororo.

"Wait, you talking about those three kids we encountered?" Dororo asked.

"Yes! You know them pretty well", Cherieng continued, "You see they aren't fond of someone bullying them, beating them, and not playing along with their little game. When they told me that you two have been trying to harm my precious, little ones I feel nothing but DISTRAUGHT!"

Her loud, violent burst startle them, until she eventually resumes back to her calmer, cackling self, "And...interest".

"What do you want from us?" Reg asked.

"Not much", Cherieng told them, "Only mere payback that includes me STRIPPING EVERY BLOOD FROM YOUR VEINS!"

Without hesitation, she charges at them, gripping out readying to snatch them, as Reg and Dororo quickly disperse on opposite sides.

She stopped once they did just that and turned her attention to Reg, particularly.

She targeted him, slowly approaching him with her arm out, raising her grip as if readying to choke him.

Reg backed away from her. He has no idea how to defeat her, who she is, and what she is capable of.

Before she could reach him and strike, she felt tiny pebbles hitting behind her back.

She turned and saw Dororo, still clenching the key and sticking it in her right palm, as she proceeded to throw pebbles at her, "You stay away from him!"

"Dororo!" Reg shouted.

"Ah, a brave one", Cherieng remarked, still grinning and cackling, "I always like the weaker being brave against those who are beyond their expectation".

"I don't know what you are, but as someone who endured a lot of things in my world, you better back off my friend!" Dororo shouted, gripping the stick as if readying to hit her.

She then charged at her, much to Cherieng amusem*nt as once Dororo got nearer, she simply slapped her away, slapping her to the ground.

"Dororo!" Reg exclaimed.

Seeing the harm being inflicted toward her, Reg clenches his teeth, clenching his only fist, as he lunges himself at her, readying to strike her either from the behind or at the gut.

Cherieng quickly took notice and shot red electricity at him, much to his shock. It struck him, sending him to the ground.

Reg slowly got up, feeling the burning smoke emitted from his back cape.

Cherieng continues her cackle, "I'm beginning to feel sorry for my children, if they were somehow easily beaten by you!"

Reg scowled, as he tried once again to charge at him with fist.

He swung it at her, only for her to quickly dodge it and appear behind him. Reg turns and notices, as Cherieng raises her hand and fires more bolts at him.

Reg quickly dodges away from it, backing away from her.

As for Dororo, she slowly regains her consciousness and stares during the fight.

Reg once more charges at her, swinging down his fist at her. Cherieng flew out of the way and flew right down behind him, cackling once more.

"Feeling tired already?" Cherieng sarcastically mock.

Reg was huffing. He wasn't sure how long he needed to take her down, nor did he know what kind of weakness she had.

He tried lunging himself and leaping at her to try to punch her, even screaming his lungs out. But soon he is snatched immediately at the neck by her grip.

Cherieng proceeded to slam him on the ground, causing him to cough out spit as a result of it, and also creating a crack on the ground with her sheer force.

Much to Dororo's shock and worry as she gasps, "Reg!"

( Cuts back to Mabel ).

"So are you some kind of...ancient robot or ancient cyborg?" Mabel asked the boy, walking alongside him. Apparently having calmed herself down and is now curious about the boy, "Or are some kind of ancient…half ghost, half robot, half cyborg…thing?"

As for the boy, he reaction, just a blank expression. He casually stroll through the jungle, all the while being followed by Mabel and Waddles.

"Oh right, I got it", Mabel responded, "Having properly introduced myself, huh? Well, the name Mabel! Mabel Pines. And with me is Waddles, the spectacular pig! My partner in crime and partner in fun! Really impressive titling, am I right?"

"Uhh yeah, impressive".

"I mean I know it's super weird to name both my partner crime and fun crime. Question, does this make any sense for you? Actually, what am I saying? I really have no idea what I'm saying right now by the way".

"Umm...shouldn't you be going home or something?" The boy asked her.

