The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

100 -THE SCRANTON TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1958. Carbondale Frank R. Cerra, BFHS Presents Easter Program CARBONDALE Under the teacher supervision of Miss Marie Wheeler and Leland Brunner the annual Easter program of Benjamin Franklin High School took place Wednesday afternoon in the auditorium. Program was as follows: Processional, Beautiful Savior; chairman and remarks, Robert Boyle; duet, "Lord's Prayer," Joan Oakley and Sharon Wilkins; responsive reading, 139th Psalm, James Parks, Bessie Wayman and Carol Niemeyer; poem, "The Gospel According You," Ann Heth; reading, "The Legend of the Easter Flower," Becky Krofft; solo, "Ave Maria," Barbara Yessen; poem, "House by the Side of the Road," Hoyle; anthem; Give Thanks," High School Choir; reading, "The Legend of the Dogwood Tree," David Krantz; poem, "Living," Carol Sposito; solo, "I'll Walk Today Where Jesus Walked," Marlyn Hughes; poem, Touch of the Master's Hand," Janet Kitchen; reading, Passion FlowCarden; piano solo, "Polonaise Militaire," Joseph Calabro; solo, "The Rosary," Anthony B. Cerra; reading, "Easter in Many Lands," Ashby; solo, "Robe of Pittaway; poem, "End of Day," Linda Hood; trio, "I'll Walk With God," Eloise Ashby, Sally Carden, and Barbara Stone; reading, "How, Deep Are Your Roots," Leland Brunner; the Club completed the program with a selection.

Mine Fire Plan Given Approval CARBONDALE Carbondale's multi-million dollar redevelopment project, submitted last October to the Philadelphia office of the Federal Home and Housing Finance Agency, has passed review there and will be submitted to Washington tomorrow for final consideration. Mayor Frank P. Kelly said it is expected that the project will be processed much more rapidly in Washington than Philadelphia, where every detail was closely serutinized: Sensational vaules on all our fabrics, some as low as 10c yard. MILL OUTLET 251- Main Blakely Adv. Ruth Frisbie, 98, Taken by Death CARBONDALE Mrs.

Ruth Frisbie, 98, of South Canaan, died an yesterday morning at home after illness of one year. She and husband, Philip, a retired farmer, observed their 68th wedding anniversary on Jan. 3, 1948. Her husband died the following Jan. 22 at the age of 97.

Mrs. Frisbie was born in Jefferson Township, and resided for. 76 years in the home in which she died. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Anson Beers, South Canaan, and Effie, at home; two grandchildren and one greatgrandchild.

funeral will be tomorrow at 1:30 P.M. from the Wilson Funeral Home, Lake Ariel, with the Rev. R. J. Lucy, South Canaan Bible Protestant Church, officiating.

Interment, Kizer Cemetery, Cortez. Sisterhood Announces Executive Committee CARBONDALE Mrs. Merle Seeherman, president of the Agudath Sholom Sisterhood, presided at the regular monthly meeting held Wednesday in the Synagogue vestry rooms. The membership approved the appointment of the following executive committee for next season: Mesdames Moe Solomon, Paul Levy, Saul Shinkman, Howard Alexander, Morton Hodes, Louis Morris, David Schwartz, Merle Seeherman, Jack Kubel, Miss Jane Gerber, and honorary members, Mrs. Samuel Letzic Mrs.

Eugene Klein. Mrs. Seeherman announced that an advisory board would be appointed later. Miss Jane Gerber was in charge of nominations and appointments. Plans were made for a rummage sale to conducted in the vestry rooms Thursday, May 1 from 1 to 9 P.M.

The final meeting the current season will feature a dinner to be in the vestry rooms Wednesday, May 7 at 6 P.M. Mrs. Jack Kubel will be charge, and will announce her committee at a later date. Hostesses for Wednesday evening were: Mrs. Sidney Lewis, Mrs.

