The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

in LAKE ARIEL Ten Wayne County students and their teachers of Vocational Agriculture recently attended the 1962. convention of the Future Farmers of America held at the Pennsylvania State University. The program, under the direction of the Division of Vocational Education in Agriculture, Department of Public Instruction, and the Department of Agricultural Education, Pennsylvania State University, consisted of contests and educational demonstrations. The annual business meeting of the State Association of the Future Farmers of America was held. The state officers and two deligates from each supervisory area spent their time during the three days in business and committee sessions.

The students attending from the Damascas High School were Bruce Jay, a delegate from the Wayne-Pike area serving on the publications committee; Howard Rutledge and William Gager won Bronze Emblem Awards, in the forestry contest. From Southern Wayne High School Dale Stevens won a Silver Emblem Award in the safe tractor driving, fifth contest, Donald Wilmot in the state conservation public speaking contest. and James Lee served as an area delegate on the nominating and elections committee. Four students attended from the Lake Ariel High School. Charles Theobald and Donald Coccodrilli entered the dairy products judgcontest, where Donald won a Silver Emblem Awar.

Stanley Pitcavage won a Silver Emblem Award and Mike Devens won Honorable Mention, both in the forestry contest. CLIFFORD Rev. William A. Schneider and family are occuping the Methodist parsonage. Mrs.

Tressa Finn was hostess to the Baptist Missionary Society at her home recently. A program with Rev. Paul one Smith in charge followed the luncheon. Clifford Twp. Volunteer Fire Co.

participated in the recent firemen's celebration at Hop Bottom and Moosic. The Fire Co. Auxiliary will hold a bake sale today at 10 a.m. at the Farmers' Market. Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Horn are spending a two-week vacation in Canada. Will Bennett presently is staying in Hanco*ck. Some local residents attended the annual Welsh Hill celebration marking the 128th anniversary of the Welsh Congregational Church Sunday. The meeting featured hymn and a gymanfa ganu conducted by Morgan Leyshon and Ivor Price, STARRUCCA Miss Victoria Kopp is spending the summer with her sister her husband, Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Upright, Bangor. Mrs. Clinton Glover and children, Norwich, N.Y., spent a week with Horace Glover recently. Philip Karcher is visiting relatives in Tulsa, Okla.

Cehst Mrs. Chester Ross and daughter, Amboy, and Mrs. Robert Glover and daughter, Stevens Point, recently visited Mr. and Sterling Bedford. Mrs.

Lois Holland and Mrs. Jean Allen recently entertained several guests at a bridal shower in honor of Gale Medlar, Susquehanna, bride-elect of Garry Williams, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. S.

C. Barnes has returned from a trip to Canada. WAYNE COUNTY NEWS HAWLEY W. D. Goodwin Funeral Sunday Walter D.

Goodwin, Columbus Avenue, Hawley, died Thursday He was Oct. 17, 1903, in morning at home, after an illness. Hawley, son of the former Lillian Huff and the late Lewis Goodwin. He was a member of Cole Memorial Baptist Church, Hawley. Surviving are his widow, the former Hazel DeGroat; a son, Harold Quick; a daughter, Mrs.

Dorothy Arthur, both of Hawley; a stepson, James Masker, Oneonta, N.Y.; his mother, Mr.s Lillian Masker; two brothers, Elson, Hawley, and Paul, Reading; four sisters, Mrs. Grace Masker, Mrs. Hattie McKane, Mrs. Frances West, all of Hawley, and Mrs. Dorothy Mills, Honesdale; a stepsister, Mrs.

Catheirne Masker, 11 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be from a funeral home at 505 Church Hawley, with services at Cole Memorial Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Sunday. The body will lie in state at the church from 1 p.m. Sunday.

Rev. Merle H. Young, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in Lord's Valley Cemetery, Lord's Valley. Friends may call 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m.

Miss Linda Wilkins, B. L. Gumble to Wed Mrs. LaVerne Wilkins, Washington, announces the engagement of her daughter, Linda to Bruce L. Gumble, Paupack.

