The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

a a a a a a a a a a a Meteor Sets Night Sky Ablaze LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP)- meteor mand said the meteor 'apparently en- Spokesmen at Blue Grass Field in flashed through the sky Thursday tered the Earth's atmosphere near Lexington, and Standiford Field night and broke into bits that were Lebanon, Ind. in Louisville said pilots in both areas seen as bright lights over 10 states, of- Many sightings were reported as the reported seeing the ficials said. meteor traveled west to east and broke Earlier Thursday a "fireball" was It was not certain where the meteor up, officials said. Police departments, reported over Lake Superior near Dubits landed, but the police in Kentucky newspapers and broadcast stations luth, Minn.

The Air Force said it could were checking reports of fragments in were besieged by hundreds of tele- find no explanation for that sighting. western and central Kentucky and phone calls reporting the bright light. The Kentucky state police said they southern Indiana. "We've gotten about 100 calls," said were investigating reports that parts According to the National Weather Sgt. Robert Miles at the Indiana State of the meteor fell in Shelby, Madison Service in Louisville, "a large rock en- Police operations center.

"Some of our and Franklin counties in Kentucky and tered the atmosphere and turned in- own personnel even reported seeing it. in the Charlestown and Jasper areas of candescent" at 8:30 p.m. Kansas City Whatever it was, it packed a lot of southern Indiana. time. candlepower." "They are looking for rocks about The meteor quickly changed colors Mark Gates of Eyansville, said the size of a basketball because the in its six seconds of he saw "a red glow that zoomed up in meteor impacted and split into differblue to green to orange to yellow--the the skies." Officials in the control tow- ent pieces," the weather service said.

weather service said. er at the Evansville airport called in, "It's quite possible that tomorrow Indiana State Police reported that saying they had sighted "a ball in the (Friday) morning they'll find a few of the North American Air Defense Com- sky. these rocks out in certain fields." FAA 'Was Told' of Crash Site Hazards SAN DIEGO (AP)-A former air proach to Lindbergh runway 27 in the plane before the aircraft collided over traffic controller testified Thursday that Federal Aviation Administration officials had ignored his warnings that conditions Lindbergh Field could lead to a midair collision. Steven B. Gibby said he filed reports more than a year ago detailing what he called unsafe conditions and two near-misses between commercial and private aircraft.

Gibby's testimony highlighted the fourth day of National Transportation Safety Board hearings into the Sept. 25 collision of a Pacific Southwest Airlines 727 and a smaller Cessna 172 that killed 144 persons in the worst air disaster in U.S. history. his reports, filed in May 1977, Gibbum complained to the FAA of "two near mid-air collisions on the final ap- last four weeks." One, Gibby said, occurred April 16, 1977, when an American Airlines 727 missed a twin-engine Piper Aztec "by a pilot estimate of 20 feet." Gibby was the local controller on duty at the time. Gibby recommended in his reports that better radar equipment be installed at Lindbergh tower.

Gibby's immediate supervisor responded to his radar request by saying FAA budget limits apparently were delaying installation of new equipment. Also at the hearing, an FAA attorney tried to establish that crew members of the Pacific Southwest jetliner had failed to notify air traffic controllers that they had lost sight of a small and ran for help. Two men broke the fire door with a hatchet and the pupils about a lot the things society thinks are important." Associated Press The second-floor corridor of Our Lady of the Angels Catholic School in Chicago was Scorched a mass of burned rubble after the tragic School fire 20 the years worst ago school that took fire the in the lives of nation's 95. It was history. Memory of School Fire Burns in Their Memories CHICAGO (AP)-The image burned were led down fire escape, he said.

deeply in Gordon Nash's memory: his "I was in classroom on the first -grade classroom turning pitch floor," said the Rev. John Kobus, then black with smoke and window glass a 7-year-old second grader, "but we glowing red in one of the worst school could see the second-floor windows, fires in the nation's history. and there were children hanging outThe fire at Our the Angels side. They were yelling We Catholic school 20 years ago today end- were quickly evacuated; it was all ed the lives of three nuns and 92 of very chaotic." Nash's schoolmates and injured The Rev. Robert Medza, then a sixth scores of the 1,300 students enrolled at grader, was trapped on the second the school.