Paul Levy, Miss Della Stone and Miss Jane Gerber. Card of Thanks We wish to thank all those who so kindly assisted us during our recent bereavement, especially donors of cars, mass cards and flowers. GEORGE McMANUS, AND THE ROCHE FAMILY. Adv. -A4-t1 Meeting Postponed CARBONDALE Vera Peregrin, president of the Mothers Auxiliary to the Boy Scouts, Troop 5, of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, has announced this morning that the meeting scheduled for Tuesday will be postponed until Thursday, April 7, at 8 P.M.

in the Mount Carmel Auditorium. Events Manager. Telephone 26 Churches Announce Easter Services ices follow: FIRST 9:30 A.M. The Youth Choir will sing at this service Prelude, Spring Song, Preston Anthem, Easter Miss Flowers Schilling Soloist, Ann Fry Anthem, Steady and True Gabriel 11 A.M. The Senior Choir will sing at this service.

Organ Prelude, The Easter Triumph Themes, Song, Franz Anthem, Open the Gates of the Temple Knapp Mrs. Irvin Fry, and Mr. Charles McClelland Anthem, King of Kings Simper Mrs. Russel States, soloist AnthemBehold Thy King Cometh, Waghorn Duet by Sue Fry and Carole Pittaway Organ Postlude, Easter March, Merkle Organist- -Frank Samson BEREAN BAPTIST Morning Prelude, Before Cantique the D'Amour Dawn Sibelius Gaul Offertory, Romance Williams Organ Anthem, King of Kings Simper Postlude. Easter Recessional, Lansing Edward P.

Brinkman, Minister Oswald Evans, organist and choir director FIRST METHODIST Paul Hulslander, minister Tom Evans, organist-choir director Morning Worship Organ PreludeEaster Alleluia Thomas AnthemEaster Sunrise Fanfare Maghouse Anthem- -Alleluia Reyar of Kings Fullar Offertory AnthemOUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 15 Fallbrook St. Rev. Luke Silvestri, administrator Mass at Midnight Missa de Pacem DomineAlfred J. Silver Kyrie Alfred Silver Gloria Alfred J. Silver Proper of the Mass Plain Chant Alfred Alfred J.

Benedictus, Silver Lauds Plain Chant Organ Postlude Tombelle TRINITY EPISCOPAL The Rev. Clarke R. Trumbore, Rector Preston A. Lambert. Organist and Director 7.

A.M. Celebration of Holy Communion with the Junior Choir. Organ Prelude Easter Carols on Hubbard Memorial Chimes Choir Processional The Day of Resurrection Offertory Carol Rejoice the Lord Is King Nevin Presentation of Alms. Doxology Choral Communion Service C. Simper Communion Hymn Come with Us.

Blessed Jesus Organ Communion Pastorale Bach Easter Chorals Gloria in Excelsis Old Scottish Chant Nunc Dimittis Farrant Choir Come Recessional Faithful, Raise the Strain Organ Postlude Alleluia Christ Is Risen Rasley 10 A.M. Celebration 'of Holy Communion with the Senior Choir and sermon by the rector. Gegan Prelude Easter Chimes Choir Processional Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, Alleluia Choral Communion Service B. Tours Sermon Hymn The Strife Is O'er, the Battle Done Offertory Anthem As It Began to Down Miller Presentation of Alms, Doxology Organ Communion Pastorale Bach Easter Chorals Gloria in Excelsis Old Scottish Chant Nunc Barnby Choir Recessional He. Is Risen Organ Postlude Sing Forth Nordman Matthew L.

Hart Claimed by Death CARBONDALE Matthew L. Hart, 4 Hart died last night at 11 at St. Joseph's Hospital, where he had been a patient for the past two months. He was a native and lifelong resident of Carbondale and was a retired employe of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. He was a member of St.

Rose of Lima Church. Surviving are a brother, Henry, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Surdoval, both of Carbondale, and several nieces and nephews. funeral will be from the McGranaghan Funeral Home, with 62 Monday mass at 9 A.M. in St.

Rose of Lima Church. Interment will be in St. Rose Cemetery. Friends may call from 7 to 10 and 2 to 5 P.M. beginning tonight.

