The Clay Center Dispatch from Clay Center, Kansas (2024)

LOCALS Entertained J. S. C. Club. Miss Clara Rose was hostess on Saturday to members of the J.

S. C. club. Rook and needlework were pleasant diversions of the afternoon and at the close, the hostess served a dainty lunch. The club will meet next week with Miss Josie Montell.

Entertained At Dinner, A party of young men, who asked that their names be withheld, entertained at twelve o'clock dinner yesterday at the Mrs. S. D. Broughton boarding house. Their landlady was absent and they took this opportunity to exhibit their culinary arts to the lady boarders and the menu they served was delicious and far excelled the efforts of the latter, who had charge of the dinner the previous day.

Entertained Needle Club. The Sherwood Needle Club was very pleasantly entertained on Saturday by Mrs. C. R. Shotwell, with eleven members and two visitors present.

The afternoon was spent in the usual way and at the close, a delicious two course luncheon was served, and they then adjourned to meet in two weeks with Mrs. Ed Merten and this being the annual election of officers a good attendance is desired. Was Buried On Wednesday. The funeral of Wm. Cartridge, half brother of John Simms, of this city, was held at his late home, Fort Smith, on Wednesday.

Mr. Cartridge was a newspaper man and had been in failing health for some time. He had traveled quite extensively for the benefit of his health and had only resided in Fort Smith a short time. He is survived by his wife and mother, besides other relatives. Assessors Are Busy.

The deputy county assessors started out all over the county this morning. The work will not be so heavy this year as only personal property is being assessed. Grain will be assessed at the following rate: Corn, 45 cents; Oats, 65c; Wheat, $1.20 per bushel. 'Commissioners Are In Session. The county commissioners are in session this week.

They spent today In allowing claims and bills. There is not a great amount of business to before the board this month it will likely be a short session. Died This Morning. Mrs. C.

Udman, mother of Mrs. F. 0. Carlson, died at the Carlson home yesterday morning at the age of 81 years. The funeral was held this afternoon at two o'clock from the Swedish M.

E. church, Rev. Carlson conducting the services, and terment was made in Greenwood cemetery beside the husband, who died something over a year ago. Have a Pair of Twins. Born to Harry Rundle and wife on February 28, at Twin Falls, twins, a boy and girl.

Spoke On Masonry, The members of the Ethical Study Club of the Congregational church, knew a great deal more about Masonry when Attorney Hy. W. Stackpole concluded his short address on Sunday evening, than they had before. Mr. Stackpole's was the third in the club's series of evenings devoted to "Fraternalism" and he took his hearers from the hazy times of Adam down to the recent years, setting forth the principal events in Masonic history and making clear its essential demands and teachings.

The club tendered the speaker a vote of appreciation and thanks. Lost Their Game. The local basketball team met with hard luck at Wamego Saturday afternoon when they lost the game by a score of 58 to 29. They were short three men, two being hurt at the start and one being absent, having missed the train at Manhattan, where they played Friday night. Court Convened Today.

Judge F. R. Smith and Court Stenographer Cleo C. Ha ly came up from Manhattan last night and this morning Judge Smith took the bench for the first time. He opened court at nine o'clock with a splendid address and was given a hearty welcome by local barristers, after which the following cases were tried: State of Kansas vs.

Frank Reed, parole extended to the next term of court on the continuing bond heretofore given. State of Kansas vs. Wm. B. Stotts, parole, alias warrant ordered issued and cause continued to the next term.

State of Kansas vs. Earl Banister, violating prohibitory law, cause continued. State of Kansas vs. Fritz Flora, parole. Parole extended to the next term of court on the continuing of the bond heretofore given.

Are Parents of a Son. A son was born this afternoon to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mailen. Mrs.

Mailen is a daughter of Judge J. P. Otis. who visited in Morganville at the M. L.

Lakin home and here with the former's brother, E. Kratochvil, returned to Cleburne today. Mrs. A. W.