floor. He and a younger brother surThe holocaust in the three-story, 49- vived. A cousin perished. year -old brick building was so shock- Father Medza said he seldom sees ing it triggered a nationwide modern- other survivors but feels they share a ization of school safety standards. bond, a "strange experience of togethThose who lived through the fire erness," in having lived through the won't forget it.

tragedy. "We started to smell something Both Father Kobus and Father recalled Nash, 31, now a za say the fire had no bearing on their public defender. Smoke poured decision to become priests, but they through a transom, and after the nun and other survivors believe it enshut it, the glass glowed red. The back hanced their understanding and com-. door, leading to the cloakroom and a passion.

fire escape, was locked, and the nun think that you think about what had no key. life is about," Father Medza said. "It Then a boy jumped from a window ceases to be about honor or money, Blaze Kills Man Laid Up in a Body Cast SUNNYVALE, Calif. (AP)-The telephone message was frantic: "There's a fire in my apartment and I'm in the middle of it. I'm a cripple.

Please hurry." Four minutes later fire fighters arrived at the apartment house where Mark W. Boling, 23, was confined to a body cast, recovering from five fractures in his right leg suffered in motorcycle accident three months ago. Flames were shooting out of the windows, and there were no sounds inside. Firemen found the husky young man inside, dead of smoke inhalation and second- and third degree burns. He had rolled off his a futile attempt to escape, but in the midst of the flames, he rolled away from the bedroom door.

Lt. Manuel Garcia theorized that Boling fell asleep and a cigarette ignited his mattress. "I'm sure a smoke detector would have saved him," Garcia said Wednesday. would probably have given us 20 minutes' warning. At the very least, it would have alerted someone in the Boling was staying in his mother's apartment, but she was driving her sister to a nearby city when the fire broke out Tuesday.

Former College Doctor Dies in California Special to The Times received bachelor's, SAN JOSE, Fleta Williams, 88, San Jose, a former staff doctor at William Woods College, Fulton, and at San Jose State University, died Monday at a hospital in San Jose. Dr. Williams was on the staff at WilHam Woods College two years in the 1930s and later worked worked at San Jose State until she retired in 1960. She had been a volunteer with the Stanford Medical Unit and the American Red Cross during World War I. She was graduated from State Teachers College in 1913, Friday, December 1, 1978 THE KANSAS CITY TIMES 5D deaths and funerals on additional page 6D deaths Mrs.

Clyde E. Combs gests contributions to the church. 'LLOYD A. ANDERSON Mrs. Elizabeth T.

Combs, 82, of 2003 W. 91st. Leawood, wife of the late Clyde E. Combs, president of Dierks Sons Lumber Co. from 1947 to 1953, died Thursday at a nursing home at 3660 Summit.

Mrs. Combs was born in Parsons, and had lived in this area about 60 years. She was a member of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. She leaves a son, Robert Combs of the home; a sister, Miss Vernice M.

Tho man, Los Angeles, and two grandchildren. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Mount Moriah Cemetery. The family requests no flowers and sug- San Diego. Jack Cowan, chief pilot for Pacific Southwest, said flight crew members must notify controllers if they lose sight of, or fail to see, an aircraft they have been advised is in their vicinity.

Earlier testimony and official transcripts of communication in the co*ckpit and from the ground to the plane indicate that the jet crew lost sight of the small plane in the final minutes before the crash. Edward E. Slattery director of public information for the National Traffic Safety Board, said he expected the hearings into the crash to end today. A report assigning blame for the accident is not expected for five months. Cargo Plane Crashes; Three Found Dead COTTAGEVILLE, S.C.

(AP)-An Air Force cargo plane out on a training flight crashed and burst into flames Thursday, the Air Force said, and at least three of its six crewmen were killed. An air-and-ground search was under way for the other crewmen in a wooded, isolated area of Colleton County around the crash site, 25 miles west of Charleston. Rain and low clouds hampered the Air Force and local officers searching. The Air Force said the four-engine C-130 Hercules was on the way from Pope Air Force Base, N.C., to Charleston Air Force Base, S.C. It was not carrying any cargo.

The plane, which gouged a "house crater in the ground, caught fire on impact, said Colleton sheriff's department secretary Mary Alice Seigler. She said no one on the ground was injured. Mrs. Seigler said a parachute was found near one body, but it was not known whether the crew attempted to jump to safety. A spokesman at the Charleston base said the cause of the crash has 1 not been determined.