THE SUGAR BOWLFOREST CITY It isn't too late to choose from a large variety of solid or hollow pure milk chocolate Easter candies. Decorated baskets filled for your convenience. We have all sizes, plush animals with most unusual faces. $1.98 to $7.98. -A4-t1 Bradford Crom, Four, Struck by Automobile CARBONDALE The condition of Bradford Crom, four, of 6 Mill was given as fair this morning at St.

Joseph's Hospital. The youngster was yesterday afternoon when struck by a car. driven by Sandy DePrato, 22 Farview Carbondale, at Eighth Ave. and Brooklyn Carbondale. The boy suffered face and chest injuries.

Patrolman Jerome Gillotti of the Carbondale Police Department investigated. Area Funerals Samuel Guzzi, 33, of 101 Fallbrook tomorrow from the McGranaghan Funeral Home, 62 North Main with a blessing service at 9:30 A.M. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. InterOur Mother of Sorrows Cemetery, Finch Hill. Friends may call tonight from 7 to 10 P.M.

Mrs. Nancy Oliveri, 21 De Witt Monday from the Graziano Funeral Home, 2 Hospital with mass at 9 A.M. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Interment, Our Mother of Sorrows Cemetery, Finch Hill. Friends may call tonight from 7 to 10 and 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 P.M.

thereafter: Dominick Klackowsky, South Main Los Angeles, formerly of Forest City, tomorrow from the Jones Funeral Home, 430 Main Forest City, with a blessing service at 9:30 A.M. in charge of the Rev. John AVOCA (Correspondent: Thomas Gal lagher, telephone GL 7-4092.) Services Tonight AVOCA- Lenten services will be conducted tonight at 7:15 in SS. Peter and Paul Church. Stations of the Cross will be conducted tonight at 7:30 in St.

Mary's Church. Committees to Meet The ticket and program committee for the Avoca Band Concert will meet Monday night at 1 7:30 Williams, at the home McAlpine of Mrs. St. Dick The concert will be presented April 16 and 17 in St. torium and is being sponsored by the Parent Band Association.

Cub Scouts to Meet Cub Scout Pack 341 will meet Wednesday night at 7:30 in the Junior Mechanics Hall. Pins will be presented to the cubs and den mothers. Bowling News The Interboro League will bowl at 0'Brien's Recreation tonight at 7 with the following schedule: Pietras Cafe VS. Squirt Soda; Burns Insurance vs. Avoca Service Station; Moosic Lumber vs.

Llewellyn's Pharmacy. Standing Won Lost Pts. Burns Insurance 25 11 36 Pietras Cafe 25 11 Moosic Lumber 20 16 27 Llewellyn's Pharmacy 15 21 21 Squirt 11 25 15 Avoca Service Station 12 24 13 The Minooka Holy Name League bowl at 9 as follows: Thornton's vs. Butler's; Rader's vs. Joyce's; O'Donnell's vs.

Judge's. Points Butler's 26 Joyce's 19 O'Donnell's Judge's 16 Rader's Thornton's 13 Other News Notes The regular monthly meeting of the Parent Band Association will be held Tuesday night at 8 in No. 1 School. Walter Kiesinger will preside. The story of Calvary in pictures and music will.

be presented tonight at 7:30 in the Langcliffe Presbyterian. Church. Avoca Hose Co. was called yesterday to extinguish a grass fire on Plane St. There will be no Boy Scout meetings tonight because of Good Friday.

AC Joseph A. Gallagher, Cannon Air Force Base, N.M., is spending a furlough at his home on Hawthorne St. James Feeney, Levittown, is spending a few days: at the home of his mother on Hawthorne St. DALEVILLE DALEVILLE -The ladies auxiliary to the Covington Fire Co. will meet in the fire house on Monday evening at 8.

Mrs. William Havenstrite Center returned from the Hospital, Scranton, Thursday. Prior to 1913, United States Senators were rather appointed by state legislatures than elected. Madaj, Sacred 1 Heart Church, Forest City. Interment, Sacred Heart Church, Forest City, Friends may call at the funeral home tonight from 8:30 to 11 P.M.