Drury is visiting in Wakefield this week with her daughter, Mrs. Dan Younkin. Mrs. J. S.

Fullington is over from Idana today attending to business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boyd came over from Idana this morning and are guests of the latter's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. F. A. Hagberg. Mr.

and Mrs. Omar Perreault were business visitors from Morganville on Saturday. Miss Alfretta Edmonds of Salina, who has been a guest of Miss Hazel Alquist, went to Miltonvale on urday and will visit her sister, Mrs. L. Babbitt.

Scott Chestnut, who spent a week in Ogallah with. his sister, Mrs. Nixon, came home on Saturday. Mrs. H.

R. Trechsel and little daughter, who have been visiting in Bala at the F. F. Gentry home, returned to Idana Saturday afternoon. L.

P. Schrader came home on Saturday from Eldorado, where he had been on business. Miss Gertrude Vassar arrived home yesterday from McPherson, where she was called last week by the illness of her brother-in-law, Paul Smith, who is much better. Mrs. Mildred Pinkerton came over from Idana today for a short business visit.

Miss Agnes Bedford was a business visitor from Idana on Saturday. Geo. Karrigan of Bala, spent Sunday here with his father, Phillip Karrigan. Mrs. C.

J. Lind returned to Leonardville today after making a short visit here with relatives. Dr. Carl Gunter, John Gunter, Albert Gunter and Frederick Keefer are business visitors from Oak Hill today. Mrs.

Maggie Bishop returned to Miss Blanche Hileman returned to her home in Clifton on Saturday after visiting here with Mrs. S. A. Bovey. Miss Angie Wolcott arrived home on Saturday from Chanute, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs.

H. P. Dillon. Mrs. Alma McLavy and Miss Della O'Harro were business visitors from Morganville on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl McChesney returned to Junction City today, after spending Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Rouse, who spent Sunday here with the former's mother, Mrs. C. L. Rouse. Mrs.

Margaret Martin was a pessenger today to Wakefield, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. B. H. Niemoller. Richard Bentley is among the business visitors from Idana today.

Mrs. W. J. Noble and children left today for their home in Fremont, having visited here with relatives and in Leonardville with the former's sister, Mrs. C.

J. Lind. Mrs. J. H.

Merten and two children were passengers on Satur-1 day to Clifton where they spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Needham.

Mrs. Arthur White, of Idana, went to Clifton on Saturday for an over Sunday visit with her son, Earl White and wife. Dr. E. C.

Morgan is a business visitor in Wakefield today. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kratochvil, Kansas City today, having visited here with her mother, Mrs.

Rhoda McGunigle. Mrs. James Fritz, who made an over Sunday visit here at the D. M. Gillespie home, returned to Riley today.

G. W. Reed left today for his home in Utica, having spent a week here with his sisters, Mrs. G. A.

Van Atta and Misses Nannie and Fannie Reed. Mrs. Frank Thorp and daughter of Rochelle, who have been visiting in Kansas City with relatives, arrived here Saturday afternoon and are guests of her cousins, Mesdames E. T. Landon and A.

S. Gollober. LADIES. LADIES. Large hosiery company desires to hear from ladies seeking employment, full or part time.

Experience unnecessary. Lincoln Hosiery 2121 Pacific Philadelphia, Pa. TUESDAY LOCALS Funeral Held Yesterday. The funeral of Mrs. Johanna Udman, who died on Sunday, was held yesterday afternoon at two o'clock from the Swedish M.

E. church and interment was made in Greenwood cemetery. The deceased was born in gotland, Sweden, May 21, 1831 and died at Clay Center, Kansas, Feb. 28, 1915, at the age of 83 years, 9 months and 25 days. She was married to Carl Udman in their native land in 1853 and to this union were born five children.

One died a number of years ago and two sons, who went to Alaska, have not been heard from tor sixteen years. One daughter, Mrs. F. 0. Carlson, and a son, Julius Udman, both of this city, survive.