He said he could not confirm a report that the craft was hit by lightning. Names of the three officers and three enlisted men aboard were withheld until relatives were notified. An area about the size of a football field was strewn with fragments from the green fuselage. An engine was still burning and Air Force firemen in asbestos suits were probing the wreckage in the approximately 12-foot deep pit caused by the crash. A witness, Cybil Hathco*ck, said she heard a rumbling noise, looked out a window of her mobile home and saw the plane near the ground.

She the next thing she saw was a ball of fire." Her husband, Carroll, said, "It was here and then it got closer and closer. It lasted just a few seconds then there was a large boom, explosion." The snub-nosed C-130, painted in camouflage green and brown, is designed for missions in combat areas. It was assigned to the 317th Tactical Airlift Wing at Pope. FBI Failed to Find Davis' Fingerprints On Stack of Bills HOUSTON (AP)-A state witness testified Thursday that FBI fingerprint experts found nothing link Fort Worth millionaire Cullen Davis to $25,000 allegedly earmarked for a hired killer. Prosecutors had shown the jury a stack of $100 bills Davis allegedly gave FBI informant David McCrory last August for Fort Worth Judge Joe Eidson's murder.

"Mr. Davis' prints were negative Morris on every investigator Howeth told the jury in the trial of the oil heir. "That's the way it goes," prosecutor Jack Strickland said with a shrug. Davis is charged with conspiring to have Eidson murdered. Eidson, who was not harmed, was presiding over a divorce suit brought by Davis' wife, Priscilla, but later removed himself from the case.

The prosecutor said FBI sound and visual recordings of an Aug. 20 parking lot encounter between Davis and McCrory the state's most impor-' tant evidence." The recording ends with McCrory saying, "I have got the money. He has the The jury also was shown a silencer-equipped pistol recovered from the trunk of Davis' car. Left-Wing Group Admits Bombing IBM in Bologna BOLOGNA, Italy (AP)-The leftwing extremist group Proletarian Squads said it was responsible Thursday for a bomb attack against an office of International Business Machines in this Communist-run central Italian city. A powerful TNT charge that went off overnight caused heavy damage to the walls and furniture of the office, shattered windows of nearby apartments and caused panic among residents, police said.

The bomb was left on a window of the offices of a subsidiary of the U.S. computer group. The Proletarian Squads took the responsibility in a telephone call to an Italian news agency. Lloyd A. Anderson, 71, of 307 43rd, died Thursday at St.

Luke's Hospital. He was born in Minneapolis, and had lived in this area 35 years. Mr. Anderson was a clerk for Berbiglia Stores 20 years before he retired in 1966. He was a Navy veteran of World War II.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Alpha Call Anderson of the home. MRS. WALTER J. BASKETT Mrs.

Alice Edna Baskett, of 2640 Montgall, died Tuesday home. She was born in Appleton City, and had lived here 49 years. Mrs. Baskett was a member of the Centennial United Methodist Church. She leaves her husband, Walter J.

Baskett of the home; two sons, Walter J. Baskett Jr. and James Willard Baskett of San Francisco; a brother, Muriel Cox, Sedalia, three sisters, Mrs. Olive Maddox and Miss Jane Marie Cox of Sedalia, and Mrs. Helen Fleming, Palo Alto, and a granddaughter.

Grave side services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Appleton City Cemetery. MRS. BESSIE L.B. BOULGER Mrs.

Bessie L. Burkhardt Boulger, 88, of 1709 N. River, Independence, died Thursday at the John Knox Medical Center. She was born in Holt County, Missouri, and had lived in this area most of her life. Mrs.

Boulger was a member of the Watson Memorial Methodist Church, Independence. She leaves a son, Dudley Boulger, Downey, a daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Tandy, Lee's Summit; a brother, Ted Burkhardt, Independence; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Browning, Lee's Summit; eight grandchildren, eight great and a great -greatgrandchild. Services will be at 10 a.m.

Saturday at the Carson Independence Chapel; burial in Mound Grove Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. tonight at the chapel. The family requests no flowers and suggests contributions to the American Cancer Society. NATHAN FETERS Nathan Fetters, 79, of 9321 E.

40th, died Thursday at St. Luke's Hospital. He was a lifelong area resident. Mr. Fetters was a painter 44 years before he retired in 1967.