Constantine Foster, nine, of 46 Milford Binghamton, N.Y., former Carbondale resident, tomorrow from the McGranaghan Funeral Home, 513 Main Forest City, with a blessing service at 11 A.M. in Sacred Heart Church, Forest City. Interment, parish cemetery. Friends may call tonight from 7 John Reilly, 118 Devon Kearny, N.J., will be from home of. her daughter, Mrs.

Kigerl, 330 Main Vandling, tomorrow with a blessing service at 9:30 A.M. in St. Agnes Church, Forest City. Interment, parish cemetery. Friends may call tonight from 7 to 10.

Missionaries to Speak CARBONDALE- The Rev. Mitre Banerjee, missionaries from India, will be guest speakers at Assembly of God Church Easter Sunday. Mrs. will teach the adult Bible class at 9:30 A.M. and her husband will preach at 10:30 A.M.

and 7:30 P.M. The Banerjees are natives of the Basti District, North India, and for past 20 years have been at the Assembly of God leper colony at Uska Bazar, Local Hospital Notes CARBONDALE- Angelo J. Collure, 98 Hospital surgical patient at General Hospital. A daughter was born yesterday in St. Joseph's Hospital to Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Paciga, 44 Froble Simpson. William O'Connor, 62 Ninth is a surgical patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Admitted to St.

Joseph's Hospital for medical treatment: Joseph DeFazio, 52 Brown Ben Pietro, rear 368 Main Vandling, and Mrs. Anthony Scoblick, 26 Plum Ave. Carbondale 'News Notes CARBONDALE- Marine Cpl. August E. Bruno, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Bruno, 189 Fallbrook recently took part in amphibious operations of the Second Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, off the coast of North Carolina. The executive board of the Assembly of God Church will meet tomorrow at 10 A.M. at the church. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Gill and children, Thomas and Mary Wilmington, are visiting Harry W. Coleman, 25 Wayne St. Misses Rosamond Ackerman and Mary Finerty and Mesdames M. J.

Murray, Walter Kennedy and M. F. Clune are vacationing in Miami, Fla. Midvalley News Items Nine Edwards, Representative. Tel.

HU 9-0142 (Blakely-Peckville, Dickson City, Jessup and Olyphant.) Leave items at the following Drugstores: Minicozzi's, Jessup; Bloes, Peckville; Burke's, Jarosh's and Turock's, Dickson City. Blakely-Peckville Evening Mass Listed Tomorrow PECKVILLE- Mass on Holy Saturday at the Sacred Heart of at 7:30 and masses on Jesus parish, will be celebrated Easter Sunday will be at 6:15, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 A.M. The Rev. Dr. Joseph G.

Gilbride, pastor, reminded parishioners today that attendance at mass Saturday night does not satisfy Easter Sunday obligations. He also pointed out communion may be received on Saturday night and again on Easter Sunday. Stations of the Cross are scheduled for 7:30 tonight. Confessions will be heard from to 8 tonight. Sunrise Services Slated Sunday A sunrise service will start the celebration of Easter Sunday at the First Methodist Church, the Rev.

George pastor; services for announced Sunday. At 7 A.M. communion will distributed, followed candlelight processional and a call worship by Paul Lucas, superintendent of the youth division. The remainder of the service: Introit, Jesus, Stand Among Us; Easter salutation by the pastor; hymn, "Christ, The Lord, Risen Today;" affirmation faith led by Ronald Noldy, president of the Anthracite sub-district of the Youth Fellowship; Scripture lesson bye Dorothy Davis; communion, At the 11 A.M. worship, service is as follows: Anthems, "Alleluia," by chancel and senior choirs, "Joy Dawned on Easter Day," the junior.

"When the Was Breaking," by chancel and senior choirs and the "Easter Story." combined choirs. Topic of the sermon will "The Resurrection Blessing." Miss Ruth Beardslee will the organist and Mrs. L. Reed Grosvenor will direct the junior and chancel choirs. Plants, Corsages, Cut Flowers Taylor's Greenhouse R-340 Hickory St.