Mr. Udman preceded his wife in death something over a year ago. She came with her family to America and settled in Riley county, later moving to Clay Center. Since 1839, she has been a faithful member of the Swedish M. E.

church and is one who will be greatly missed. Entertained Last Evening. Miss Maude Walker entertained a party of friends last evening at her home on Court street. The guests numbered twenty and they spent the evening in social games and music, at the close of which, the hostess served dainty refreshments. Senior Class Party.

The Senior class of the high school was royally entertained last night at the Rev. J. W. Bayles home. The class colors, red and white, were used in the decorations and the same colors were carried out in the daintily served refreshments.

Games and music were pleasant features of the evening's entertainment and it was an exceptionally pleasant affair for all present. Ministerial Union Met. The Ministerial Union held its regular meeting yesterday afternoon in the study of the Methodist church. There was a good attendance and the devotionals were led by Rev. J.

A. Arnold, pastor of the Christian church. Rev. J. W.

Bayles, of the Baptist church, read a paper, his subject being, 'The Influence of the Pew on the Pulpit." It was an exceptionally good paper and Rev. Bayles brought out some splendid points. During the meeting, Rev. Arnold and Rev. Taylor, of the Episcopal church were taken into the Union.

Good Program Was Given. Last Saturday evening the W. R. C. and G.

A. R. Post No. 88 celebrated Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays and the following program was given: Song, "Marching Through Georgia" By the Post Reading, "George Mrs. E.

Stratton Poem, "Abraham Lincoln Emily Stewart Recitation, "Washington's Boyhood Days," Blanche Story Song, "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching," Poem, "The Pens that Lincoln Used," W. E. Durant Poem, "Army S. N. Stewart Solo, "Bunker Hill," Gena Farnam Following the program, ments were served.

Held a Business Meeting. The Clay Center Club held a business meeting and smoker at the club rooms last night. The attendance was large and after the brief business session, the party dispersed to various parts of the club rooms indulging in such games and pastimes as they saw fit. During the evening, refreshments were served, and it proved to be a very pleasant and profitable meeting. Died Last J.

B. Wicklin died last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Griffiths, living onrthwest of town. Mr. Wicklin had been in failing health for many months, and since last September, had been confined to his bed.

He was 81 years, 9 months and 20 days old. The funeral will be hold Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at the Harry Griffith home, Rev. H. G. Mathis conducting the services and interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.

Died In Leavenworth. Mr. and Mrs. F. H.

Myers were called to Leavenworth today by the death of the latter's father, John Ebinger, who died early this morning. Mr. Ebinger was about 76 years of age and he had been ill for six weeks. He was well known here, having until fifteen years ago, made this city his home, owning a butcher shop. After going to Leavenworth he was in the grocery.

ness until a few years ago, when he retired. It was only last May that Mrs. Ebinger died, and the deceased is survived by several children. Funeral arrangements 1 have net been made. Petitions for Mayor, Treasurer and Councilmen are Made.

Nomination papers for Murray M. Smith for mayor, H. W. Selts for city treasurer, J. R.

Crandall for councilman in the first ward, J. F. Tremmel in the second, U. S. Ford in the third and F.

B. Woodbury in the fourth, were filed yesterday and mark the first definite step taken thus far in the coming city election. All of these nominees are at present holding these positions and have consented to run, in deference to a general desire that the present administration should be endorsed. The recent report printed showing the financial condition of the was So flattering, that there ought to be almost unanimous demand that this management should be con-: tinued for another term. During the past two years, conditions have been highly satisfactory, the interests of the city have been well taken care of, a high standard of efficiency has been maintained, a gratifying degree of harmony has been attained and the fine balance shown in every one of the city's funds, shows how fully the financial interests of the city have been safeguarded.

With such a record as this, Clay Center will undoubtedly show its gratitude and appreciation by giv-! ing each member, a hearty ment. Has Bought Pump Business. Theodore Drantman, who recent-! ly disposed of his oil wagon, has purchased the pump and windmill business of Bert White, and took, possession yesterday. Mr. White has not as yet decided what he will do in the future.