He leaves a son, Robert G. Fetters, Lake Lotawana; a daughter, Mrs. Re becca DeVole of the home; a sister, Mrs. Mary Zangel, Lee's Summit; seven grandchildren and three great -grandchildren. Services will at 2 p.m.

Sunday at the Langsford Chapel, Lee's Summit; burial in the Lee's Summit Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the chapel. WILLIAM G. HARNED William Glen Harned, 85, Miami, formerly of Kansas City, died Tuesday at a hospital in Miami.

He was born in Arkansas City, and had lived in this area 48 years before moving to Miami two years ago. Mr. Harned was an accountant for the Rival Manufacturing Co. about 40 years before he retired in the 1950s. He was a member of Christ the King Catholic Church, Kansas City, He was an Army veteran of World War I and a member of the Miami American Le gion Post.

He leaves daughter, Mrs. Pat McGuire, 8708 Grande Pas, and a sister, Miss Margaret Harned, Miami. Services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at the church; burial in Calvary Cemetery. The rosary will be said at 7:30 p.m.

tonight at the McGilley Midtown Chapel, where friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. The family requests no flowers and suggests contributions to the American Heart Association. PATRICK W. KEATING Patrick William Keating, 73, died Wednesday at a nursing home at 3660 Summit, where he made his home. He was born in Streator, and had lived in this area 35 years.

Mr. Keating was a realtor for Hosch Inc. five years before he retired four years ago. He was a member of St. Peter's Catholic Church, 6415 Holmes.

He leaves a son, Jerome Keating, 5711 Rockhill, and a granddaughter. Services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church; burial in Resurrection Cemetery, Lenexa. Prayer services will be at 7 p.m. tonight at the McGilley Midtown Chapel, where friends may call after 6 p.m.

OTHEL KOUNTZ Othel Kountz, 56. of 2927 Victor, died Wednesday at Veterans Hospital. He was born in Oklahoma and had lived here 50 years. He was a member of the Kansas City Fire Department 25 years before retiring a year ago. Mr.

Kountz was a Bap tist. He leaves two sons, Maurice Bishop, Columbia, and Barry Kountz of the home; a daughter, Miss Anita Kountz of the home; his mother, Mrs. Maudie Kountz, 2643 Chestnut: two brothers, Edgar Brooks and Edmond Brooks of Kansas City, and granddaughter. Services will be at 7 p.m. Sunday at the Watkins Brush Creek Chapel; in Leavenworth National Cemetery.

Friends may call from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the chapel. JOHN B. LaDOUX John Benjamin LaDoux, 47, of 6204 E. 12th, died Thursday at Veterans Hospital after apparently suffering a heart attack.

He was born in Minnesota, and had lived in this area more than a year. Mr. LaDoux had been an instructor for the Jay Truck Driver Training School about a year and earlier had been a truck driver 25 years. He was a member of the Bethel Baptist Church, 701 Beacon. He leaves his wife, Mrs.

Opal LaDoux of the home; five stepsons, Gary Hughes, 1813 Grove, Independence; Anthony Hughes and Boyd Duane Steele of the home; Jack Steele, 11311 Spring Valley, Raytown, and Jerry Steele, San Francisco: five stepdaughters, Mrs. Janice Cain, 9630 Winner, Independence; Mrs. Janet Beasley, 6225 E. lith; Miss Teresa Guyan Steele of the home; Mrs. Sheila Asbury, Pleasant Hill in Cass County, and Mrs.

Joyce Hughes, 1813 Grove, Independence: his father, John D. LaDoux Ponsford, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Ann DeBord and Mrs. Doris Metzer of Pengilly, Minn. Services and burial will be in Coleraine, Minn.

CHANTE LOTTIE Chante Lottie, month daughter of Ms. Annette Lottie, 329 Tracy, died Wednesday at the Independence Sanitarium. She was born in Kansas City. She also leaves two brothers, Michael Lottie and Marcus Lottie, and a sister, Yolanda Lottie, all of the home, and her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Orissa Kelley, 400 Tracy.

Graveside services will be at 9 a.m. Saturday at St. Mary's Cemetery, GEORGE E. LUEDTKE George E. Luedtice, 67, of 10206 St.

Joseph Cedarbrooke Lane, died Thursday at and had lived here 36 years. He was Hospital. He was born in Venango, salesman for Nationwide Papers 35 years before he retired two years ago. Mr. Luedtke was a member of Calvary Lutheran Church.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Minnette Luedtke of the home; a son, Richard A. Luedtke, Leawood; four brothers, Herman A. Luedtke, Wisner, Fred Luedtke, San Diego; William M. Luedtke, Omaha, and Leo M.