HU 9-5521 A4-t1 School Board to Elect A specail, meeting of the school been called for 7 P.M. Tuesday to elect a superintendent of schools, Elmer Leek, secretary, announced today. The term of Richard Carvolt, superintendent, expires then. He is expected to be renamed. See the New General Electric Refrigerators, Electric Ranges, Automatic Washers and Dryers at Ray Rogers, Peckville.

Auxiliary to Meet The auxiliary of A. Pierson Hurd Post, American Legion, will meet Wednesday at 8 at the home. Plans will be completed for a card and domino party scheduled for Wednesday, April 23. OLYPHANT Handicap League Results Posted Lounge enjoys its biggest margin of the vesper half, Queen City Recreation Handicap Bowling League pennant fight as a result of clipping Crotti's Lounge, 2-1, while Pinkus' Furniture continued its giant-killer role for the second consecutive week by scoring a clean sweep over second-place Shehadi's Appliances, dropping the latter club into a two-way tie with Gasparini's Excavating, a 2-1 winner over Pabst Blue Ribbon. Ace Coal Co.

registered the other sweep by blanking Talley's Shoe Repair, 3-0, in the other match game rolled at the recreation center, 517 Susquehanna Ave. Guarino "Cab" "Renzini, Pinkus star, rolled to a recordbreaking 657 series with games of 258, 201 and 198. His first game card was high for single honors also. Steve Mol led SheHadi's with 596. Gabe Fasciana, Ace Coal captain, checked in with 647 series, second best for the night which enabled him to deadlock Gibby Carozzi and Sam Taylor for the season runnersup honors.

Nick Talley topped his team with a 611 total. Hilbert Hart and John Menago pace the league leaders with 615 and 602, respectively, against Crotti's which had Virgie Paciotti as high man with 574. Pabst was paced by Mike Guzy 613 and Bill Brennan led. Gasparini's with 589. Auxiliary Meets Tuesday The "auxiliary to Raymond Henry Post 327, American Legion, will meet Tuesday night at the post home.

Mrs. Ann. Ziegler will preside. CORTEZ SERVICES AT CORTEZ CORTEZ- Easter services at Cortez Methodist Church, Cortez, announced by the pastor, the Rev. Isaac E.

Walter, as follows: Sunday School, 10 A.M.; DICKSON CITY Dinner-Dance Planned by Lions DICKSON CITY- A dinnerdance and ladies night program will be conducted by the Dickson City Lions Club Saturday, April 19, at the Clef Club. Phil Romanchik, general chairman, has announced that tickets may be procured at Barrett's Barber Shop and Jarosh's Drug Store. Plans for the affair be completed at a meeting Wednesday at 6 P.M. at Remick's taurant, 800 with Burgess John Maholick' presiding. Committee reports will be submitted at that time.

Veterans to Nominate Officers will be nominated at a meeting of the Dickson City Veterans night at 8:30 in Veterans Foreign Wars Post, 1016 Carmalt St. Edward Tarnowski will preside. JOE'S MEN'S SHOP Boys' 10-way Suits, reg. $22.50, $12.95. Sizes 6 to 12.

Boys' Trousers $2.95 and $3.95 Boys' Shoes $4.95 to 1 $8.95 Open Fri. and Sat. Nites Till 9 Variety, Variety Shop. Leads, Shop a point lead over VFW as a result of Barron's Recreation league matches recently. The league leaders dropped two games to Royal Crown Cola while the VFW club swept its match with Ballantine Beer.

E. Patch and W. Fritch with 226 and 224 paced the high halik Jr. with had the threesingle game list, while G. Magame high for the night.

The team standings: Team Standings Won Lost Pts. Val's 24 12 33 VEW Royal Crown' 20 16 27 Strony's 19 17 26 Russen's 191 Ballantine 14 22. Danylak 14 22 19 Vladika's .15 21 18 PARTY IS KNOWN who took Boy's Red Bicycle from in front of Nudelman's Store. Call HU 9-4665 to avoid trouble. -A4-t1 High School Program DICKSON CITY--The annual Easter program was staged this week at Dickson City High School.