Family Formerly Lived Here. This paper yesterday contained the report of the railroad accident just east of Topeka in which the sons of David Link, William Ray and James, were run over by a Rock Island train. The family, a year ago, resided in Clay Center, occupying the residence in Riverview just south of Judge Otis, the house now occupied by J. W. Nordstrom.

When the family moved from here, it went to Topeka, and when the news of the tragedy was printed, their former neighbors recognized the names of the boys as well as the name of the father, who used to work in the Walker shop, just east of the postoffice. District Court Proceedings. The following cases were tried in the district court yesterday afternoon and today: City of Clay Center vs. F. L.

Williamson and F. H. Myers. City of Clay Center vs. E.

L. Lindner and F. L. Williamson. City of Clay Center vs.

A. L. Williamson and E. H. Swenson, action on indemnity bond, causes continued by consent of parties to the next regular term cf court.

Big Four Implement vs. Mag-! gie Keyser et to collect account, supersedeas bond set at $1.500. Mary E. Fyfe vs. Nellie Sullivan et al, suit in partition.

Sale confirmed and distribution ordered. Florence E. Bull vs. Wm. A.

Bull, for divorce, leave was granted tiff to file an amendment and supplemental petition within 30 days from date, cause continued to next regular term of court. Ogeal Thomas vS. Richard W. Thomas, cause continued by agreement of parties. Geo.

Snow et. al. vS. Martha Peterson et suit in partition, on motion of plaintiff, cause was dismissed without prejudice. State of Kansas vs.

Chas. P. Warner, in this cast, the mandate was spread upon the journals of this court. Albert Armstead vs. J.

N. Powers, to set aside tax deed, demurrer over ruled and defendant given five days to file amended answers and given five days thereafter to plead thereto. Geo. Adams vs. C.

R. I. P. railway for damages, cause continued to next regular term of court. Alice Karr vs.

Aline K. Harner, for specific performance of contract. C. Vincent Jones was appointed guardian of Marshall K. Harner for the suit.

Nora Jinkiaway et al vs. Bertha A. Ford, mandate of supreme court was ordered spread on tne journals. Emma Gardner VS. Inter-Ocean Life and Casualty mandate was ordered spread upon the journal.

Geo. W. Kennedy vs. Malinda R. Allen, his next friend for rights of majority.

Rights of majority to be bestowed upon the applicant upon payment of the costs. Was Promptly Registered. A prompt record was made in registering the birth of the baby born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert C.

Downing, the registration being made within twenty minutes after the birth had occurred. Express Appreciation. We wish in this manner to express our thanks for the many kind acts shown us during the illness and death of our mother and grandmoth-1 er. F. 0.

Carlson and family; Julius Udman. John Bunny, Flora Finch and Jay Dwiggins in a big two reel comedy at the Rex Theater tonight. Don't miss it. Mrs. S.

A. Long went to Green today for a short visit at the Roland Macy home. Mrs. James Blue is spending today in Broughton with her son, Enos Blue. Mrs.

Geo. Reed was a passenger today to Green, where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bode. Mrs.

F. H. Barlow left today for Lansing, where she will make her future home. Her father, J. C.

Sherley and son, Harold Stoner, preceded her several days ago. Dr. J. F. Hemphill is spending today in Wakefield on business.

A. J. Sleeper left this morning for Kansas City, where he will visit his daughter, Mrs. Frank Etter. Mrs.

S. A. Anderson is among the business visitors from Morganville today. John Bunny and his little brother at the Rex Theater tonight, featuring John Bunny and his second, Jay Dwiggins and Flora Finch, in a big two reel Vitagraph comedy. If you miss seeing this picture you are going to miss one of the best in many a day.

John Dowd and Elmer Oppenlander went to Clyde last evening for a short business visit. W. R. Meek was over from Idana yesterday attending to business affairs. Mrs.

Harry Lyman returned to her home in Belleville yesterday after making a short visit here at the Geo. Lyman home. A NEW FIRM COMES TO TOWN. H. W.