Luedtke, Seal Beach, a sister, Mrs. Emma Schueth, Robbinsdale, and two grandchildren. Services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Mount Moriah Chapel; burial in Mount Moriah Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8 p.m.

tonight at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the American Heart Association. HERSHAL V. MARTIN Hershal V. Martin, 84, Clinton, formerly of Kansas City, died Thursday at a hospital in Clinton.

He was born in Elk Creek, and had lived here 40 years before moving to Clinton six years ago. He was a machinist for the Remington Arms Co. before he retired. Mr. Martin was a member of the Clinton Church of Christ.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Coral M. Armstrong Martin of the home; four sons, Ralph Martin, Clinton; Roger Martin, Osceola, Walter Don Martin, Topeka, and Jerry Lee Martin, Phoenix, a stepson, Hugh Armstrong, Mound, two sisters, Mrs. Lula Unger, Cabool, and Mrs. Jessie Plank, Springfield, 13 grandchildren and 11 great -grandchildren.

Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Park Lawn Chapel; burial Green Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. tonight at the chapel. MRS.

TRUMAN McNIEL Mrs. Tressa Marie McNiel, 55, of 3344 N. 57th, Kansas City, Kansas, died Thursday at Bethany Medical Center. She was born in Kansas City, Kansas, and had lived there 26 years. Mrs.

McNiel had been a mail clerk for the Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. 10 years. She was a member of the Brenner Heights Baptist Church. She leaves her husband, Truman McNiel of the home; three sons, David Gelushia, Romeoville, James McNiel, Pascagoula, and Dennis McNiel, 8200 Northrup, Kansas City, Kansas, and five grandchildren. Services will be at noon Saturday at the Porter Chapel; burial in Chapel Hill Cemetery.

Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. tonight at the chapel. DAN SIMMONS Dan Simmons, 44, of 4721 E. 45th, died Tuesday at the Truman Medical Center. He was born in Inverness, and had lived there most of his life.

He had lived in Kansas City since July. Mr. Simmons was a laborer. He was a member of the Bethesda Baptist Church. He leaves his wife, Mrs.

Agnes Simmons; four daughters, Miss Patricia Ann Simmons, Miss Mary Ann Simmons, Miss Pala' Faye Simmons and Miss Sharon Denise Simmons, and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Evelyn Monroe, all of Chicago; three brothers, Arthur Simmons Inverness; Roosevelt Simmons, Greenville, Texas, and Robert Lee Simmons, Denver; five sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Lewis of the home; Mrs. Ethel B. Williams, Kansas City; Mrs.

Odell Hodges, Chicago; Mrs. Georgia Mae Harvey, Denver, and Mrs. Ella Mae Denton, Inverness, and a granddaughter. Services will be at 1 p.m. Monday at the Lawrence A.

Jones Linwood Chapel; burial in Lincoln Cemetery. Friends may call from 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday at the chapel. THOMAS G. SNOW Thomas G.

Snow, 64, of 1307 S. Appleton, Independence, died Wednesday at the Osteopathic Center. He was born in Lone Jack in Jackson County, and had lived in this area most of his life. Mr. Snow had been a welder for Trans World Masayoshi Ohira Party Approval Will Be Japan's TOKYO (Friday) (AP)-Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party elected its secretary-general, Masayoshi Ohira, party president by acclamation today, which automatically will make him prime minister.

The party action was taken without a vote since Ohira was unopposed after the withdrawal of Prime Minister Takeo f*ckuda from the race. f*ckuda stepped out after losing a primary election to Ohira on Monday. Parliament members from the ruling party will officially name Ohira prime minister next week. Addressing the special party convention that elected him, Ohira called for unity among his party members. "I will continue to reform the LDP into a fresh and vigorous party," he Arson Now Ruled Cause In Fatal Holiday Inn Fire ROCHESTER, N.Y.

(AP). -Arson has been ruled the cause of a fire at a suburban Holiday Inn that claimed 10 lives and did $2 million damage, police said Thursday. Town of Greece Police Chief Gerald Phelan announced the ruling at a press conference, but refused to say what led investigators to the conclusion. "I'd like to catch the guy who did this," he said. Airlines 12 years.