David Duch read Gov. George M. Leader's proclamation, "Free School Day." Mosher was in charge of the music portion of the program with Miss Barbara Turock as accompanist. Technicians were Martin Evancho, John Mellow and Carl Homish. Edward Munley, principal, read the Bible, and was chairman of the program.

George Turock is superintendent of the district. Participants in the program included Robert Baranowski, Joseph Darlak, Helen Valtos, Robert Morano, Gloria Egreczky, Barbara Turock, Latzie Pream-374 bo, Andrew Burke, Cynthia Scanlon, Madeleine Ramik, Charlotte Polkowski, Jane David, Geraldine Marcinkevicz, Patricia Supinski and Patricia Mack. Triple Track Storm Windows $12.95 RAY SWIDERSKI, HU 9-5148 Adv.Girl Scouts to Meet Girl Scout Troop 139 will meet Tuesday night at 8. in the borough building. Theme of the meeting will be "Operation Camp Talk." Parents of youngsters seeking camping information are invited to attend.

Mrs. Jerome Jacobson and Mrs. Ralph Goodrich will answer questions concerning camping. Children's Drip and Dry Dresses Sizes 7 to 14, $3.98 WITKO'S Open Friday and Saturday to 9 Klodzinski Hits 168 Gerri Klodzinski rolled a 168 and 445 for the single and three game high in the Dickson YMSR Auxiliary bowling league action recently. In team matches, Mid-Valley swept three games Janus' and Mondro's strengthened its grip on first place by taking three from Ruby's.

Standings Won Lost Pts. Mondro's Grocers 27 9 37 Mid-Valley Cash 24 12 31 Ruby's Floral 13 23 18 Janus' Market 8 28 10 LEARNED FROM SPANIARDS Before the Spanish introduced the horse to them, Indians on the Western plains had only two domesticated animals -the turkey and the dog. (Correspondent: Belle Myers, Telephone Jermyn 335-J.) Clean-up Week Set By of for May ARCHBALD- -A boroughwide clean-up and paint-up campaign will be sponsored by the ArchTHOMAS BLOMAIN bald Chamber of Commerce during May on dates which will be announced later. Announcement of project was made today by Eugene Harrison, of president, who-said preliminary plans for the event were discussed this week by the of directors. Thomas Blomain will head the campaign.

Mr. Harrison said Burgess John Flannigan has assured the chamber of his full co-operation and that he will issue a mation calling on all businessmen and residents to participate. School children, Mr. Harrison asserted, will be asked to coup and paint-up other operate. Films depicting, cleancommunities will be shown in the schools before the drive opens.

Mr. Harrison also said that the of will enlist the cooperation of all civic and other organizations in effort to make the drive a success. "We believe the drive will give the town a new look" Mr. Harrison. "We plan to carry it to all sections of the borough and are confident that it will -be a big success." See the New General Electric Refrigerators, Ranges, Automatic Washers and Dryers at Ray Rogers, Peckville.

J. J. Walsh Rites Monday Morning The funeral of John J. Walsh, 360 Main who died earlier week at Flushing, N.Y., Withee Monday morning from the Harrison Funeral Home, Main St. Mass will be celein Thomas Aquinas cratech at 9.

Burial will be in the parish cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 5 and to 10 P.M. Easter Saturday Double Coupon Day Every sales slip dated April 5 will be redeemed for twice the purchase value. Take advantage of this new and special profit-sharing plan and wind up your Easter shopping at WEINGARTEN'S STORE, L. BERGER, PROP.

Hose 1 Not to Meet Due to Good Friday, Hose Co. 1 will not meet tonight. President James Fiore said the 1 meeting will be Monday night at 8. No of C. Social The Archbald Council, Knights of Columbus, has announced there will be no social Sunday night due to Easter' Sunday.