Selts Sell Jewelry Business to B. M. Fricke Co. H. W.

Selts one of the old'est establishments in Clay Center, having been continuously in business since 1880, has passed into the hands of a new firm, B. M. Fricke Co, Mr. Fricke having arrived from Kansas City and taken possession March 1. This doesn't mean that Mr.

and Mrs. Selts are contemplating leaving Clay Center, we are glad to note. They will still call this city home and have plans that will develop later on. Mr. Fricke has taken up his residence permanently and will take up the duties and burdens of active participation in our business and SOcial affairs.

He will be welcome. HAS ABANDONED THE PLAN. The President Will Not Call an Extra Session. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, March president stated' today that he had abandoned all plans for an extra session of the senate immediately after March 4th and up to the present, had not seriously considered the suggestion of a special session of congress in October. List of Patents.

Issued to residents of Kansas, on February 23, 1915, as reported by Hy. W. Stackpole, lawyer and patent solicitor, Clay Center, Kansas: A. M. Baird, Topeka, portable pneumatic stay bolt cutter.

P. J. Desselle and G. F. Phillippar, Weir, stool.

G. L. Huyett, Minneapolis, ripping device. H. W.

Jacobs, Topeka, piston. C. W. Seitz, Wallace, extensible car step. C.

I. Spangler, Mayfield, differential gearing. Trade-Marks. Rea Patterson Milling Coffeyville, wheat flour. Shrimplin, Marion.

Tonganoxie, anchor castings for cultivator shovels. O. H. Reynolds, Winfield, cereal substitute for coffee. HUMPHREYS' These remedies are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for many years by Dr.

Humphreys in his private practice, and for nearly sixty years by the people with satisfaction. Medical Book mailed free. No. FOR Price Fevers, Congestions, 1, Worms, Worm Fever. Colic, Crying Wakefulness of Infante.

25 Diarrhsa, of Children and Coughs, Colds, Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia. Headache, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Croup, Hoarse Cough, 25 Balt Rheum, Rheumatism, Fever and Ague; Piles, Blind or Bleeding. External, Internal.25 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold ....25 Whooping Couch. Asthma, Oppressed, Dimcult 27 Kidney 25 28 Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness .....1.00 30 Urinary Incontinence, Wetting 25 34 Sore Throat, Quinsy 77 La Grippe-Grip ...25 Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' HOMEO.

MEDICINE Corner William and Ann Streets, New York. Get Your Sale Bills Printed at The Dispatch Dr. R. M. Graham Specialist EYE EAR NOSE and THROAT And Fitting of Glasses V.ace In Gollober Building.

HAGENBUCH DAVIS. AUCTIONEERS. MORGANVILLE. KAN. Morganville at our expense if contemplating a sale.

DR. J. F. HEMPHILL. 'Phone 361.

Veterinary Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of the Kansas City Veter Inary College. Office at Dr. Nott's old stand, corner of Fifth and Dexter streets. Office 'phone 94.

DUNLAP'S TRANSFER. Moving Pianos a Specialty. All other draying and transferring promptly done. Red 217. JAS.

T. McCULLOCH AUCTIONEER. 'Phone green 163. Eight years' experience. CLAY CENTER, KAN.

DR. G. A. TULL Practice Limited to Surgery and X-Ray Work. Lathrop Building, Kansas City, Ma CHICHESTER PILLS DIAMOND BRAND.

Ladies! Ask your Druggist for Chi-ches-ter a Dis nond Brand Pills in Red and Gold metallic sealed with Blue Ribbon. a no other. Buy of your Ask for DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable OSCAR E. PETERSON. Lawyer Office over W.

D. Vincent Hdw. Co. 'Phone 46. C.

D. OSTERHOUT. DENTIST. Over Swenson Lincoln CLAY CENTER, KAN. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit.

Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 50c. and $1.00 at Druggists..

The Clay Center Dispatch from Clay Center, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.