The wedding will take place July 21 Washington, Ind. "Miss Wilkins, a graduate of Washington High School attended the University of Indiana. Her fiancee was graduated from Hawley High School, attended Penn State University and is serving in the U.S. Air Force. He took spe cial training at the University of Indiana and is presently at Fort George Meade, awaiting an overseas assignment.

'UNIONDALE Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Seeley and daughter Doris are visiting friends and relatives in Virginia. The MYF will meet this evening at the Wilford Foster home. Joseph and Ricky Tedesco, sons of Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Tedesco underwent a tonsillectomy at St. Joseph's Hospital, Carbondale. Mrs. Earl St.

Keenan Joseph's is a medical patient in and Mrs. Roger. Gibson and daughter Carolyn, Lincoln, have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gibson and Mr.

and Mrs. Burton Wildenstein, Pleasant Mount. They will return to Lincoln this week. -Mrs. Edgar Yale is visiting her daughter Katrina in Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beach, Union, N.Y., were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R.

M. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Neimeyer, Mrs.

Agnes Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thelfeldt, Carbondale, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gibson, Johnson City, spent Sunday at the Miller cottage, Lewis Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shager and family, Binghamton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shager.

Alfred Strait Springville, Dies Alfred Strait 22, Springfield RD 2, Susquehanna County, died Wednesday at Packer Hospital, Sayre, after an illness. He was born in Nantico*ke, son of Alfred and Lydia Sweet Strait, land Community was a member Church. of Elk Lake Surviving in additon to his parents are a brother, Robert, at home; paternal grandmother and grandfather. The funeral will be Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Bush Funeral Home, South Montrose, with Rev.

Bernard Graham, Elk Lake Community Church, officiating. BurTal, Dimock Cemetery. Friends may call this afternoon and evening. Factoryville Summer PlayProgram Opens Next Thursday The Summer recreation program will begin at the Lackwanna Trail Elementary Schools at Dalton, Factoryville, and Nicholson July 5. The morning session opens at 9:30 and the afternoon session at 1 p.m.

Children from 6-12 years of age are asked to come in the morning and those 12 years of age and older come in the afternoon. All persons interested in Red Cross swimming instruction are asked to register at one of the elementary schools during the first week of the recreation program. Actual instruction will begin on July 16. There will be three qualified instructors this year and classes will be organized for beginners, advanced beginners, intermediate, swimmers, advanced swimmers and life saving, Exact dates and times and other information can be obtained at the three recreation centers. will -be provided to Bassett Pond by the school bus.

Have your child register for one of these classes during the first week of the recreation program. The recreation instructors for this summer at Dalton are Joyce Zeilkowski and Robert Simoncelli. John Huda and Jim Reynolds will be at Factoryville and Lelia Durling and Don Thomas will be at Nicholson. FACTORYVILLE NOTES The Baptist Church School picnic will be held Saturday at Card's Pond, West Nicholson. Cars will leave the church at 1:30 p.m.

Each family will bring I sandwiches, covered dish and tableservice. NICHOLSON Nicholson Firemen are conducting a carnival at Athletic Park. Tonight will be Old Home Night. On Saturday evening, a chicken barbecue will be served. Mr.

and Mrs. Lehman, Allentown, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fahringer. Miss Carol Fahringer returned to her duties at Hahnemann Hospital after spending sometime with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. W. O. Fahringer. Mrs.

Marion Lundberg and Mrs. Marion Borove, W. are attending the JOES Grand Chapter meeting at Philadelphia. Mrs. Lundberg has Grand been Matron appointed of District Deputy 18, OES.