The event will be resumed Sunday, April 13. Maple Lake MAPLE METHODIST MAPLE LAKE Easter Sunday services in the Maple Lake Methodist Church have been announced by the pastor, The Rev. Marvin K. Schell, as follows: Mrs. Arthur Scull, organist.

Mrs. The Lewis Prelude, Flyte, Easter chorister. Dawn, lay Hodson The Processional Hymn, Christ the Lord Is Risen Today The Anthem, Christ Arose The Day of Resurrection, by Organ Offertory, A The Recessional Hymn, All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name The Lord Is The Postlude, Risen by Root For News tune to WEJL JERMYN (Correspondent: Mrs. Richard Marian, telephone Jermyn 685.) Easter Vigil Mass Listed at Midnight JESSUP Joint Induction Planned by VFW Officers will be installed at joint ceremonies by Jessup Post 5544, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and its auxiliary Thursday, April 10, at 8:30 at the post home: Past Comdr. Thomas Sweeney will install the post officers and Mrs.

Clara David will be the installing officer for the auxiliary. JESSUP A talent show will be sponsored by the Holy Name Society of St. Michael's Slovak Church Sunday, April 13, at 8 P.M. in the. church auditorium.

The show originally was scheduled for Feb. 16 tickets purchased at that time will be honored. Michael E. Pitonual is general chairman with Stephen Jurkovie as cochairman and the Rev. Andrew E.

Dlugos is moderator. Assisting in arrangements are: Joseph Krempansky, Stephen Hiznay, John Hudak, Stephen Bocan, John Tasonyi, Michael Maceyko Stephen Powanda, Cyril Pollock, Michael Tonas, Albert Kolesar and Stephen Luchansky, tickets. Society officers are: Mr. Jurkovic, president; Michael E. Pitoniak, vice president; Charles Yasinskas, secretary, and Stephen Marcinko, treasurer.

Frank W. Kinosky is publicity director. Holy Name Group Arranging Show to do housework two or three days weekly. Phone HU. 9-0274.

Bazaar Scheduled A bazaar will be conducted man. See the New General Electric Refrigerators, Electric Ranges, Automatic Washers and Dryers at Ray Rogers, Peckville. Adv. -A1-3-4-13 Monday, April 28, in St. Mary's Assumption Church Auditorium.

The Rev. Mark A. pastor, is honorary chairman. Booths will feature baked goods, linens, canned goods, potted plants and Wild West articles. Entertainment will be provided and kitchen services will be available.

Committee heads are Joseph Scagliotte, general chairman; Miss Ann Cavagnaro, secretary; Mariane Simoncelli, treasurer; Mrs. Ann Ritzco, publicity chair- Interboro League Race Jessup Lanes Restaurant holds a one-game lead over. Biagoli's Cafe in the Interboro League after taking two tilts from U.N. Flyers and Biagoli's won two from Casket Shells. Joe Scagliotti of Kolesar's Markets, was high for a single game with 222 and three games with 574.

The team standings: Team Won Lost Jessup Lanes 24 15 Biagoli's 23 16 Larry's Cafe 21 18 Gus and Tom 21 18 Casket Shells 20 19 Giombetti's 19 20 PHC 17 22 UN Flyers 17 22 Rosetti's Ex. 17 22 Mkt. 16 23 VFW League Results Strony's Amusem*nts took over first place in the VFW League by winning two games from Lawler's Service Station in recent action. Sweeney's Plumbing and Heating moved into a second place tie with Lawler's. Frank Pauselli rolled 210 and 507 for single and three-game highs in the individual statistics.

The team standings: "Team Won Lost Strony's 17 10 Lawler's 16 Sweeney's 16 11 Krishanda's 11 16 VFW 5544 11 16 Alunni's 10 17 (Correspondent: Leo McAndrew. Telephone HU 9-0812) THROOP METHODIST The Rev. Clarence drews, pastor of the Throop Methodist Church, has announced the following Easter worship music program. The service is scheduled at 9:30 A.M. Organ.