"Home? Pfff, who needs home? I found that pretty overrated", Mabel said to him, nudging her arm near him, "Eh, eh, am I right?"

The boy simply shrugged.

Mabel, realizing how awkwardly attempt at trying to sound casual and cool to him, dropped the faze and told him, "Okay that doesn't make any sense, but the real reason I' the middle of a challenge".

"Challenge? What, did some of your friends make a bet and force you to participate in it?"


As the boy pushed aside the leafs and vines, both he and Mabel confronted a troubling sight.

Cherieng pinning Reg down, as he tried to cling to her grip and tried to release it.

"Reg!" Mabel gasped, as the boy pulled the sword out of his back, then proceeded to twist two of the cranes on his pad, pumping steam out of it.

"Now then, which spot should I pierced through to make the blood come out?"Cherieng wondered, as she examined him, "I know! Perhaps the heart would be good. A bit of a cliche, but it will do".

"Hey Cherieng!"

Cherieng turned and before she could react, a fist struck her at the upper chin by the boy, then he proceeded to kick her, which sent her away from them.

Cherieng catches her balance, remaining on the ground with two of her supported legs. She stared up, snarling and agitated as she saw a familiar boy with his fist out and his sword facing away in his striking position.

Mabel and Dororo helped Reg up, as Waddle sniffed him.

"Steam Lad!..." Cherieng utter in a sheer, hatred tone.

"You're okay, Reg?" Dororo asked him, helping him up with his arm.

"Yeah I'm fine", Reg assured, then taking notice of Mabel, "Mabel, your here too?"

"Yep! Totally alright with no trauma whatsoever!" Mabel replied, "Also Waddles okay too. Nikki...not sure...I think she's totally okay".

"Grr you damn fool!" Cherieng exclaimed, getting all of their attention, "Be relieved that you will live another day, but none of you will see the last of me! I swear!"

Then after swearing her claim, she proceeds to cough up a black smoke, disappearing out of sight as the smoke consumes her. Once it disperse, she is no longer there.

This relieved Steam Lad, sighing to himself, "Thank goodness she's gone".

Just before things could calm down, a rustle can be heard. They turned and saw Archer running out from the bush.

Pressing on his knees and gasping for air, "Oh god! Oh jesus! Oooooh man, I think I'm going to puke right about now".

Once Archer finally catches his breath, he then glances up and takes notice of them, casually responding, "Oh hey guys, what's up?"

Before they could react, once again he is pushed off by Hellboy bursting into the scene, along with Vicky who was riding on him as he is catching a breath and a few others.

This surprises Mabel as she sees a familiar face, "Nikki!"


Both of them ran up and hugged each other, relieved to see them to be okay.

"Hi guys, didn't really expect to bump into you", Ruby said, then noticed Steam Lad and asked, "Umm…who's he?"

"Wait, who are they?" Steam Lad asked, confused and looking around, "And how many people are here?"

"And what the hell happened here?!" Idree asked, "Am I missing something or what?! In fact, what's even going on here?! I have gone through a lot and-!"

"Uhh hey guys, maybe not the time to start hugging,laughing, and asking questions while a LITERAL GIANT IS AFTER US!" Archer pointed.

As soon, the giant burst into the scene, roaring and swinging his blade up to prepare a strike.

"Oh, totally forgot about that", Nikki pointed out as they both glanced at it.

Then she pushes her, as the swinging of the blade misses.

The others back away from the giant, as the giant glance around to see which victim should he strike next.

Hellboy pulled out his gun, readying to shoot it but Po reached his arm out to stop him, "No, let me handle it".


"Yeah, I think I can beat that thing", Po told him, "After all, I'm the Dragon Warrior".

"Whoa, your a Dragon Warrior? Does that mean you can turn into some kind of serpent or a serpent warrior?" Vicky asked, curiously.

"Uhh something like that, yeah".


"Kid, don't get ahead of yourself".