ANNIVERSARY JU 6-7606 DEMPSEY'S JU 6-7606 BIG TIRE SALE "AT OK THE TOP OF TIRE THE HILL" CLARKS STORE SUMMIT Friday 8 A.M.-9 P.M. Saturday 8 A.M.-5 P.M. EVERY TIRE ON SALE 088 FREE OFFICIAL BASEBALLS FREE LITTLE AND BATS LEAGUE FREE 670x15 Tube Type Blackwall Exchange Taxes OFFICIAL ANd GOODRICH "SAFETY NY! 15 Month Road Hazard Guarantee That's Right A Free Ball with the Purchase of Two New Tires Ball SPECIAL PURCHASE- -TUBELESS WHITE WALLS and Bat with the Purchase of Four. A Famous Tire Company's Best Tire In Factory Blemished Tubeless Whitewalls SALE SPECIAL 750x14 Limited 670x15 800x14 $15.95 Quantities 710x15 $15.95 Aluminum 850x14 $16.95 Plus Taxes $11.75 $16.95 Chaise 795 BLACKWALL Lounge GUARANTEED RECAPS WHILE SUPPLY LASTS THE FAMOUS OK "CRUISER" 95 WHEEL BALANCE 6 Month Full Rubber Cap Cold 5 Black 750x14 White or USED TIRES Weights Free Tread And Your Guarantee $6.95 800x14 AND UP Recappable Casing 195 FRONT END SPECIAL WHEEL ALIGNMENT 795 COMPARE Adjust Caster and Chamber- -Correct Toe In- -Balance Front Wheels Repack Front Wheel Bearings--Check Front Brakes in Friday, June 29, 1962-9 Nicholson Man Escapes Prison Hyman Rosen, 62, operator of the Keystone Amusem*nt Nicholson, received a six-month suspended jail sentence Wednesday by Peace Justice Richard Klausner, Windsor, N.Y., after his conviction of failure to carry workmen's compensation on an employe. Rosen also faces sentencing on a similar charge July 26 in Binghamton City Court for failure to carry compensation on a Susque-1 hanna County man involved in an accident some time ago the Nicholson area.

EAST ENDSpecial Checking Account East Scranton Bank Member F.D.I.C. NEW MILFORD: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Catanch, Mrs. Nettie Gillian and Mrs.

Marguerite Brown called on Mrs. Blanche ow a d. Clarks Green, recently. The Young Adult Club met with Mr. and Mrs.

Eugene Gunn recently. There were 10 present. Mrs. Edna Stanton, Binghamton, spent Sunday with her son, Rev. William Stanton, and Mrs.

Stanton. Too Late to Classify FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGE KIZER LAKE, LAST 2 WEEKS IN JULY. PHONE HU 9-2768 COTTAGE FOR RENT Lake Winola, 2 or 3 bedroom cottage with all conveniences. Boat and dock. Week or month, phone Essex 8-2380.

MALE Wanted Experienced dry cleaning presser all year around work, top wages. Scranton Drive- In Cleaners 406-408 Linden St. Get Your Share Of These VALUES FOR THE FOR THE WEEKEND I AP HOLIDAY SIRLOIN RIB STEAKS TENDER, JUICY Lb. IN ALL SUPER MARKETS IN SCRANTON AND VICINITY, Porterhouse Steaks 1 89c Fresh Salads BALLET'S BRAND Cup 1ge. 29c Frying Chicken Legs lb.

47e Frying Chicken Breasts "FULLY COOKED" SMOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION lb. lb. Shank Whole Lb. 39c Over 12-Ib. Lb.

44c Butt Center Ham Lb. 49c Slices Lb. 79c SUPER-RIGHT SEMI- BONELESS COOKED HAMS Lb. 59c SWIFT'S DOMESTIC CANNED HAMS Lb. to Avg.

11 Lb. 69c 5 Lb. Can $3.79 Imported Canned Lb. Can $2.79 Swift's Canned Picnics 3 Lb. Can $1.89 SUPER- RIGHT QUALITY TURKEYS 5 to 14 LB.

AVG. READY Lb. COOK! TO WATERMELONS LARGE, RED RIPE Ea. Jumbo Cantaloupes 4 for 89c Fresh Green Beans 2 ibs. 19c Calif.