Prelude, Medley of Easter Solo, Open the Gates of the Temple, Mrs. Randall Thorne Processional Hymn. Christ the Lord Risen Today Call to Worship by the Minister Hymn, Come Ye Faithful The Apostle's Creed Organ Meditation. Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart Collect for Easter Day Prayer Response, Saviour Hear Us, Easter Anthem, Hail, Glorious Morn, By the Senior Choir Scripture Lesson Matthew Prayer Summons, Jesus Stand Among: Us, in Thy Risen Power. Choir Pastoral Prayer Followed by The Lord's Prayer Easter Anthem, Up from the Grave He Children's Choir The Offertory, Medley of Easter Music Doxology Easter Anthems, Hail the Easter Morn and The Triumph Sermon, Christ the Lord Is Risen Indeed Recessional Hymn All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Benediction and Threefold Amen The Organ Postlude, Easter Hymns worship, 11, at which time there will be baptism of infants, reception of new members and communion.

Remarks by the pastor. The Youth Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Lester Davis, will sing "Easter Hymn" by Wesley. JERMYN- The Rev. John A.

O'Neill, of Sacred Heart of Mary Church, Easter announced Saturday the following Solemn paschal vigil, blessing services: of the new fire, paschal candle, baptismal water, tomorrow night at 10:45. At 12 midnight the Easter vigil mass will be celebrated. Confessions will be heard Saturday afternoon at 4 and in the evening at 7. JERMYN METHODIST JERMYN- The Rev. Thomas F.

Kline, pastor of the Jermyn Methodist Church, has announced the Easter Sunday program as follow: The time of service A.M. Organ Prelude, Diademata, E. L. Ashford Cal to, Worship, Responsively Minister and People Processional Hymn No. 51, Come, ye faithful, raise the strain, Standing Collect for Easter Day, Seated and in Unison Sacrament Silence The Lord's Prayer Anthem, All Creatures of Our God and King, Lorenz Junior Choir The Responsive Reading, Easter Day, Page 629 The Gloria Patri Our, Affirmation of Faith Service of Baptism The Scripture Lesson, St.

Mark Pastoral Prayer Worship Through Giving, The Mighty Triumph Lorenz Senior Choir Doxology a Hymn Sing of With All Preparation the Sons No. of 150, Glory, Standing The Easter Message, The Day Is Triumphant, Rev. Thomas F. Kline Closing Hymn No. 154, Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, Standing Benediction Organ Postlude Local News Notes The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet on Wednesday at 2 P.M., in the church parlors.

Mrs. Martin Richards will preside. Miss Ruth Wilson, R.N., has been removed to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Jefferson from St.

Joseph's Hospital, Carbondale, where she received treatment for a fractured ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Waters, Gibson are spending the weekend at Butler, Pa. Pearl Phillips, Washington has been discharged from Mid-Valley Hospital, Peckville.

1958 WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Completely Automatic Reg. $249.95 $12995 EASY TERMS JOHN RICCI SONS 819 Main St. Dickson City Phone HU 9-3911 Open Fri. and Sat. to 9 P.M.

Save Build Your Own Pole Barns clean Pressure- wood United States Department of ture. and your State Agricultural College have drawn up a variety of plans for pole frame structures, These are available to farmers who want to save money by building their own pole frame barns, abeds and shelters. These plans are especially designed for use with pressure-creosoted wood. When properly pressure-treated with creasote, wood becomes highly resistant attack by many of its natural enemies. yet retains its original degree of workability.

Records show that pressurecreosoted wood lasts up to seven times as long as untreated wood. Come in and see us. Let us show you some of the plans available and discuss more of the advantages of pressure-creosoted wood. Federal Creosoting Co. Avoca, Pa.

GL 7-6741 EASTER FLOWERS BIGGEST ASSORTMENT YOU'VE EVER SEEN Giant Lilies Tulips Azaleas Hyacinths Snowballs--All Colors At Our Famous Low Prices Don't Fall to Visit the Most Complete Fruit Market in the Valley Dickson City HIGHWAY MARKET 917 MAIN DICKSON CITY OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 10 P.M.- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 11 P.M..

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Article information

Author: Jerrold Considine

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.