He was a member of the Evangel Temple. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Zada V. Snow of the home; two sons, Donald G. Snow, 5230 N.

Manches ter, and Robert E. Snow, Houston; brother, Morris Snow, Belton; two sisters, Mrs. Edna Strahan, Raytown, and Mrs. Jessie Lee Cox, Springfield, and five grandchildren. Services will be at 12:30 p.m.

Saturday at the Floral Hills Chapel: burial in Floral Hills Cemetery, Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the chapel. MRS. FLORENCE E. VAN WINKLE Mrs.

Florence E. Van Winkle, 85, of 1111 Park, died Tuesday at the home. She was born in Memphis, and had lived here 51 years. Mrs. Van Winkle was a member of St.

Stephen Baptist Church and the missionary society, Sunday school, Baptist Training Union and Widows Club of the church. She leaves a son, Thomas F. Van Winkle, 2611 E. 54th, and a daughter, Mrs. Jessie Mae Egans of the home.

Services will be at 11 a.m. today at the church; burial in Highland Park Cemetery, Kansas City, Kansas. RALPH H. WALL Ralph Henry Wall, 78, of 2712 S. 9th Terrace, Kansas City, Kansas, died Thursday at the University of Kansas Medical Center.

He was born in Brumley, and had lived in Kansas City, Kansas, more than 50 years. He was business manager of the Trusswall Stone Co. 42 years before he retired in 1968. Mr. Wall was a member of the Brumley Masonic Lodge, the Abdallah Shrine and the Abdiel Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star.

He was a director of the Rosedale Businessmens Association. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Thelma Wall of the home; a son, W. Dean Wall, Olathe; a daughter, Mrs. Connie Lee Gratny, Prairie Village; four sisters, Mrs.

Walksie Maltby and Mrs. Luna Martin of Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs. Nellie Jones, Olmsted, and Mrs. Hazel Martin, Eldon, and four grandchildren. Services will be at 10 a.m.

Saturday at the Gates Chapel; burial in Johnson County Memorial Gardens Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the American Heart Association or the Shriners Crippled Children's Hospital, St. Louis.

MRS. RUTH V. YOHE Mrs. Ruth V. Yohe, 79, of 4536 Jefferson, died Wednesday at the home.

She was born in Green County, and had lived here 48 years. She leaves two sons, John T. Yohe, 1117 Swope Drive, and David O. Yohe of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Patricia Collins and Miss Mary Yohe of Kansas City; a brother, George Williams, Florida; three sisters, Mrs.

Mayme Tangeman, Omaha, Mrs. Elise Steelman, Dallas, and Mrs. Ethel Rimbey, Jacksonville, seven grandchildren and two great Private services will be Saturday; burial in Mount Moriah Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 8 p.m. tonight at the chapel.

deaths in missouri -Mrs. Cameron Myrtle resident, Aileen Tyer, died lifelong Wednesday at the home. Mrs. Tyer was a member of the Cameron RLDS Congregation. She leaves her husband, Gilbert "Shorty" Tyer of the home; a daughter, Mrs.

Linda Davis, St. Joseph; a brother, Earl Harper, Theodore, and a grandson. Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Poland-Thompson Chapel, Cameron; burial in Graceland Cemetery here. Friends may call from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.

tonight at the chapel. Associated Press acknowledges cheers Assures Ohira Prime Minister Ohira, 68, the ninth LDP president and third to be elected uncontested, said f*ckuda made a courageous decision to withdraw from the contest in the interest of reconcilation unity within the party. The election of Ohira is not expected to bring any dramatic change in Japan's foreign or domestic policies. He is expected to announce his new cabinet by next Wednesday. In a resignation speech, f*ckuda called Ohira, his long-time political rival, a "respectable and great friend" and urged all members to support the new party leader.

f*ckuda succeeded Takeo Miki as party president and prime minister in December 1976. medical degrees from Stanford University and did postgraduate work at Harvard University, She was born in Stevens County, and had lived in Odessa and Higginsville, before moving to San Jose 38 years ago. She leaves three sisters, Mrs. Elsie W. Olson, Independence; Mrs.

Rose Howard Jonas, Prairie Village, and Mrs. Ann Nelson, Skokie, Ill. Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Floral Hills Chapel. Kansas City: burial in Mount Tabor Cemetery near Odessa.

what's Bakers new? QualiCraft Shoe's Bradleu Foods.

The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)
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