Bing Cherries THE GREAT ATLANTIC PACIFIC TEA COMPANY Super Markets DEPENDABLE FOOD RETAILERS SINCE 1859 PRICES IN THIS AD EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE recently. dock. BROTHERS OF THE BRUSH--Members of the Brothers of the Brush present at a meeting Wednesday night when Honesdale Mayor Lewis Howell signed a proclamation designating Aug. 6 through 18 as "Brothers of the Brush Weeks." Seated left to right: Mayor Howells, William Pratcshler. Standing, left to right, Mervin Bass, Harland Gillow, Thomas Howell, chairman, Honesdale; Carl Matoushek, Waymart; Gordon Miller and Fritz Price, Honesdale.

HONESDALE County Groups to Benefit From Three Camp Shows At a recent meeting of the County Camp Directors, it was found necessary to change the dates of the shows that camps will present in Honesdale High School Auditorium for the benefit of three county organizations. The Boy 'Mails' Letter in Alarm Box At 2:30 p.m. Thursday a general fire alarm was sounded and fire trucks of the Honesdale Fire Companies rushed to the corner of 8th and Main Streets. The firemen found that a 10-year-old boy, a stranger in town, had tried to mail a letter in the fire alarm box. Ella M.

Kimble Dies; Rites Set Mrs. Ella M. Kimble, 90, 34 Stanton Honesdale, died at her home Thursday after an illness. She was the widow of Winnie H. Kimble who died in 1955.1 Born at Haines, Wayne County, she was the daughter of the late Stephen and Elizabeth Yeara Bodie.

She was' a member of the Central Methodist Church, the wSCS, a 50 year member of the WCTU, and the Daughters of America. She is survivied by a daughter Mrs. Millard Penwarden; one brother, Stephen Bodie, Wits. Woodstock, N.Y.; one sister, Katherine Skellett, Binghamton; two grandchildren, William Price, and Donald Penwarden, Honesdale; and six great grandchildren. Memorial services will be held at the home by the Daughters of America, at 7 p.m., Saturday.

Funeral services will be held at the home Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. George Alers, Central MethodIst Church, will officiate. Interment, Schoonover Cemetery, Honesdale. Arrangements, Walter E.

Steelman Funeral Home, Honesdale. Couple Quietly Observes Jubilee Mr. and Mrs. John B. Westgate, 715 Court Honesdale, quietly marked their 56th wedding anniversary Wednesday.

Miss Mildred Tamblyn and John Westgate were married June 27, 1906, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tamblyn in Girdland, Wayne County, by the late Rev. Mr. Coleman, pastor of the Cartey Brook Methodist Church.

In 1920 they purchased the Tamblyn Homestead Farm and operated the dairy farm until 1940 at which time they sold it and moved to Honesdale. They have three sons; Harry, USAFB, Shreveport, Walter, Middletown, N.Y,; Milton, Vandling; one daughter, Mrs. Paul Kretchmer, Honesdale; five grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Honesdale Area 7 Funerals Symons Mrs. Clara M.

Symons, 213 Riverside Drive, Honesdale. Saturday from the Hessling Funeral Home, 428 Main Honesdale, with mass at 10:15 a.m. in St. Mary Magdalen Church. InJerment, parish cemetery.

call at their convenience. Honesdale's New AIR-CONDITIONED SHOWPLACE I WAYNE COUNTY TONITE 7 9 the top hit show! "Follow That Dream" With ELVIS PRESLEY Wayne Memorial dates have been changed to Monday, July 30, Monday, Aug. 6 and Monday Aug. 20. The first show will be a of "South Pacific" by Camp Keeyumah.

The second will be "Bye Bye Birdie" by Camp Towanda. Camp Starlight will present the final show. Proceeds of the shows will be divided equally between the Wayne County Memorial Hospital, Federation of Wayne Co. fire companies and the Red Cross. George Casparian, ways and means chairman of the high school P.TA, sponsoring organization of the programs, as well as chairman of the Resort Promotion Committee of the Honesdale Chamber of Commerce pointed out several benefits may be derived from these shows.