"I'm not", Po assured him, "Trust me".

Po then confronted the giant, waving his arm around to get his attention and shouting, "Hey big guy! How about you wanna face your attention toward the greatest, most thrilling, most-"

Before he could finish, the giant slammed his hand on Po, slamming him to the ground as the hand lift up, revealing a flatten, broken panda in the ditch, uttering, "Ow".

"Ha, so much of the Dragon Warrior!" Archer pointed, laughing, then he was immediately slapped by the giant into a nearby tree.


"Okay, not one of my proudest moments", Po confessed, "Really uhh…..really hope the host allows cut content to be requested because ... .I think I really need one".


Hellboy proceeded to shoot at the giant with whatever bullets remained in his gun.

The bullets were shot, damaging the giant face but it did nothing. Only causing the giant to roar and swing his blade at him.

Hellboy quickly grabbed Vicky and dodge out of the way.

"Do something you demon!" Idree shouted at Octavia, panicking.

"Like what?!" Octavia asked.

"I don't know! Your a demon! Use some sort of sorcery or something".

"Oh for f**k sake! I'm not that kind of demon! Do I have to repeat myself to morons like you?!"


"Seriously, why is everyone assuming I have some kind of power because I'm a demon?" Octavia asked, "Hellboy is a demon! Obviously. And yet, I'm the one being bothered here! I mean yeah, I do have spells, but…they not to an extent".


"Don't worry guys!" Gimpy came fourth, "I have the force! I'll use my force power to pull that thing down!"

He reaches his hand and struggle. The giant notice, begin to swing his blade down at him, before Hellboy pushes Gimpy out of the way as it landed to the ground.

"Darn, I guess that creature was not force sensitive", Gimpy pointed.

Reg quickly got up and didn't hesitate as he leaped upward to try to punch the giant down.

Before he could, the giant slammed him down to the ground with its hand.

Steam lad, taking notice of what was going, remarked, "Ok, don't know if this is one Cherieng summon monster or not, but got to deal with it at once".

Then out of nowhere, Blitzwing came out from the dirt ground by shooting a laser through it. He emerges in his tank mode, having to dig himself out of there. He remarked to himself in surprise and in his crazy mode, "Oops! I think I took the wrong direction".

This delightfully surprises Vicky, as he shouted, "It's the beast that can shapeshift!"

"Wait, did he just dig himself out with his laser cannon?" Lisa asked, but her question was never answered.

Blitzwing soon took notice of the giant, as Blitzwing switches to his hot headed mode, "So a giant freak is in my way, huh?! Well I'll know what to do, with my packing heat of-!"

Before he could do anything, he is struck across by the giant blade, sending him flying in the air.

Steam Lad's response is, "Weird" and leap off.

As he did so, Archer slowly got up, pressing his hand on his head and uttering, "Ow damn it. It feels like an iron baseball literally on my back".

He then noticed something on the ground.

A key.

( Cuts back to the monitor room ).

It would appear that Mxy has…fallen asleep during all this. Snoring and laying on his seat, as Don enters the room with two towels covering around his private part and his head.

It would appear he came out from the shower, "Ummm dude, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh crud, did I just fall asleep?"

"Uhhh yeah, you did".

"Crud! Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"I was taking a shower. Surprise I didn't do it earlier".

"Ugh whatever", Mxy said, turning his attention to the screen, "Let's see what's been going on".

They turned and saw Archer holding the key up.

Assuming it to be him having found the key first, Mxy realized, "Huh, looks like we just found our winner".

"Yeah, looks like it", Don said, "Maybe it should be a good idea to get them out of here before they get killed!"

"Alright, alright, I will", Mxy replied, snapping his finger.

( Cuts back to the scene ).

As the giant ready to swing his blade at them, he and along with everyone at the scene disappear out of sight.

The Giant disappears as well, leaving Steam Lad on the ground in a state of confusion, scratching his head.

( Back to the mansion ).