"Not only will several very decounty groups benefit financially, but in addition we will be giving the residents and tourists in the area something to do. It is hoped that this will further cement good relations with the Wayne County Camps and the local residents. The camps are underwriting the entire costs of these performances, the costumes, scenery, etc. They have on their staffs highly trained drama and dancing personnel who will direct these performances. We know that their staffs will be delighted and thrilled to perform before a large public audience and we are sure that the residents of the area will be equally thrilled at the skill and performance of these young; sters from our summer camps." Mr.

Casparian said various committees to assist in these performances would be announced next week. It is hoped that the two hospital auxiliaries as well as members of the various fire companies will assist in the sale of tickets. The high school P-TA will have charge of the arrangements at the school, such as ushering, concessions, Jubilee Sunday For McCormacks Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.

McCormick, 700 Ridge Honesdale, will celebrate their 25th anniversary Sunday. There will be mass of thanksgiving offered at 10:30 a.m. in St. John the Evangelist Church, Honesdale, with Rev. Peter S.

Kane, pastor, celebrant. Following a family dinner, open house will be held from 2 to 5 p.m., at Texas No. 4 Fire Hall, Terrace Honesdale, to which relatives and friends are invited. Miss Kathryn R. Kane and Frank D.

McCormick were united in marriage June 26, 1937, in St. Juliana's Church, Rock Lake, by Rev. John J. Gaffney. Mr.

and Mrs. McCormick are the parents of seven children, five of whom are living; Mary, Thomas, Dan(iel, Joanne and Maureen at home. Patricia and Joseph are deceased. Attend Meetings Wayne County Superintendent of Schools Paul Ryder and assistant Superintendent John Sutton were in Harrisburg recently for Department of Public Instruction meetings. Ryder attended -a of the Pennsylvania Association of County Superintendents.

Members of the staff of the Wayne County school office attended a meeting of the Northeast region of the Pennsylvania Association of County Superintendents at Irem Temple Country Club Dallas, Tuesday. In attendance were: Miss Arline Beardsley, supervisor of homemaking; John Tobey, supervisor of special education; John Sutton, assistant Paul Ryder, County superintendent, 1 and Homer B. Ammerman, retired county superintendent. RITZ HAWLEY tonite 7 and 9 packed with laughs! "Horizontal Lieutenant" With An All-Star Cast Patients admitted Thursday to Wayne Memorial Hospital, Honesdale, included: Richard N. pin, Newfoundland; Walter Warnke, Greentown; Miss Dawn Lawrence, Hawley; James Backley, Seelyville.

Admitted Wednesday: Gershom G. Krom, Wyomissing, Pa. Mrs. Emma MacMullen, Prompton; William Wappner, Hawley; Mrs. Edith Cory, Honesdale.

Discharged Thursday: Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, Honesdale; John Smith, White Mills; Mrs. Megargel, Hawley. Discharged Wednesday: Kenneth Swingle, Blooming Grove; Mrs. Hessie A.

Chyle, Aldenville. Mrs. Margaret Samson, a teacher at Lake Ariel, was treated Wednesday for laceration of her arm received when a saw fell on her. Barbara Kolosky, Lakeville, received treatment for a possible fracture of a bone in her foot, received when she fell down stairs at the auction barn. THOMPSON An estimated 500 people attended the old fashioned hymn sing at Camp Chen-A-Wanda on Fiddle Lake.

For an hour and 15 minutes the recreation hall at the camp filled with Christian large, song. The invocation prayer was led by Rev. Jonas Menninger, pastor of the Mennonite Church at Gibson. Clifford Tinklepaugh gave words of welcome and William Richards, organist of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Scranton, was at the console playing the ed hymns with marked musicianship.

Rev. William Jones, pastor of the Thompson Charge Methodist Church, during a five-minute meditation challenged the people and said "Let us recapture the excitement of God; let this valley of dry bones get up and walk around." The nexttold fashioned hymn sing will be at the Community House at Wrighter Lake Sunday, Aug. 5, at. 3 p.m..

The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.