Soon every contestant pops out into existence, appearing in thin air and falling onto the ground.

Even Blitzwing appears, mid air …as he falls onto Idree back, causing him to yelp loudly.

"I think I landed on something hard", Po remarked, not realizing he landed on the barely alive, flatten Furball.

"Okay, what just happened?" John Redcorn asked, "One minute, I was almost tangle in a bunch of vines and likely snakes and the next-"

Before he could finish, he was shoved out of the way by Ceviche, as he yelled out, "Yes! Finally! Home!"

He was relieved once he noticed the repair mansion near him, resulting in him kissing the ground.

Mxy and Don appear in front of them, with Mxy floating toward the winner of the show, Archer.

"Congratulations! Sterling! You've just officially become the man of the house!" Mxy announcement.

"The man of the house?" Archer asked, as he was getting up.

"The man of the house! Yes, that's what I just say".

"I won?" Taking a few moments to process this, Archer became static from this news. Raising his hand up and shouting, "I won! Woohoo! Yes! Ha! I did it!"

Everyone else groans by the news of it, meaning that Archer is officially….sigh, man of the house.

"Oh come on! That is a lie!" Dororo stated, "Clearly me and Reg were the one to find it!"

"Sorry, we weren't there to see it so Archer is the declared winner!" Mxy said.

"Aw that is some-" Before Dororo could run up to the Imp and start pounding his face down, Reg restrained her by pulling her hand.

"Dororo! Please calm down", Reg told her, "It's alright".

"How could this be alright?!"

Mxy immediately pulled out his blow horn and blasted the sound into her ear, quitting her, "Sorry! You lose, you lose! Who cares! Right now, everyone enjoy your night sleep! Because tomorrow, your new challenge awaits!"

Everyone, once again, groan by that idea.

"Please tell me someone is being send home today?" Idree asked the Imp, "I would really like to go right now!"

"Nope. No elimination for tonight, sorry".

"Damn it!"

"Wait, what about us?" Octavia asked them, "Don't me and Lisa deserve something as well for helping the literal douche?!"

"Hey! Can the reward be a sign of respect?" Archer sarcastically asked, "Because I freaking deserve this!"

"And also a bit off topic here", Lisa added, "But SHOULD WE BE TALKING ABOUT THE LITERAL GIANT THING THAT ALMOST GOT OURSELVES KILL?! I feel like we should be more angry about that!"

"Listen I know some of you are a bit grumpy", Mxy said, "But don't worry. One, the next challenge will surely be less…life dangering. And second, as for Octavia and Lisa, you two will be second and third command….yep".

"Oh come on! Can you like to give them candy or something", Archer asked, "I'm not sharing my power directly with them".

"Sorry. Must compensate them for something", Mxy told them, "But anyways, be excited for tomorrow, guys!"

"Woohoo! Ya! Tomorrow!" Po exclaimed, raising his hands in the air, until collapsing to the ground, snoring.

"Well looks like someone couldn't wait any longer", Tomie remarked, sarcastically.

"Finally it is over", Red Skull said, "An interesting night, perhaps. But not to my liking".

"Well that was an interesting night", Blitzwing said in his crazy mode, as he transform back into the tank and rolled toward his sleeping bay, "I'm going to hit the night. See ya tomorrow, hahahahahaha!"

As he cackle, it only made Idree cringe even more, "God, I hate that robot".

"I hated him too, but he is some what of a important asset to all of us", Red Skull comment, "If only he has some sanity".

"grrr, whatever! Just stay away from me!" Idree told him off, "I'm going to sleep, and I don't need you to mess with me again".

"Hey Idree, nice to see your alright", Tomie comment, as Idree walked off.

Not before replying at her, "Go to hell".

This only made Tomie chuckle in delight, "Fun guy".

"Well that was kinda fun", Ruby asked Lucy, as some of the contestants began to move toward their mansion, "Don't you think?

Lucy simply shrugged, "I guess so. Not much of an interesting day for me".

"That's okay. I'm hoping the next challenge is going to be a lot of fun".

"Hope so. Either that, or is just a rehash".


"I thought tonight was fun", Ruby confess, "Granted, a bit life endangering, but fun. I manage to make some friends and I get to explore the wildlife".


Furrball is seen writing something on paper. Then he show it to the screen which read, "Painful".


"Ok, so it wasn't a fabulous night for me", Ceviche confess, "But hey, first impression isn't always great...really hope Panini didn't see that".


"Yes! Freaking finally! Team captain! Or in other words, man of the house", Archer cheers, "Woohoo!"


"I may have lost", Handco*ck confess, while holding the stone statue next to her, "But at least I gain something along the way".


"Can't believe we lost those houses", Lisa said to Octavia, feeling a bit down, "They were so…beautifully crafted".

"Yeah, me too", Octavia told her, "I'm mostly pissed off at the winner here".

"Really hope he doesn't make us do anything stupid".

"Totally doubt that".

Lisa sigh to herself, "Well, at least my samples are still safe. Guess I gain something good out of this".

"Good for you, I guess".

"Say, since we been...umm, I guess hanging out a lot back there, do, I don't know want to be my friend or something?"

"Eh, whatever I guess", Octavia replied, as although it surprises her a little she decided to go along with it, "I don't see myself befriending the weird kid with the bulging eye".


"Ok, never thought I would befriend a literal, bird demon", Lisa said, "Don't know if that sound rude of me to say that. Maybe I should call her...Owl girl? Nah, that doesn't sound right. Look, the point is I manage to made a new friend. Never thought I would but here you go".


"That was a fantastic night, wasn't it?" Vicky asked Hellboy, with Vicky having been stoke while Hellboy looking tired as ever.


"Never thought today would be this amazing".


"I mean, I've encounter many oddity before, but this! Here today! It was incredible!"

"Uh huh".

"I wonder how I'm going to explain this to my ma and pa back at home, including the rest of my friends".

"They'll totally be excited".

As everyone gets back to their mansion, once it is open Dororo is left outside with Reg as she begins to complain.

"God, this sucks", Dororo then told Reg, stomping her foot, "It's obvious we won, Reg!"

"I mean, I guess so but-"

"But what?! You could've let me tackle that little Imp down so I could make him declare us as the winner".

"Pretty sure that wouldn't be a good idea".

"Pff, it would be worth it", Dororo said, crossing her arms.

"Guys, guys, guys", Mabel came in, along with Nikki and Waddles, "Listen, what matters now is that we are all safe!"

"Yeah! Who cares if one of us became captain of the house", Nikki said.

"Pretty sure he said, Man of the house".

"Nah, I prefer what I like to think".

"Whatever", Dororo said, then she turned to Reg, "Still though, glad you and I are okay. I'm just relieved everyone is alright".

Reg nodded, "Glad your okay as well. I mean, I still wonder who that mysterious woman and three kids that attacked us back there. Was she one of the Imp creation?".

"Wait a second, woman and kid?" Nikki asked.

Dororo shrugged it off, "Eh, it's probably just one of the Imp tricks. A pretty dumb trick that almost got me and Reg killed".

"I don't know", Mabel said, "Something about her and that boy seem off. Especially that boy".

"Huh? Boy? Wait! What are you guys talking about here?" Nikki asked them, "I've been chase by a literal giant and you guys encounter a bunch of randos?"

"Yeeeeaaah it's a long story", Mabel told her, wrapping her arm around her, "So long in fact, I should totally write it down in my journal. No darn page limit is going stop me from writing down my huge experience. I might even draw it down".

Dororo sight to herself, "You know, this night has been stressful. I need a nap".

Once they began to move back to their mansion, Reg stare back at the forest.

He stare at it for a moment, until Dororo called out to him, "Hey Reg! Coming?"

Reg did so just that. Turning around and leaving.

As everyone finally went into the mansion, Mxy remarked, "Ah, that was wonderful! Lack of interesting interaction so far, but overall I think it's gone perfectly. Although I wonder what those kids mean by encountering some mysterious woman and child or something".

While he said that, Don seemed to notice something off.

"Umm wait a second, aren't we missing someone here?" Don pointed out.

"Missing? Missing who?"

"Weren't there suppose to be another contestants that suppose to appear in thin air?"

Mxy thought about it, until the realization hit him and Don, "Oooooooh".

( Cuts to the Spa Room ).

Zulius is seen chilling within the hot tub. Relaxing to himself from the bubbling heat and somehow he was here the whole entire night.

While he is enjoying himself, he is then startled when Mxy and Don appear out of thin air, with Mxy shouting who is flabbergasted, "Have you been here for the entire time?!"

"Umm excuse me! Ever heard of privacy".

"Uhh yeah, I heard of it. But anyways, WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU DOING HERE?! You're supposed to be participating in the challenge?!"

"Well duh, I saw a spider, I trip on some dirt, decided to go back to the mansion to clean myself, but then I feel…hmmm, tired".


"Uhh yeah, tired", Zulius replied, "I mean, the challenge has been taking way too long".

"You lucky today isn't elimination day, bud!"

"Hey, I got a question", Don then asked, "How did you manage to get into the mansion. Last time I checked, it was still lock".

"Oh, that's a secret", Zulius told them, "Secret to me, actually".

Then all of a sudden, everything paused as Zulius began speaking to the audience, "Okay, I'm going to be very, very, very, very, VERY HONEST with you guys. I may have used dynamite to get myself in. Like, legit dynamite. Don't ask where or how I got them, it's a secret. I like to surprise them, you know. Give off more of my different side of personality".

Finally, everything went back to normal in normal time, which led to Don collapsing to the ground in pain and clenching his stomach.

Mxy did the same. And as for Zulius, he isn't too fazed off by this.

"Aww god! What the hell was that?!" Don asked.

"I have no idea!" Mxy groaned, "Dear Mxy me! It feels like having to eat doritos, but the doritos are made out of sharp, glass bombs!"

( Meanwhile... ).

The three Steam Siblings remain in the same room and waited for Cherieng return.

Eventually she did, as she appeared in a puff of red smoke. Once the smoke is clear, she appears to be in her normal form.

She slowly made her way to the stairs and eventually slouch on the steps, while the Steam Siblings watch.

"Well mom, did you get them?" Steam Gal asked her.

"I don't think she actually got them", Steam Chad added.

"Yeah…looks like she's beaten too", Steam Rad said.

As she slumped there, she thought to herself, "There is something peculiar about them ... .something…peculiar".

There you have it, folks. The first day of a challenge and first victory for...Archer…..unfortunately.

This was a fun chapter to write about ... .until I reached the end where I had tons of writing blocks, real life stuff pulling me down, and some other things.

But I manage to fight through it and get this chapter out. Interesting enough, there was an original, alternative ending for this where the entire cast regroup and took down the giant with Vicky idea. However, I got too tired of that and didn't have a set up for that, so had to go with this ending.

So yeah, there's a lot of unpacking here. Those who are familiar with my stuff will get some of the context here, but for those who are new, all of this material will be important later on. Like with Cherieng and Steam Lad and stuff.

There's also some other interesting stuff to note. Friendships are being made like with Lisa and Octavia, new conflict arose in some part like with Idree still having a distrust among some contestants.

Now I notice a lack of interactions among the group of cast themselves. That will be fixed in the next chapter.

The next chapter will revolve attic cleansing. And what you may be wondering it may contain, that will be a mystery. All I can say is do expect some more interesting interaction among the contestants themselves, and see how their daily life works. As well as expect Archer breaking those tiny houses to bite him back in the a**.

So as always, see you guys soon.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.